Apple Flashcards
Where is Apples HQ?
Cupertino, Northern California
When Apple did start business?
What happened since 2000?
Apple has experienced phenomenal growth because of its development of mobile and wifi devices.
What happened to Apple in 2019?
It became the world’s:
- Largest IT company by revenue
- Third largest mobile phone manufacturer
- Number 1 global brand by value ($234 billion)
How many employees does Apple have?
How many retail stores does Apple have in how many countries?
510 retail stores in 22 countries
How many employees does Apple have in all 50 states across the USA?
Why is Shenzen so popular with TNCs?
Shenzen is the location of China’s first and most successful SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONE.
What does SEZ stand for?
Special economic zone
What are some of the benefits of an SEZ?
- Tax incentives (reduced corporate income tax rate by 24%)
- Infrastructure development
- Cheap labour
Tax is the main one
What has Shenzen’s population growth been like since the 1980s when it was made an SEZ.
1980 - 332,900
2023 - 13,073,000
How many employees does FOXCONN have working on Apple products in China?
1.3 million
What are the working conditions and pay like at FOXCONN?
Working conditions are extremely poor and employees earn around $300 per month.
What has the poor working conditions and low pay lead to?
14 suicides in 2010
Suicide nets were put up all over accommodation after this happened as most people live on site.
What are some specific issues with the working conditions?
Workers in FOXCONN factories producing Apple products have been exposed to toxic chemicals used to clean the products.
Earplugs and goggles were not always available to workers on certain machinery making work dangerous.
In 2017 student interns were found working excessive hours against FOXCONN policies.
What did Apple do after criticisms from Greenpeace in the 2000s?
They started the ‘Green my Apple’ campaign.
What did the ‘Green my Apple’ campaign do?
- 100% renewable energy in the US
- Apple established their own energy company (Apple Energy) the majority of which was powered by solar power.
- Removed all PVC plastics and toxic chemicals from products.
-Promotes recycling of Apple products. (However lack of repairability is still an issue)
- Apple moved from 11th in Greenpeace ‘green electronics’ rankings in 2006 to 2nd by 2017.
In 2019 what percentage of product sales were in the USA?
When did China temporarily become the 2nd largest market for Apple products?
Europe were then re-established as 2nd
Services are becoming a much larger part of Apples business.
How much has Apples service revenue increased since 2013?
3x as much
2013 - $13.5 billion
2020 - more than $50 billion
What did a trade war between the US and China cause?
Tariffs on imports to the US from China.
Where is the European HQ of Apple?
Cork, Ireland
When and why did the European HQ move to Ireland?
Apple was lured in in the 1980s by the governments 12.5% corporation tax, the 2nd lowest in the EU.
How many employees does Apple have in cork?
Corks largest private employer
How many jobs has Apples presence in cork generated?
Around 3000
Why were Apple criticised in Cork?
For not creating sufficient work for locals.
They hired lots of high skilled foreign workers
How many nationalities and languages are spoken in the Cork HQ
90 nationalities
53 different languages spoken
How has Apple contributed to the city of cork?
Infrastructural improvement
What aspects of Ireland does Apple enhance?
Its reputation and global connectivity.