Application to ethical theories to issues of human life and death Flashcards
Define capital punishment
State sanctioned murder, which provides justice to victims of some of the most serious of crimes.
It has been outlawed in Britain since 1965, its believed just under 1/2 of population wish for practice to be reinstated.
Deontological approach (NML) towards C.P
- Primary precept worship God, derive teaching “do not kill” Exodus.
Executing a person s rejecting this teaching from God. - Further, in Romans; “Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it
to the wrath of God” Insists revenge belongs to God + not our duty or right to provide justice in this way. - Both give clear + effective guidance.
Not effective guidance from NML on C.P
- primary precepts might give justification for + against C.P.
- In O.T states “eye for an eye”. Instructs us to return to those who have committed against others.
Case study: Frederick Baer murdered mother + 4 year old daughter, state of Indiana justified this case by taking his life by lethal injection. A NML, want primary precept of worship God + could include teachings from the Bible.
- Bible offers contradictory teachings on issues with C.P. thus is not effective guidance.
- St Thomas Aquila’s proposed other precepts, eg: preserve life, may give us moral guidance on the issue of C.P
- Necessary protective measure for society
Issue of C.P attitude of a S.E
Contextual relativism.
Quotes to do with C.P
Exodus; “do not kill”
Leviticus 24; “Whoever takes a human life shall surely be put to death”
John 1; “We should not be like Cain, who was the evil one + murdered his brother”
All instructions from scripture.
Pope Francis:
Previous Popes say there is a need if it protects society.
“Improve prison conditions, in respect of the human dignity of the persons deprived from freedom”
C.P to a Virtue ethicist
People take on the role of creationist
Application of ethical theories to Embryo research for NML
- can be used for primary precept (preserve life) Eg: through eradicating genetic diseases- synderesis principle.
- Advancement of knowledge; progress in diseases.
-Dystopia (Injustice within society) will create a disordered society.
-unnatural; interfering with reproduction
-Destroys embryos
“Knitted together in the womb”
Application of ethical theories to embryo research to designer babies
- Aristotle makes no statement of human embryos, though carried out experiments so might’ve been in favour.
- People in society could achieve eudaemonia if genetic diseases are eradicated, stops them flourishing.
- If embryo = person, then it’s murder Aristotle says it’s wrong.
MacIntyre; people need to have “narrative coherence” (representation/story it came from)
-Doctors motivation?
Is it ambition? (Moral virtue) companies could make millions = ambition; not to save but improve lives
Designer babies
- Creating a master race. Eg: elite mathematicians
- further class divide
- Genetically pure race
- “playing God” Stephen Hawkins
Example of designer babies
Chrissy Teigen
-chose to have a baby girl
SE: more loving Eg: rape or incest
Against: More loving alternatives; if method is being used for contraception.
SE: NO moral absolutes case-by-case/ limits human suffering / allows dying with dignity
Against; involuntary euthanasia, when in coma. Widespread unloving affects -(family)
Capital punishment
SE; protection of society Eg; those who have no hope for rehabilitation
Against: CP can be costly to state + more Money used for loving benefits
-Jesus prevented cp