APO Flashcards
Indication for nitrates in APO
SOB w/ crackles
Indication for CPAP in APO
No improvement with nitrates or full-field APO
cmH2o for CPAP in APO
10cmH2O, with concurrent nitrate admin
BiPAP parameters for APO
IPAP 10cm
EPAP 5cm
FiO2 1.0
Increase to IPAP15 and EPAP10 if no improvement.
Titrate FIO2 to 92-96% once improved.
Indication for Frusemide in APO
Normotensive/hypertension resolved, consider 20-40mg IV or pt daily dose as single dose (max 100mg) IV
Contraindications to CPAP
- Inability to Mx own airway
- Upper airway obstruction
- Hypoventilation
- Haemodynamic instability
- Injuries precluding mask application
Indications for removal of CPAP (8)
- Ineffective
- Cardiac arrest
- Mask intolerance
- Decreasing resp effort
- Nil improvement after 1hr
- Deteriorating VSS
- Secretions/vomiting
- Loss of airway control
Rationale for PAP in APO
Decreases effects of alveolar surface oedema on gas exchange
Increased intrathoracic pressure improves LV performance by decreasing preload/afterload
Decreased WOB reducing sympathetic myocardial demand