APK 1996 Part I Flashcards
External rotators of the shoulders
a. Infraspinatus, Teres minor, posterior deltoid
b. subscapularis, teres major, latissimus dorsi
c. pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, subscapularis
d. trapezius, rhomboid, levator scapulae
Infraspinatus, Teres Minor, Posterior Deltoid
Muscle that is not attached to the humerus
a. Supraspinatus
b. Pectoralis Major
c. Pectoralis Minor
d. Teres Major
Pectoralis Minor
Bicipital Lip (PLDT)
Lateral Lip: Pectoralis Major, Latissimus Dorsi, Teres Major
Principle muscle involved in light hand closure
a. lumbrical
b. FDP
c. interossei
d. FDS
Flexor Digitorum Profundus
Force Hand Closure = FDS, FDP, + Interossei
Light Hand Opening= ED + Lumbricals
Force Hand Opening= ED + Lumbricals + Interossei
This blood vessel does not originate from the aortic arch
a. Right common carotid artery
b. Left subclavian artery
c. Inominate artery (Brachiocephalic artery)
d. Left Common subclavian artery
Right common carotid artery
In a third class lever
a. none of these
b. the weight of the arm is longer than the force arm
c. the weight arm and force arm are equal
d. the force arm is longer than the weight arm
The weight arm is longer than the force arm
Muscle facial expression
a. Digastric
b. Temporalis
c. Masseter
d. Platysma
Bell of the foot corresponds to the:
Heads of metatarsals
Anconeus is responsible for:
a. helping maintain elbow extension
b. stabilizing the elbow joint during other movements of the UE
c. all of these
d. initiating extension of the elbow
- Helping maintain elbow extension
- Stabilizing the elbow joint during other movements of the upper extremity.
- Initiating extension of the elbow
Muscle innervated by the radial nerve
a. FCR
b. FPL
c. FDS
d. APL
Abductor Pollicis Longus
Overlapping of receptive field improves this phenomenon sensation
The conoid and trapezoid are ligaments that connect the:
coracoids and clavicle
In the process of rising up from the sitting position, the following muscles are active, EXCEPT:
The trapezius and serratus anterior:
acts as synergists in UPWARD ROTATION and antagonist in RETRACTION and PROTRACTION
in what movement of the scapula are the upper and lower trapezius muscles synergists:
upward rotation
in a midclavicular fracture, the structure that protects the underlying vessels from being injured is the:
the highest content of elastic fiber is found in the ligament:
ligamentum flavum
NOT an extrinsic muscle of the hand:
a. EPL
b. ED
c. ECR
d. FDS
extensor carpi radialis
this does not describe the 7th rib
a. typical rib
b. has two demifacets on its head
c. longest rib
d. most oblique rib
most oblique rib (9th rib)
stimulation of the vagus nerve may be expected to result in
vasodilation and bradycardia
bradycardia is heart beats less than
60 per minute
N= 60-100bpm
interaction between actin and myosin filaments during muscle contraction is brought to a stop because of:
decrease concentration of intracellular calcium ions
a shunt muscle:
will usually have a long lever arm like the brachioradialis (for stability)
a house painter who often works with raised arms as the hands work at a height should primarily be given strengthening exercises for the:
serratus anterior (SH flex et UR)
efferent fibers of the muscle spindle come from the
gamma motor neuron
inability to make a complete fist with palmarflexion of the wrist is due to
passive insufficiency of the wrist extensors
muscle which has its distal attachment on the pisiform
flexor carpi ulnaris
the glenohumeral joint is most instable in this position
flexed, abducted, externally rotated (FABER)
the functional position of the deltoid ligaments are the following, EXCEPT:
lateral malleolus
deltoid ligaments:
ANTATI: ant. talotibial
POTATI: post. talotibial
CATI: calcaneotibial
TINA: tibial navicular
the attachment of the deltoid ligaments are the following, EXCEPT:
a. none of these
b. slight extension of the wrist to 40deg.
c. radial deviation to 5deg.
d. ulnar deviation to 15deg.
slight extension of the wrist to 40deg.
type of nerve fiber that has the fastest conduction:
large myelinated axons
this ligament does NOT contribute to the stability of the hip joint:
a. ischiofemoral ligament
b. ligamentum teres
c. pubofemoral ligament
d. iliofemoral ligament
ligamentum teres
this is a movement in the transverse plane
external rotation
the most commonly injured ligament of the ankle joint in the sprain is the
anterior talofibular ligament
with the forearm in the fully pronated position, flexion of the elbow is carried out mostly by the
the biggest volume that can be expired by a person is called
vital capacity
the lumbrical muscle:
a. all of these are true
b. is the only intrinsic muscle responsible for MCP-flexion
c. together with the dorsal interossei, are primarily responsible for extension of the DIP joint
d. has a better leverage as a DIP extensor compared to its leverage as an MCP flexor
has a better leverage as a DIP extensor compared to its leverage as an MCP flexor
the blood supply of the posterior thigh muscles comes mainly from
profunda femoris artery
responsible for shoulder retraction
trapezius and rhomboids
a lesion of the subthalmic nucleus will result in
triceps activity is enhanced by
elbow extension combined with shoulder flexion
the arcade of frohse may compress the
posterior interosseous nerve
the movement of C1 ions across the membrane is mainly by
facilitated diffusion
the normal width of the walking base
2-4 inches
when the knee is extended, hip flexion is limited to 60-80 degrees because of passive insufficiency of the:
the first line of defense against bacterial infection, among the cellular elements, are the:
the nerve that crosses the elbow as a pure sensory is the
given a blood pressure of 130/95, the pulse pressure is
which part of the upright lung has the greatest perfusion
the axis for subtalar abduction and adduction is
muscle power is greatest at approximately ___% of the maximum load:
the most abundant cation found inside living cells is
the space that is entered during a lumbar puncture to obtain cerebrospinal fluid sample is the
subarachnoid space
a forearm muscle that belongs to the extensor group but flexes the elbow is the
pronation-supination movement of the forearm brings about gliding motion in the following, EXCEPT
ulnar-humeral articulation
norepinephrine is the neurotransmitter of the
majority of the postganglionic sympathetic endings
inspiration requires:
increase in intrathoracic volume
stability of the ankle joint is primarily afforded by the
ligamentous connection
proprioception is characterized by
a. the rapid adaptation of the receptors
b. a strong affect
c. all of these
d. stimulation of the receptors by joint motion
all of these
of the following substances, which of them can cross the plasma membrane most easily:
the external intercostals
does not show any activity during normal, quite breathing
the radial head is kept in place by the:
annular ligament
paralysis of the left gluteus medius can be compensated by:
allowing the pelvis to sag laterally toward the unsupported side until the left hip is maximally adducted
the calorie coat of walking a given distance is lowest at a walking speed of about ____ miles per hour:
ligaments that limit shoulder flexion and extension at the glenohumeral joint
coracohumeral ligament
the most superficial muscle in the posterior trunk
the average total range of motion for knee axial rotation
40 deg.
the strongest support for the longitudinal arch of the foot is the:
tibialis posterior
men climbing high mountains will have enormous water losses from:
increased urination
given a blood pressure of 130/95, the mean arterial pressure is around:
the main function is to stabilize the scapula
serratus anterior
the center of gravity of the extended upper extremity is approximately:
just above the elbow joint
ulnar deviation at the wrist is brought about by the action of the
flexor carpi ulnaris with the extensor carpi ulnaris
a person’s grip is weaker, if his wrist is in a flexed
passive insufficiency of the finger extensors and active insufficiency of the finger flexorst
the cellular property of neurons which enables them to receives and transmit information is
a stab would to the popliteal fossa will primarily injure which structure
popliteal artery
neck side flexion isometric movements is a test for muscles innervated by roots:
this term implies passage of an impulse across a junction
if the heart rate is 60bpm and the stroke volume is 90mL, then cardiac output is:
with paralysis of the gastrocsoleus
there will be marked difficult in running and jumping
anterior dislocation of the glenohumeral joint is usually potentiated by weakness of this muscle
during your dissection, in order to expose the brachial artery at the elbow, you have tp cut this structure
bicipital aponeurosis
deconditioning effects of prolonged bed rest, EXCEPT
decrease in the heart rate response to effort
the epiphysis of a bone is
located next to the joint
the H-zone contains
the soleus muscles
contains a higher proportion of slow-twitch fibers compared to the gastrocnemius
which of the following correctly describes the intrapleural pressure during a normal unforced breathing
always negative
the teres minor as a rotator cuff muscle
prevent shoulder subluxation when carrying a load in the hand while standing erect
the connection tissue covering of a muscle fiber
injury to this nerve produces this type of winging of the scapula. the medial border of the scapula is closer to the midline and the inferior angle is medially rotated:
long thoracic
the hip hiking muscle
quadratus lumborum
NOT a characteristic of the lateral epicondyle
it is more prominent than the medial epicondyle
in the contrast to a nerve action potential a muscle action potential has
a more negative resting membrane potential
the first heart sound is associated with the closure of
tricuspid and mitral valves
how many compartments are in the lower leg
NOT found in the I-band
a hacking wound in the posterior and midpart of the arm by a halo may injure the following, EXCEPT:
musculocutaneous nerve
death of the cortex of the bone from occlusion of the nutrient vessels caused by intense infection is called:
the tibialis anterior
is not capable of everting the foot at all
true of the brachialis muscle
its effectively as an elbow flexor is unaffected by the position of the forearm
the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee is taut during
full side extension