APGovCh.11.Jimmy.Dimas Flashcards
Barack Obama
The first African American president of the United States, a Democrat, who served as forty-fourth president from 2009-2017. Senator from Illinois from 2005-2008; member of the Illinois Senate from 1997-2004
Candidate-centered politics
Politics that focus on the candidates, their particular issues, and character rather than party affiliation
Critical elections
An election that signals a party realignment through voter polarization around new issues and personalities
Role played by representative who votes the way his or her constituents would want, regardless of personal opinions; may refer to an elected representative to Congress or a representative to the party convention
Donald J. Trump
The forty-fifth president, a Republican, elected in 2016; first president elected without prior political or military experience; an experienced businessman
Hillary R. Clinton
First female major party candidate for president of the United States, a Democrat, who ran against President Donald J. Trump in 2016. Secretary of State from 2009-2013; New York senator from 2001-2009; former first lady.
National convention
A party meeting held in the presidential election year for the purposes of nominating a presidential and vice presidential ticket and adopting a platform
National party platform
A statement of the general and specific philosophy and policy goals of a political party, usually promulgated at the national convention
Party identification
A citizen’s attachment to a political party based on issues, ideology, past experience, or upbringing, which tends to be a reliable indicator of likely voting choices
Partisan polarization
The presence of increasingly conflicting and divided viewpoints between the Democratic and Republican Parties
Party realignment
Dramatic shifts in partisan preferences that drastically after the political landscape
Political machine
A party organization that recruits voter loyalty with tangible incentives and is characterized by a high degree of control over member activity
Political party
An organized group that may include office holders, candidates, activists, and voters who pursue their common interests by gaining and exercising power through the electoral process
Proportional representation
A voting system that apportions legislative seats according to the percentage of the vote won by a particular political party
Secular realignment
The gradual rearrangement of party coalitions, based more on demographic shifts than on shocks to the political system
Delegate to the Democratic Party’s national convention that is reserved for a party official and whose vote at the convention is unpledged to a candidate
Thomas Jefferson
Principle drafter of the Declaration of Independence; second vice president of the United States; third president of the United States from 1801-1809. Co-founder of the Demographic-Republic Party
Winner-takes-all system
An electoral system in which the party that receives at least one more vote than any other party wins the election