Appendices Flashcards
Anaphylaxis guidelines:
Adrenaline - Shockable (VF/pVT) - how to dose:
- Dose: 1 mg (10 mL 1:10 000 or 1 mL 1:1000) IV
- Given after the 3rd shock once compressions have resumed
- Repeated every 3-5 min (alternate cycles)
- Given without interrupting compressions
Adrenaline - Non-Shockable (PEA/Asystole) - how to dose:
- Dose: 1 mg (10 mL 1:10 000 or 1 mL 1:1000) IV
- Given as soon as IV access achieved
- Repeated every 3-5 min (alternate cycles)
- Given without interrupting compressions
What are the alpha-adrenergic effects of ADR?
- Systemic vasoconstriction
- Increases coronary perfusion pressures
- Increases cerebral perfusion pressures
What are the beta-adrenergic effects of ADR?
- +ve Inotropic
- +ve Chronotropic
- May increase coronary blood flow
- May increase cerebral blood flow
Increases myocardial O2 demand
Amiodarone - Shockable (VF/pVT) - how to dose:
- Dose: 300 mg bolus IV diluted in 5% dextrose (or other suitable solvent) to a volume of 20 ml
- Given during compressions after 3 shocks
- Further dose of 150 mg if VF/pVT persists after 5 shocks
Amiodarone - Non-Shockable (PEA/Asystole) - how to dose:
- Not indicated
MOA of amiodarone:
- Membrane-stabilising drug
- Increases the duration of the action potential & refractory period in atrial & ventricular myocardium
- AV conduction is slowed
What to flush amiodarone with?
- 0.9% sodium chloride
- Or 5% dextrose
Indications for NaHCO3:
- Cardiac arrest ass. w/ HyperK
What dose of NaHCO3 is used?
- 50 mmol (50 ml of 8.4% soln.) IVI
Is NaHCO3 used routinely in cardiac arrest?
- NO
Only when HyperK present
Adverse effects of using NaHCO3:
- Produces CO2
- Worsens intracellular acidosis
- Negative inotrope
- Produces large osmotically active Na load to brain
- Shifts O2 dissociation curve to the left - inhibiting O2 release
When are fibrinolytics used in cardiac arrest?
- NOT used routinely
- ONLY when suspected or proven acute PE
Dosage of fibrinolytics when suspecting / Dx acute PE:
- Alteplase 50 mg IV bolus
- or Tenecteplase 500 - 600 mcg/kg IV bolus
Indication for adenosine:
- Paroxysmal SVT
6mg - 12mg - 18mg as rapid IV bolus + rapid flush (short half life)
Indications for Adrenaline apart from cardiac arrest:
- Bradycardia
- Anaphylaxis
Dose of adrenaline for bradycardia:
- 2-10 mcg/min
Dose of adrenaline for anaphylaxis:
- 0.5 mg IMI (repeat every 5 min)
- 50 mcg IV bolus titrated to effect while awaiting infusion
- 1 mg ADR in 100 ml 0.9% NaCl starting @ 0.5 - 1.0 ml/kg/hr IVI titrated to clinical response
Indications for amiodarone other than shockable rhythm cardiac arrest:
- Rx of haemodynamically stable monomoprhic VT, polymorphic VT & wide-complex tachycardia of uncertain origin
- Rate control &/or chemical cardioversion of pre-excited atrial arrhythmias (AF)
- To increase liklihood of electrical cardioversion
Dosage of amiodarone for Rx of arrhythmias:
- 300 mg IVI over 10-60 min
- Followed by 900 mg infusion over 24 hrs
Indications for atropine:
- Unstable sinus, atrial or nodal bradycardia
- Unstable AV block
Dose of atropine:
- 500 mcg IVI stat
- Repeated up to 6 doses for max of 3 mg
Indications for B-Blockers:
- Stable regular narrow complex tachycardias unresponsive to vagal manoeuvres or Adenosine
- Rate control AF & atrial flutter
Indications for Verapamil:
- Stable regular narrow complex tachycardias unresonsive to vagal manoeuvres or Adenosine
- Rate control AF & atrial flutter when duration < 48 hrs
Indications of digoxin:
- AF w/ fast ventricular response
Indications for inotropes & vasopressors:
- Hypotension in absence of hypovolaemia
- Cardiogenic shock
Dosages of Noradrenaline & Dobutamine:
- Noradrenaline 0.05 - 1 mcg/kg/min
- Dobutamine 5 - 20 mcg/kg/min
Indications for Mg:
- Polymorphic VT - Torsades de Pointes
- Digoxin toxicity
- Rx of hypoMg
Dosage of Mg:
- 2 g IV over 10 min
Indications for Nitrates:
- Prevention or relief of angina
- Acute & chronic LVF