API 510 - Section - 8 Flashcards
Repair & Alteration:
All repairs and alterations to pressure vessels shall be performed by a ,,,,
repair organization
Repairs to pressure-relieving devices should be in accordance with ,,,, and the ,,,,,
API 576
approved relief valve QA manual
Authorization (RAR)
All repair and alteration work shall be authorized by the ,,,,, before the work is started by a repair organization.
Authorization (RAR):
Authorization for alterations to pressure vessels that comply with ASME Code, Section VIII Divisions 1 and 2 may not be given until ,,,,, has also authorized the work
an engineer (Means both AI & E)
Authorization (RAR):
The ,,,,, will designate the hold points that are required for repairs and alterations
Authorization (RAR):
The inspector may give prior general authorization for ,,,,,, repairs on a specific vessel provided the,,,,, is satisfied with the competency of the repair organization and the repairs are the kind that will not require a ,,,,
limited or routine
pressure test
Approval (RAR):
Before any repairs or alterations are performed, all proposed methods of design, execution, materials,
welding procedures, NDE, and testing shall be approved by ,,,,,
the inspector or engineer
Approval (RAR):
For alterations, major repairs, and temporary repairs, approval by ,,,,, is required.
both the inspector and engineer
Approval (RAR):
The ,,,,,shall approve all specified repair and alteration work at designated hold points and after completion of the work in accordance with the repair plan
,,,,, shall approve all nozzle installations
An engineer
The material used in making repairs or alterations shall conform to the ,,,,,,,
applicable construction code
Materials used for welded repairs and alterations shall be ,,,, and ,,,,,,with the original material
of known weldable quality
be compatible
Carbon or alloy steel with carbon content over ,,,,shall not be welded
0.35 %
carbon steel with carbon contents over ,,, may need special attention and preheating to avoid weld cracking
0.30 %
Temporary repairs may be conducted on pressure vessels as long as the ,,,,, are satisfied that the repair will render the vessel fit for continued service until permanent repairs can be conducted
inspector and engineer
Temporary repairs should be ,,,, with suitable permanent repairs at the next available maintenance opportunity
removed and replaced
Temporary repairs may remain in place for a longer period of time only if evaluated, approved, and documented by ,,,,
the engineer and inspector
Fillet-welded patches used for temporary repairs unless ,,, determine that the cracks will not be expected to propagate from under the patch
the engineer
Temporary repairs using fillet-welded patches shall be approved by ,,,,
an inspector and engineer
A fillet-welded patch shall not be installed on top of an ,,,,, except as additional opening reinforcement
existing fillet-welded patch
When installing a fillet-welded patch adjacent
to an existing fillet-welded patch, the distance between the toes of the fillet weld shall not be less than:,,,,,
d = 4√Rt
d = min. distance between toes of fillet welds in Inch
R = inside radius of the vessel, in Inch
t = actual thickness of underlying vessel wall, in Inch
Fillet-welded patch plates shall have rounded corners with a minimum radius of ,,,,,radius.
1 in. (25 mm) minimum
Repairs:(Lap Band Repairs)
A full encirclement lap band repair may be considered if approved and documented by ,,,,,
the engineer and inspector
Repairs:(Lap Band Repairs)
The circumferential fillet welds attaching the band to the vessel shell are designed to transfer the full longitudinal load in the vessel shell, using a joint efficiency of ,,,,
Repairs:(Permanent Repair)
Excavating the defect, and blend-grinding to contour in accordance with ,,,,
API 579-1/ASME FFS-1, Part 5
Repairs:(Permanent Repair)
Repairing a crack at a discontinuity, where stress concentrations are high (e.g. crack in a nozzle-to-shell weld), should not be attempted without prior consultation with,,,,,,
an engineer
Insert Plates:
All insert plate corners that do not extend to an existing longitudinal or horizontal weld shall be rounded having a ,,,, minimum radius. Weld proximity to existing welds shall be reviewed by ,,,,
1 in. (25 mm)
the engineer
Inset Plate:
Insert plate material shall meets the requirements of ,,,,
applicable code
Filler Metal Strength:
should have minimum specified tensile strength,,,,,,the minimum specified tensile strength of the base metal.
equal to or greater than
Filler Metal Strength:
The repair thickness shall not be more than ,,,, % of the required thickness of the base metal (this excludes corrosion allowance)
Filler Metal Strength:
The increased thickness of the repair shall have rounded corners and shall be blended into the base metal using a ,,,,,,,taper.
Filler Metal Strength:
The repair shall be made with a minimum of ,,,,,,passes
Repairs to Stainless Steel Weld Overlay and Cladding:
For vessels constructed with ,,,,, base materials, the base metal in the area of repair should also be examined for cracking by the ,,, examination in accordance with ASME Code, Section V, Article 4, Paragraph T-473
P-3, P-4, or P-5
Repairs to Stainless Steel Weld Overlay and Cladding:
For vessels constructed with P-3, P-4, or P-5 base materials, the base metal in the area of repair should
also be examined after delay of at least ,,,, hours after
completed repairs for alloys that could be affected by delayed cracking
24 hour
Welding and Hot Tapping:
Refer to API ,,,for safety aspects when making on-stream welds (e.g. during hot tapping)
Procedures, Qualifications, and Records:
The ,,,, shall maintain records of its qualified welding procedures and its procedure qualification records
repair organization
Preheat, Exceptions shall be approved by t,,,,
he engineer
Local PWHT:
Local PWHT may be substituted for 360° banding on local repairs on all materials, provided that the following
precautions are taken and requirements are met,,,
- The application is reviewed, and a procedure is developed by an engineer
- A preheat of 300 °F (150 °C) or higher is maintained during welding
- The required local PWHT temperature shall be maintained for a distance of not less than two times the base metalthickness measured from the toe of the weld.
Preheat or (CDW) Methods as Alternatives to PWHT:
Preheat and CDW, may be used in lieu of PWHT where
PWHT is…… or ……
mechnically unnecessary
Preheating Method (without Impat testing):
The preheating method, when performed in lieu of PWHT, is limited to the following materials and weld
Materials shall be limited to ,,,
P-No. 1, Groups 1, 2, and 3
P-No. 3, Groups 1 and 2 (excluding Mn-Mo
steels in Group 2)
The welding shall be limited to SMAW,GMAW & GTAW
- preheated and maintained at a minimum temperature of 300 °F (150 °C) during welding
-The 300 °F (150 °C) should be checked to assure that 4 in. (100 mm) of the material or four times the
material thickness (whichever is greater) on each side of the groove is maintained at the minimum temperature during welding
CDW Method Method (with impat testing):
The preheating method, when performed in lieu of PWHT, is limited to the following materials and weld
- The materials shall be limited to P-No. 1, 3, & 4 steels
- Welding processes limited to SMAW, GMAW, & GTAW
- Carbon content of ≤ 0.35 %
- use only electrodes and filler metals diffusible-hydrogen designator of H8 or lower
- the gas shall exhibit a dew point that is no higher than –60 °F (–50 °C)
CDW Method Method (with impat testing):
For welds made by SMAW, after completion of welding and without allowing the weldment to cool below the
minimum preheat temperature, the temperature of the weldment shall be raised to a temperature of ,,,, for a minimum period of ,,,, hours to assist outgassing diffusion of any weld metal hydrogen picked up during welding.
500 °F ±50 °F (260 °C ± 30 °C)
CDW Method Method (with impact testing):
Hydrogen bake out treatment may be omitted provided the electrode used is classified by the filler metal specification with an optional supplemental diffusible-hydrogen designator of,,,,,
H4 (such as E7018-H4).
NDE of Welds:
New welds, as part of a repair or alteration in a pressure vessel that were originally required to be
radiographed (e.g. circumferential and longitudinal welds) by the construction code, shall be ,,,, examined in accordance with the construction code
NDE of Welds:
UT in lieu of RT shall follow ASME Code Case ,,,
or ASME Code, Section VIII, Division 2, 7.5.5
Rerating a pressure vessel may be done only after all of the following requirements have been met
-Calculations performed by either the manufacturer or an owner/user engineer
- vessels built to a code earlier than 1968 the original
design allowable stress (based on design factor of 4.0 or 5.0) shall be used
-The rerating is acceptable to the engineer