APES Chapter 8 Soil & Soil Dynamics Flashcards
Lithification, comes from the Greek word lithos, meaning A) stone B) light C) paper D) seawater E) white
Diagenesis causes
A) a red rash on the elbow
B) miscalculations of circular core samples
C) photosynthesis in most upper ocean layers
D) lithification of sediment by physical & chemical processes
E) drought in some areas
Diagenesis is controlled by temperature & takes place @ temperatures around 200 Celsius degree in sedimentary rock
Which of the following is a common metamorphic rock type? A) subjugate rock B) slate C) vermiculite D) slant E) magma
Other metamorphic rock types include schist, gneiss & marble
Metamorphic rock is known as a A) hard purple-colored rock B) surface-only rock C) chameleon of rock-types D) good building material E) brittle rock type
Internal heat from the Earth, overlying rock weight, & horizontal pressures from previously changed rock cause metamorphic rock changes
When several rock-stratigraphic units are stacked vertically, they are called a A) metamorphic shelf B) gneiss C) lithification D) vertical unit E) formation
This layering can easily be seen in the Grand Canyon
When rock on the Earth's surface is worn away, it is called A) foliation B) metamorphism C) exfoliation D) sedimentation E) coloration
C - It describes how atoms & layers are peeled away very slowly
Clastic sedimentary rocks are made up of A) pieces of other rocks B) gelatin from kelp C) the hardest granites D) boulders larger than 1meter across E) petroleum distillates
A - these are formed from rocks carried from a different spot, weathered, & turned into new rocks.
Which of the following plays a big part in soil erosion? A) fertilizer B) conservation C) tillage D) plant type E) Rainfall
C - breaking up large amounts of soil by tilling the land allows particles to erode.
Which process wears away existing rocks & produces lots of small rock? A) lithification B) sedimentation C) compaction D) weathering E) concretion
Salt wedging, caused by the growth of salt crystals, is an important rock-breaking force in the A) rain forest B) mountains C) ocean D) plains E) desert
E - when water evaporates, salt remains & slowly increases.
The following are all tools in soil conservation except for A) cover crops B) deforestation C) planting of perennial plants D) adding mulch E) crop rotation
B - removing trees often involves disturbing the soil as well.
Which metamorphic rock is often used as a paving & building stone? A) mica B) marble C) shale D) sandstone E) obsidian
Felsic & mafic are two types of A) metamorphic rock B) clastic formations C) sedimentary rock D) igneous rock E) multicolored clays
D - felsic rock has high levels of silica, and mafic rock has high levels of magnesium and iron (ferric) minerals.
What percentage of the world's land is at risk of desertification? A) 10% B) 20% C) 30% D) 40% E) 50%
Pebbles surrounded by a covering of sand or mud is known as A) a conglomerate B) shale C) granite D) magma E) igneous clay
A - this type has a mixed bumpy texture
The description of an area's land contours & surface features is called A) geography B) cartography C) graphology D) topography E) photography
D - a topographical map shows specific features like rivers, canyons, & mountains.
Pedocal, pedalfer, and laterite are three basic soil types based primarily on A) elevation B) soil type C) water content D) mineral base E) climate
C -they are found in various climates with different rainfall amounts.
Which soil horizon consists of a zone of accumulation, where ions transported by rainwater are reconnected to create new minerals?
A) horizon A
B) horizon B
C) horizon C
D) ions are not transported this way
E) mineralization occurs only in the topsoil.
B - horizon A (surface horizon) is a zone of leaching & oxidation, while horizon C (bottom horizon) is a zone of unconsolidated, weathered original rock.
Sedimentary ?
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Rock cycle?
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Geothermal gradient?
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Soil horizon?
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