API publications necessarily address problems of what type?
General nature. (special notes section)
API Standard 653 covers in service steel tanks built to what standards?
API 650 (1.1.3)
What API Standard always governs for tanks that have been placed in service?
API 650 or its predecessor API 12C
API Standard 653 employs the design of what standard?
API 650
When design and construction details are not given and are not available in the standard to which the in service tank was originally constructed, then the details that provide a level of integrity equal to the level provided by the current edition of which standard must be used?
API 650
Who has the ultimate responsibility for complying with the provisions of API 653?
The inspection agency of the jurisdiction in which the above ground storage tank is operated is called what?
Authorized Inspection Agency
An employee of an authorized inspection agency certified as an AST Inspector per API 653 Appendix D, is known as what?
What is the total metal loss divided by the period of tim over which the metal loss occurred?
What is the definition of a “repair” to a tank?
Work necessary to maintain or restore a tank to a condition suitable for safe operation.
What must be done when the results of a tank inspection show that a change has occurred from the original physical condition of a tank?
An evaluation shall be made to determine its suitability for continued use.
What must be done when the cone roof tank roof plates corrode to an average thickness of less than 0.09 inches in and 100 square inches area?
Shall be Repaired or Replaced.
What section of API 653 must be considered when managing the service of a tank of operation at temperatures above 200 degrees F?
API 650, Appendix M
What form of corrosion does not normally represent a significant threat to the overall structural integrity of a tank shell unless it is present in a severe and numerous form?
When can widely scattered pits inside the tank shell be ignored?
No pit depth results in the remaining shell thickness being less than one-half the minimum acceptable tank shell thickness exclusive of the corrosion allowance.
what is the risk of brittle fracture failure in continued service after a tank has demonstrated the ability to withstand the combined effects of maximum liquid level (highest stresses) and lowest operating temperature without failing?
What can foundation settlement cause to appear in the shell of an AST?
Out of roundness, buckled areas, flat spots, and peaking and banding at welded joints.
Unless a stress analysis is performed, what is the minimum bottom plate thickness in the critical zone of the tank bottom?
smaller of one-half the original bottom plate thickness
The external condition of storage tanks shall be monitored by close visual inspection from the ground on a routine basis.. This inspection can be done by owner/operator personnel, and can be done by other than an Authorized Inspector. The interval of such inspections shall not exceed how many months?
1 month
External ultrasonic thickness measurements of the shell, when used and when the corrosion rate is not known, are taken at intervals not to exceed how many years?
5 years
Who assured the quality and completeness of NDE results obtained during a formal internal inspection of a in service AST?
Authorized inspector
The initial internal inspection interval for an AST shall not exceed how many years (exulting RBI analysis)?
10 years
Name the three types of records the owner/operator is required to keep for AST’s?
- Construction records,
- Inspection records,
- repair/alteration history.
(6. 8.1)
If existing plates are to be used to reconstruct a tank, the plates shall be checked for what conditions?
excessive corrosion and pitting.
New weld joint details on a reconstructed tank shall meet the welding requirements of what standard?
current applicable standard
Shell penetrations on reconstructed tanks shall be designed, detailed, welded and examined to meet the requirements of what standard?
Current applicable standard
All repair work on an AST must be authorized by whom before commencement of work?
authorized inspector or an engineer experienced in storage tank design.
The minimum dimension for a replacement shell plate is?
12 in. or 12 times the thickness of the replacement plate, whichever is greater.
Are lap patch shell repairs permitted at all in API 653?
Lapped patch plates shall not have a thickness less than how many inches?
1/2 inch
What is the maximum vertical and horizontal dimension of a lapped patch repair plate per API 653?
48in. and 72in.
9. 3.1.7
What NDE techniques must be applied prior to application of a lapped patch shell repair? The areas to be welded shall be checked for plate defects and remaining thicknesses.
When a reinforcement plate is used with a penetration, the minimum diameter of the insert plate shall be determined how?
The minimum diameter of the insert plate shall be at least twice the diameter of the penetration or the diameter plus 12in., whichever is greater.
What is the minimum dimension of a welded-on patch plate that overlaps a bottom seam on a tank bottom?
12 in
What is the maximum thickness of a welded-on patch plate that is used to make a bottom repair within the critical zone?
1/4 in
What are some examples of a suitable non-corrosive material cushion that shall be used between an old and new tank bottom?
Sand, gravel, and concrete.
What method of repair is acceptable for external floating roofs?
Any method of repair
what is the minimum height of a tank liquid above a tank shell hot tap location during the hot tapping operation?
Tanks and their structural attachments shall be welded in accordance with the processes specified in which standards?
API 650, Section 5.8 and the requirements of through
may welding be performed during the reconstruction of a tank if the temperature of the base metal is less than 32 degrees F?
On a reconstructed tank according to API Standard 653, reinforcement of new welds on all butt joints on each side of the plate shall not exceed the following, for plate thickness
3/32 & Table 10.1
During reconstruction of a tank shell with plate thickness 5/8 inch or less, misalignment in completed vertical joints shall not exceed what dimension?
The welder or welding operator’s ID mark shall be hand or machine-stamped to along the completed welds on reconstructed tanks. What is the interval spacing in feet?
For AST’s, NDT examinations shall be performed in accordance with which API standards?
API 650, section 8
What are you looking for when you check the immediate area of an addition of a reinforcing plate to an existing penetration?
Ultrasonic examination of shell plate for laminations
For AST’s, what NDE techniques shall be used to check completed welds attaching nozzle neck to shell, and reinforcing plate to shell and to nozzle neck?
MT or PT
An inspector is responsible for inspecting a new shell plate that is joined to another new shell plate. What inspection method(s) is/are required by API 653?
Upon completion of welding on a tank bottom, the plates and the entire length of new welds for tank bottom plates shall be examined by what NDE technique to check for any potential defects and leaks?
visual inspection
Repaired vertical joints in existing shell plates shall have how many additional radiographs(s) taken at each joint?
1 radiograph
What is the minimum number of radiographs required, when a new or replacement circular insert plate is butt welded to the shell?
1 radiograph
If you see a “R” on a radiograph and radiograph records of a repaired welds, what does the “R” signify?
repaired welds
When a reconstructed tank and any that has undergone major repairs or major alterations it shall have a full hydrostatic test. How long is the hydrostatic test held?
24 hours
What steps and documentation is required by API 653 in order to exempt a major repair or major alteration of a tank from hydrostatic testing?
approved by engineer and owner/operator
When tanks reconstructed in accordance with API 653, what attachment is required to be attached to the tank?
Corrosion resistant metal nameplate (letters and numerals not less than 5/32 in).
When should a monitoring program to determine the effects of settlement on storage tanks be initialized?
in determining the effects of soil settlement on storage tanks
What steps should be taken if at any time the settlement of a tank is deemed to be excessive?
the tank should be emptied and re-leveled.
When taking tank settlement readings internally across the bottom of a tank (tank is out of service), what is the maximum spacing of the points along the tank diameter?
FIg. B.1
What type of settlement (more than all the others) should be evaluated to ensure the structural integrity of the shell and bottom of the tank?
Out-of-plane settlement
An API 653 inspector must satisfy the API criteria for education and experience. How many years experience is required if the inspector has a high school diploma?
3 years
After an inspector has been certified, the inspector must demonstrate knowledge of revisions to API 653 after how many years from the inspector’s initial certification date?
6 years