Aphasia Flashcards
Dysarthria Type
Damage: Occlusion of the MCA prior to branching
Global Aphasia
Damage: Large portion of the perisylvian region of
the language-dominant hemisphere
Global Aphasia
Damage: Large left frontal lobe lesion (severe)
Global Aphasia
Damage: anterior
and posterior extrasylvian region
Isolated/ Mixed Aphasia
Watershed Infarction
Isolated/ Mixed Aphasia
Damage: BA 44 and 45
Broca’s Aphasia
Damage: Occlusion of anterior branches of MCA
Broca’s Aphasia
Damage: Inferior Fronta Gyrus
Broca’s Aphasia
Damage: left frontal lobe involving
prefrontal and premotor cortices
Transcortical Motor Aphasia
Damage: Small subcortical lesions anterior to the
frontal horn of the lateral ventricle
Transcortical Motor Aphasia
Damage: Heschl’s Gyrus/Primary auditory cortex
(BA 41) (mention all that apply)
Wernicke’s, Conduction Aphasia
Damage: Posterior of superior temporal gyrus (BA
Wernicke’s Aphasia
Damage: Inferior part of supramarginal and angular
Wernicke’s Aphasia
Damage: Posterior part of parietal or temporal
Transcortical Sensory Aphasia