APCG Things Flashcards
Civil Liberties
Freedoms of the people that exist inherently that the government should protect like speech, press, and religion
civil service
Non-partisan employees of government departments that are part of a hierarchy that ultimately reports to a cabinet official and the head of government.
civil society
The way that citizens organize themselves and express their interests. This is most often reflected in interest groups but also through protests, petitions, and contacting of representatives
Corporatist System
Where a few interest groups have exclusive access and work collaboratively with the government to create government policy
democratic consolidation
The process in which democratic principles, institutions, and practices matured and are implemented in way that reversion to authoritarianism is less likely
economic liberalization
Freeing up the economy from government influence. Involves reduced taxation, regulation, and spending; privatization of industries; removing international trade barriers
The constitutional division of power between central and regional government.
first-past-the-post system
A voting system where voters vote for a representative for a geographic district. The winner is the person who gets a plurality of the vote. This is also known as a single-member district or winner-take-all system.
The increasing economic interdependence between countries that result in cultural, political, and technological diffusion.
Government Transparency
The ability of citizens to observe the government’s policy making process and hold government officials accountable. Connected to a free media.
Illiberal Democracy
A country that follows the form of democracy with constitutional structure and elections but without protected civil liberties and political rights
A group of people with common historical, cultural, linguistic, ethnic, and religious identity.
Nationalized industry
An industry in which the government has taken public ownership.
An ideology that emphasizes private ownership of the economy and discourages any government intrusion into the market.
Pluralist System
Where many interest groups compete with each other and have open access to the government to influence policy making decisions
political efficacy
The ability of the people to understand how the government functions and believe that they can influence government action or policy
political culture
The collective attitudes, values, and beliefs of the citizenry and the norms of behavior in the political system. It sets expectations about the exercise of power to establish a balance between social order and individual liberty.
political ideology
A system of beliefs about humanity, society, and government. This goes beyond just policy; it includes the very nature and purpose of government
political institution
A formal established part of the government or political process that lasts beyond the people who occupy it. This includes the presidency, supreme court, bureaucracy, and specific political parties
political legitimacy
The perceived authority to rule a country. This can be derived from elections, effective rule, ancestry, religion, cult of personality, or political ideology.
political liberalization
The process of freeing the political process from government control and become more democratic through fairer elections, increased rights and liberties, effective government, transparency, rule of law, etc.
political rights
The rights given by the government to participate in the political process including voting, running for office, and joining political organizations.
political socialization
The process of gaining your political beliefs and values. This can be through family, education, media, or government direction.
proportional representation electoral system
An electoral system in which voters choose a party that will receive seats in the legislature in proportion to the votes they receive.
When citizens get to vote directly on a specific policy or issue
Rule of Law
The restriction of government and private powers to the authority of legal principles and that the law is fairly and evenly enforced
A system of government with lasting institutions that endures from government to government. For example a parliamentary system, a presidential system, a communist system, military rule etc. A government is simply the people occupy government institutions for a limited time
social cleavages
Divisions within a country based on elements of their collective identity like ethnicity, language, culture, religion, region, age, social class, urban vs rural.
social welfare
Programs that seek to increase the wellbeing of the poor or needy of a country. These policies include food, housing, healthcare, pensions, and higher education.
The recognized authority to rule a territory or people without outside interference and a monopoly of coercion.
A country with recognized borders and a ruling sovereign government.
supranational organization
An international organization in which members must give up a degree of sovereignty for the common benefit through the integration of all member-states
unitary system
A political arrangement in which all sovereignty lies with the central government to rule of the regions. Power can be devolved to the regions but only by choice of the central government.