Applications of ethical theories to human issues of life and death Flashcards
What is the UK law over Embryo Research?
- Licenses from the HFEA are granted only if research is essential
- Embryos must have been in-vitro
- Research is permitted up to 14 days then the embryo must be destroyed
- Pre-implation genetic diagnosis is permitted only for medical reasons
- Saviour Siblings allowed if there are no alternative methods
What does Natural Moral Law say about Embryo Research
- Destruction of the embryo is seen as murder and goes against preservation of life
- intention and action need to both be good (intention = curing infertility but action is destroying the embryo)
What does Natural Moral Law say about Cloning and Designer Babies?
Breaches Worship God (playing God)
Breaches Reproduction (wrong to separate sexual act and procreation)
Breaches Ordered Society (threats family unity and devalues the weak allowing for discrimination)
What does Situation Ethics say on the topic of embryo research, cloning and designer babies?
Personhood - Embryo is not a person and pose moral concerns
- agapeic calc must be followed
- humans responsible for own reproduction
- acknowledges risking in genetic engineering but these were more political than ethical
What does Virtue Ethics say on the topic of embryo research, cloning and designer babies
Hurthouse says we dont know when personhood starts
- COMPASSION: callous not to use PGD to prevent painful childs life
- JUSTICE: designer babies is a X
- COURAGE: could lead to germline therapy which is cowardice
UK laws on Abortion
Abortion is permitted up to 24 weeks but can be permitted up to the full term only if it is severe risk to the life of the mother
NML on Abortion
Direct Abortion: “grave moral disorder”
Breaches Worship God, Preservation of Life or Ordered Society
Catholic Church allows in all double effect criterias are met (indirect abortion - eg. a. mother undergoing chemotherapy and losing the child along the way)
Situation Ethics on Abortion
Personalism and Agape most important values.
Fletcher: “no unwanted child should ever be born”
Virtue Ethics on Abortion
Abortion can not be done “before sense and life havr begun”.
Abortion allowed if you have too many children and cannot take care of another child.
Abortion cannot be trivial or done out of self centredness such as hating the morning sickness
Law on Euthanasia
UK = illegal
some eu countries allow it 🇧🇪🇳🇱🇨🇭
NML on Euthanasia
Breaches Worship God, Preservation of Life (god can only take life) and Ordered Society promoting discrimination for disabled
Suffering = God’s plan?
Catholic Church permits ‘nature taking its course’ but not providing technology
Situation Ethics on Euthanasia
- was the choice rational and freely made?
- how likely diagnosis was
- whether more than one doctor agreeed
love is most important and Fletcher was in favour of voluntary euthanasia
Virtue Ethics on Euthanasia
- Hippocratic Oath: best care from doctors
- Suicide: cowardly act
- What about Compassion or Justice?
NML on Captial Punishment
legitimate if done by the states supporting ordered society and cardinal virtues of justice
Situation Ethics on Captial Punishment
What is most loving? -> takes into consideration everyone involved like murders family, victims family, society etc
Love and Justice = same
Virtue Ethics on Captial Punishment
Justice = altrustic and most important virtue as justice is every virtue summed up.
Captial Punishment may be needed to restore balance