APK 1996 Part II Flashcards
the following muscles act to flex the humerus, EXCEPT:
the muscle which covers the 6 external hip rotator is:
gluteus maximus
the following cranial nerves have spinal sensory functional components, EXCEPT:
the olfactory nerve
what is the test position of a fair or better lower trapezius muscle
prone with the arms over the head
when an individual stands erect, with weight evenly distributed on both feet, the load on each hip is approximately. what percentage of the total body weight:
the primary function of the posterior lobe of the cerebellum is:
coordination of skilled movement
the highest tension is generated in which of the following muscle contractions
fast lengthening
facets of thoracic spine are oriented in what plane:
the main source of ATP immediately after exercising for 10seconds
heat receptor
ruffini’s end organs
the gluteus maximus shows peak activity during
early stance
course of the anterior cruciate ligament
upward, backward, lateral
the strongest extensors of the lumbar spine in strengthening up from a forward flexed bending position are the
multifidus muscles
the flexor muscles of the elbow would be at best advantage when at what degree of flexion
the union of brachiocephalic vein of both sides form the
superior vena cava
the most important shoulder flexors are the
anterior deltoid and clavicular potion of the pectoralis major
voluntary breathing control resides in the
cerebral motor cortex
during defecation, an individual has voluntary control over the motor activities of his/her:
external anal sphincter
the normal pinch strength of adult males:
the ventricles of the brain are lined
choroid epithelium
not a part of the muscle spindle
extrafusal fibers
injury to the facial nerve at the stylomastoid foramen with result in:
facial palsy
the lung volume that is involved in gas exchange with the capillary blood at the end of a normal expiration is:
tidal volume
the most stable position of the hip
determinant of heart rate
changes in K
structure medial to the biceps tendon and deep to the bicipital aponeurosis
deep brachial artery
the muscles which flex the MP joints after extending the IP joint are the following, EXCEPT:
long flexors
a fracture at the proximal neck of fibula may injure the:
common peroneal nerve
the external jugular vein is found at the
posterior triangle of the neck
the only prehension pattern that can be observed in a patient with a median nerve injury
lateral pinch
a fan knife trust into the medial and midpart aspect of the arm may injure the following, EXCEPT:
radial nerve
posterior border of the posterior triangle of the neck
a razor slash at the anterior surface of the wrist will likely damage the
ulnar nerve
major sensory component of the spindle
annulospiral nerve endings
the predicted maximum heart rate for a 50 year old male is
shoulder medial rotation is performed by the
a. all of these
b. latissimus dorsi
c. subscapularis
d. teres major
all of these
the key joint in hand movements
wrist joints
flexion-extension of the thoracic spine totals how much?
this is not a characteristic of a hamstring muscle
inserts into the tibia or fibula (biceps short head)
the automatic respiratory center is located in the
intervertebral discs are located between vertebral bodies from:
C2 to S1
pulls the scapula medial, upward and posteriorly:
a. rhomboids minor
b. rhomboids major
c. all of these
d. levator scapulae
all of these
branch of the vertebrobasilar artery of the brain:
internal auditory artery
the bandage muscle, wrapping around other neck muscles
during flexion of the ankle:
the malleoli approximate each other
most important function of the astrocyte:
structural support to nervous tissue
the following muscle help maintain the relationship articulating part in the shoulder joint, EXCEPT:
teres major
meniscal tears in the knee joint usually result from:
rotation in partial flexion
osseous structure which serve as guides to completion of skeletal maturation include all of the following, EXCEPT:
union of ischium and pubis
the swaying of the arms when walking occurs around this axis:
the muscle lateral to the pectineus
the superficial group of muscles of the back includes:
the origin of the parasympathetic preganglionic nerve fibers supplying the urinary bladder is:
sacral spinal cord segments 2,3,4
considering the pain distribution along the medial border of the dorsum of the foot, which spinal level is represented by the saphenous nerve?
largest branch of the lumbar plexus:
anterior crural
synergist of finger flexors:
wrist extensors
muscle tested as an elbow flexor with forearm pronated
the nerve necessary for a normal precision grips
stroke volume is lowest in
erect position
the fibers in connective tissue are synthesized by the
expulsive form of cough requires which of the following muscle to contract most forcefully:
the normal physiologic curves in children will become similar to that of an adult by the age of
a patient has bilateral quadriceps weaknesses. the most difficult task for him to do is:
going downstairs
in a full term baby, knee extension is incomplete by about
the principal product of the adrenal medulla is
epinephrine (80%)
a fracture of this bone typically involve the neck and may result in a vascular necrosis
the femur is approximately what portion of a person’s height?
a hack wound extending to the bone on the postero-medial aspect of the upper limb above the elbow joint will likely damage the
ulnar nerve
muscle which may compress the sciatic nerve as the nerve passes underneath it:
“miner’s elbow” refers to an inflammation of the
olecranon bursa
in lowering yourself to a chair from standing to sitting, the quadriceps are doing
eccentric contraction
the lateral cord continues as the
musculocutaneous nerve
this route of the sound waves is fastest and used in normal hearing
air conduction
the bodies of the fifth to the ninth thoracic vertebral are usually asymmetric because of
presence of pericardium and heart
during the stance phase of the gait cycle
a. increase activity of the gastrocsoleus
b. increase activity of the quadriceps
c. increase activity of the gluteus medius
d. all of these
all of these
the plane of progression during ambulation
the sagittal plane
the line of the ground reactive force at heel strike extends
through the knee
branch of the facial nerve innervating the lacrimal gland
zygomatic branch
muscle which substitutes for a weak or paralyzed scapular adduction
strongest hand prehension position is provided by
hook prehension
will lead to edema formation, EXCEPT:
decrease in permeability of the capillaries
after removal of the patella from the knee
the quadriceps acts with a shorter level arm
the decerebrate posture generally indicates lesion of the
with the exception of the pisiform, which is the smallest of the carpal bone
functions of the cruciate ligaments, EXCEPT:
tense in all positions of the knee especially in extreme flexion and extension
a facet oriented in the sagittal plane allows what motion
the following statements are TRUE about the lateral malleolus, EXCEPT:
its distal extension acts as a deterrent to inversion ankle sprains
hyperventilation in the absence of increased CO2 production results in
flexion at the metatarsophalangeal joints is possible up to
the most abundant protein in the bidy
point at the root of the nose where the frontonasal suture crosses the medial plane
muscles responsible for rotation of the scapula as in full abduction of the arm:
trapezius and serratus anterior
in contrast to axons, dendrites are typically:
receive more synaptic contacts
if the motor root of the trigeminal nerve is injured, paralysis occurs in:
tensor tympani
a strong maximum concentric contraction of the biceps is best elicited when elbow flexion is combined with:
forearm supination and finger flexion
forms part of the medial wall of the axilla
serratus anterior
a brainstem level reflex:
positive supporting reaction
this cranial nerve has NO connection with the parasympathetic system:
b. CN V
d. CN XI
NOT an important crutch walking muscle
middle trapezius
a muscle that complements the posterior cruciate major and helps prevent forward subluxation of the femur when doing knee bends is the: