appendicular muscles Flashcards
flexes and adducts the arm
flexes forearm
biceps brachii long head
flexes arm; flexes and supinates forearm
triceps brachii long head
extends arm and foream
triceps brachii medial and lateral head
extend forearm
flexes forearm
forearm flexor muscles anterior
flex wrist and digits
forearm extensor muscles posterior
extend wrist and fingers
Thenar group
move thumb
Hypothenar group
moves pinky
abducts and adducts digits
trunk and thigh flexion
gluteus maximus
extension and lateral rotation of thigh
gluteus minimus and medius
abduction of the thigh and stabilization of trunk
tensor fascia lata
flexes, abducts, and medially rotates thigh
iliotibial band
stabilizes thigh and trunk
during walking and running