Appendicitis/gallbladder/pancreatitis Flashcards
Psoas sign is described as?
abdominal pain elicited by passive extension of the hip
abdominal palpation that yields rebound tenderness is?
positive blumbergs
obturator sign is?
abdominal pain elicited by passive flexion and internal rotation of the hip
signs of appendicitis?
epigastric and periumbicilical pain with discomfort shifting rRLQ over 12 hours. worsened by coughin or walking. N/V late signs.
diagnostics appendicitis?
total WBC and differential - left shift. leukocytosis, neutrophilia (elevated > 7000), bandemia (elevation in young neutrophils), ABC > 500. rule out pregnancy hcg. can do CRP. CT image of choice. can do US if worried about exposure. limited use of US in pregnant women due to changes.
signs of severe infection?
bandemia wont exist in severe infection. instead myelocytes and metamyleocytes are omnious marker of life threatening infection.
signs appendiceal perforation?
leukocytosis > 20,000 - 30,000, fever > 102, syptoms > 48 hours. ill defined borders, dull percussion.
treatment appendicitis?
laproscopy or laparatomy. if rupture with localized abscess and peritonitis, CT with abscess aspriation can be done first. and ectomy after antimicrobrial therapy.
common form of stones in gallbladder?
what is cholethiasis
formation of calculi or gallstones but wihrouth presence of gallbladder or associated structure.
signs of gallstones?
intermittent discomfort, sudden onset, post prandial after 1 hour of meal, particularly fatty meal. RUQ or epigastric occassionally radiates to scapula . last 1-5 hours. n/v. biliary colic.
What is collins sign?
radiation of gallstone pain from RUQ or epigastric to right scapula.
what is acute cholecystitis?
acute inflamm of gallbladder, often caused by gallstones. ocassional fever, RUQ pain, vomiting, tenderness of palpatino. murphy’s sign, palpable gallbladder rarely noted.
labs with cholecystitis
leukocytosis > 12,000 - 20,000, elevated hepatic enzymes.
diagnostic testing for gallstones?
RUQ ultrasound. HID scan more sensitive to reveal obstructed duct.