Application: Community Intervention and Change: Eichler Ch. 1 & 2 (2007) Flashcards
Philosophies of
Saul Alinsky (1909-1972)
Model of Community
Organization BOOK Rules For Radicals
Rules for Radicals: A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic
Radicals (1971) BOOK
1.Do not result from a lack of effective solutions
but from lack of power to implement these
2. Any social change must be preceded by
acceptance of status quo
3. Community becomes disenchanted and will
embrace change
4. build long term power is by organizing people
and resources around a common vision
Conflict Organizing
What is it?
Using anger and blaming a selected, targeted individual by putting pressure
on the target to create a concession and cause change
*institution-based – pulls together existing organizations
*individual-based – (Acorn model) built one member at a time
*conflict - demonstrations, protests, sit-ins
*petition drives and electoral politics
Types of
Organizing EXAM SURE
(ACORN Style) – build
one member at a time
-Grassroots organizing -
organization is built from
scratch, developing new
leadership where none
existed before and
organizing the
-Faith-based organizing
(FBCO) – uses the power
and relationships of
congregations, unions
and associations as a
starting point for
building new
(Alinsky style) – use
bowling leagues, social
clubs, churches and
other organizations as
basic building blocks of
com m unity.
-Tying the self-interest of the community to the
self-interest of others to achieve a common goal.
-Political, economic and social power structure
from outside neighborhood
-Focus both groups on mutual self-interest tactics
Bridging resources of internal and external
-Create organizations to work on short and long
term solutions