APC - Local Taxation Flashcards
What legislation governs rating?
Local government finance act 1988
General rates act 1967
NDR alterations 2009
Rating reforms act 2023
CRCA 2005
Vte procedure regs 2009
What is a rating list?
A list of properties that is compiled by a VO. (It is used by a billing authority to calculate the amountof non-domestic rates that are payable).
What is business rates?
Tax on occupation not ownership. Tax on land and buildings unless exempt or domestic
Definition of RV?
Estimated amount of annual rental income expected to be achieved vacant to let in the open market based on x3 stat assumptions
When valuing for local tax what assumptions are made?
LGFA 1988 sched 6
1) tenancy begins on day determination is made (AVD)
2) reasonable state of repair apart from those deemed uneconomical
3) lease agreed on FRI basis
What do we consider at AVD
Date non physical factors are taken into account (2 years prior to compiled list)
Rental values
Law etc
What is material date?
Day which has regard to any physical matters such as
Size, construction, use ..basically anything on MCC
What is the effective date?
Not to be confused with material date; date when rating list starts, stops or amended
What is the appeals process for business rates?
Check - confirm FACTUAL survey details (12mth deadline, 4mth from DN to lodge CHG)
Challenge - dispute VALUATION matters (18mth deadline, 4 mth from DN to lodge appeal
Appeal - disagree with CHG can go to appeal. Fees; small proposer £150 otherwise £300
If not resolved at appeal can go to
Upper lands tribunal
Court of appeal
Supreme Court
What is the current AVD?
01 Apr 2021
Where might I find the definition of RV
LGFA 1988 Schedule 6
What is a hereditement?
LGFA 1988 s 42
A relevant non domestic property
GR Act 1967 s 115
A property which is classed or likely to be entered into the rating list as a separate unit of assessment
Why was CCA introduced?
Reformed appeal system to make it more efficient
Ensures factual details are dealt with early on the process by requesting details upfront
What is the CCA proccess
Legal provision, which allows IP or agents to contend the accuracy of the rating list, factual information, or levels of value for their rating assessment
Is there any caselaw regarding a heraditament?
1) be within 1 pr more BA area
2) have a single rateable occupier
3) capable of separate occupation
4) single geographical location
5) used for single purpose/use
6) have a single definable position
Explain geographical location
Must be direct communication between 2 parts
even if above test fails if both parcels of land cannot be used independently its called one geo location
MAZARS introduced req. For floors to intercommunicate. PICO 2018 repealed and confirmed so long as floor plates touch it is sufficient
Tell me about Woolway v Mazars 2015
Tower Bridge House London (8 stories). Mazarin occupied floors 2&6. In February 2010, we sought to merge together in addition to 10% frag allowance. Note: This would result in quantum reduction
VO contended it failed contiguety.
VTE agreed to IP on basis as classing voids as one big connection. Awarded 5% allowance
UT confirmed the decision but removed the allowance
SUPREME COURT reversed tribunal decision in agreement with VO on basis of not being contiguous primarily bc it lacks INTERCOMMUNICATION
PICO reversed intercommunication requirements and instead confirmed as long as floor plates touch they are classed as contiguous
What is PICO 2018
Property in common occupation 2018 3 rules for contiguety
1. Single use
2. Single ratable occupier
3. Contiguous as in floor plates touch
No requirement to intercommunicate
Took effect from April 2010 in England and in Wales from April 2024
What is the main difference between pico and mazars
Mazarin requires intercommunication between floors PICO does not. This means 2 floors which are accessed via corridor can be classified as continiguous if floor plates touch
How does contiguity work for empty property?
Prev occ contiguous property will continue to be one assessment if becomes empty on same day. If parts vacated on separate days then individual assessments will apply
What are the 4 tenants of ratability?
ABET principles
ACTUAL- occupier must physically occupy the hereditement or physically control the site. Caselaw; Tomlin v WCC 1990 squatters liable
BENEFICIAL - Has the ability to offer level of benefit to hypothetical tenant. Eg. School makes no profit still ratable due to hypothetical benefit to tenant. Caselaw; Lambeth overseers v LCC 1897 Park held into perpetuity to public could never have benefits to hypothetical tenant
EXCLUSIVE- leading case Westminster CC v Southern railway 1936 question not who was in paramount ctrl of station but who was in paramount ctrl of part Let out. Also yoy can have x2 exclusive uses on land which are separately rateable
TRANSIENCE- must be degree of permanence. Used to be 12 months. Since Hampton v Lewis now based on intensity of use
What are Chattels
Movable objects, if enjoyed together with land and have a sufficient degree of permanence can become rateable for e.g caravan, portacabin, floating restaurants.
Caselaw: RUDD VO v Cinderella 2003 ferry converted into nightclub was rateable
What is an MCC
Under NDR alterations 2009 reg 4
IP can appeal inaccuracies of list by reason of MCC on compiled list date or thereafter based on 6 grounds
Matters affecting;
1. Physical state/enjoyment
2. Mode or category of occupation
3. Quantity of mineral or substance extracted from hereditement
4. Quantity of refuse or waste material deposited with degree of permanence on the hereditement
5. Physical state of locality
6. Use or occupation of other premises situated in locality
Note: NDR 2023 mandates if changes due to legislation/rules etc cannot appeal
What does it mean vacant to let?
To encourage uniformity in valuation, all hereditaments are assumed to be
vacant and available to let on the statutory terms of the hypothetical tenancy.
This means the actual occupier and landlord are disregarded so their particular
attitudes, needs or concerns are not taken into account in the valuation.
What are the grounds for proposals?
2. eff date wrong
3. Recon
4. Removed or added to list
5. Change made by vo which is wrong
6. Compiled list error
7. Domestic or exempt
8. Vt decision
9. P&M change
What property might be exempt from rating?
LHFA 1988 SCH. 5
Agricultural land and buildings
Fish farms
Places of worship 1. Open invitation 2. Church of England certified. Caselaw church of Scientology 2023
Parks - Lambeth overseers v LCC 1897 free open access managed by LA. Ancillary to park if enhances enjoyment
Disabled - must be for training or keeping disability occupants occupied not for hospitals
Light houses
Visiting forces
What property might receive rating relief?
- EMPTY BULDING ‘ 100% relief on vacant properties for 3 months and 6 months relief for industrial. (From Apr 24 must be re’occupied for 13 weeks
- LISTED BUILDINGS- 100% relief until re-occupied
- SBRR - 100% relief for RV of 12k or less. Relief phased from £12,001 to 15k. Must occ one property in UK
- CHARITABLE - 80% if used for charitable purposes
- TRANSITIONAL RELEIF- protect IP from large increase or decrease in their rating liability between valuations. From 2023 only for increase
- ENTERPRISE ZONE RELEIF - If starting up or moving to Enterprise zone can get up to 55k over 5 years
- IMPROVEMENT RELEIF - if area has been increase, efficiency or p&m improved and certified that occ has been in occ for duration of works by ba then eligible
SMALL BUSSINESS SUPPORT RELEIF - No increase of more than £600
Sec 44a building ot occupied following redevelopment Council can award discretionary relief for short terms
Retail relief 75% expire in Apr 2025. Reduced thereafter to 40% (Oct 24 budget).
What is Rebus Sic Stantibus?
Latin; taking things as they stand.
This means we value things as they stand at the material date based in two separate limbs:
Using reasonable personal test we only have regard for minor changes/alterations. We do not have regard for hope value. I.e stud wall in zoned shop, zone straight through as a reasonable person would remove at little cost. This would not be the case with structural wall.
Using principle characteristics use test, must value property for same general purpose as existing use of the hereditement in the open market. Value attributable to the prospect of using for different purpose must be disregarded I.e if u have parade of shops at 10k and subject could be used as restaurant and value at 15k we value based on existing use
X2 caselaw
held cotton mill valued as factory ragter than a cotton mill. A factory is a factory and a shop is a shop
Confirmed we assess mode and category based on 2 limbs of Rebus separately. Case was public house in parade of shops. Decision to value on existing use as public house
What is FRI and IRI lease?
Full repair and insure liability on tenant
Internal repair and insure liability on tenant
What is the central rating list?
Contains assessments of major transport, utility, and communications such as gas, water, railways etc
How is property in Central list valued and paid?
Single totalled RV for all property occupied by ratepayer.
Paid direct to dept. for levelling up.
Where is the central list located?
Gov uk website
Do you know any caselaw in respect of weighting/hierarchy of evidence?
1. The rent of the subject should be taken as a starting point
2. Closer the rent is to rating hypothethesis and the AVD, the more weight should be attached to it
3. Where rents of similar properties are available, they should be looked at.
4. Assessments of other comparable Assessments are also relevant
5. In light of all of the evidence obtained, an opinion can be formed.
6. Where no comparable rents are available a review of other Assessments may be helpful.
rental evidence 86/87 helpful in determining upwards trend. But had little weight due to required adjustments to 1/4/88
Rental evidence close to AVD has biggest weighting due to requiring no adjustments
Rental evidence post avd admissible but preferably not ot used
What can you tell me about establishment of tone
3 stages leading to establishment of tone
- New rating list, entries carry little weight due to being uncontested.
- Over time assetments will be challenged or agreed
- Finally a stage is reached where anought assetments have been agreed or determined or are unchallenged to establish a pattern of values, a tone of the list
What items of P&M are rateable?
P&M regs 2000
P&M rateable bc it’s like chattel and enjoyed with land
Anything that creates, contains or maintains power. E.g air compressor, generators etc. Valued on cost guide. If for grid valued on central list
Heating/cooling, fire protection and security. Reflected in base price
Lifts/ elevators. Rejected in base price
Bund walls, pits and tanks. If less than 400 cubic meters and movable without need for demolition ie not permanent its not rateable. Valued on contractors basis.
Aircon reflected as other addition
Retail ac £7 p.s office £4 pms
Iceland v woodberry 2018 ac exclusively used for services of hereditement therfore not rateable.
Why do we have an avd and not just value at eff date?
Go e VO time to produce and update list.
What rental adjustments would you make?
- Stepped rent/ r/f period
- Vat
- Premiums/reverse premiums
- Other adjustments such as living accommodation or overage
- Break clauses
- Tenant alterations/improvements
What is the uniform business fates multiplier?
UBR set by government.
Since 24/25
Below 51k is 49.9 pence
Over 51 k is 54.6 pence
What can you tell me about me about allowances?
Allowances are made for e.g masking or irregularities falling beyond the scope of the scheme.
However two peices of caselaw.are relevant
1) occ v struder unreasonable to assume allowance from one property should automatically apply another
2) onus on appellant to demonstrate allowance from comp is applicable to subject
Who deals with appeals?
Judicial arm: VTE valuation tribunal for England
Administrative arm VTS valuation tribunal service
What regs guide tribunal?
VTE procedure regs 2009
Consolidated practise statement
What are the grounds for appeal?
No DN after 18 months
List not altered
List altered but not as sought
What are the timelines for appeal?
VO have 4 weeks from being informed of appeal to dispute material
Appellant has 2 weeks to respond if VO raise an issue
Then one week each.
4 weeks not mandatory deadline is maximum 4 weeks before appeal
VO must action VT decision within 2 weeks
What are the various VT roles
Witness of fact: rare; something fa tual requires confirmation
Expert witness: provide expert valuation opinion
Advocate: don’t offer opinion. Cross examine other side and highlight strengths/weaknesses has duty to client
How can an appeal conclude?
Consent order
What can you tell me about reg 9/17
Reg 9 NRD alterations Act 2017:
IP must disclose all information at check.
Reg 17 VTE Regs 2009
Rents disclosed must be given in clear table etc….
What can you tell me about repair/redevelopment
Statutory assumptions property in reasonable state if repair apart from those deemed uneconomical (more than 5.6 times the RV
If damage renders hereditement IOB as result of ongoing scheme of reconstruction then should be deleted. Relevant caselaw is Newbiggin v Monk 2015 and Jackson v Canary Wharf 2018
What guidance is available for rating surveyors?
RICS code of practise - rating consultancy 5th ed. April 2024
RICS GN Rating Appeals 4th Ed Apr 2017.
VOA agent standard April 2024
The RICS contractors basis of valuation for rating purposes 2nd Ed Aug 2017
Also check for expert witness and advocate x2 seperate docs
What is the decap rate for contractors method?
4.4% set by Central Central government
2.6% health and education due to stronger covenants
How to value smaller hotels in rating
RICS GN - The capital and rental valuation of public houses, bars, restaurants and Nightclubs in England and Wales. (2010)
1) assess 3 years fmt leading up to avd. Not average!
2) determine appropriate val scale and band. Scale is is it 1,2,3 star hotel? Then apply band within scale which is based on accommodation receipt per dbu/proportion of trade. Usually 65-85%
3) use correct percentage within band to apply to fmt and arrive at rv.
Who is responsible for money laundering in your organisation?
Cheif financial officer Toby Nerval
Report any money laundering team to information and lawful development team
Talk me through how you would analyse a rent comparable
1) confirm headline rent and date
2) vat deduction if applicable
3) adjusted for stepped rent or r/f period. Ignore 3 mth fitout
4) adjusted for premium and reverse premiums
5) othe adjustments such as overage, accommodation etc
6) adjust to FRI repairs 5% insurance 3.5%
Hot topics
Merton v Nuffield Health 2023
Church of Scientology 2023
Card tronics v sykes 2020
Lydgate house 2018
KC Prosser v Rikkets 2024
Tell me about empty property rating liabilities?
Local government Act 1966 introduced empty rates liability to encourage occupancy. Superseded by LGFA 1988 and now Empty rates Act 2007.
Has grace period
Tell me what you know about council tax?
Replaced short-lived poll tax which replaced domestic rates in 1990
Principle act is LGFA 1992. Tax came into force April 1993 (AVD 1991). In UK 8 Bands A-H.
Based on Capital values not rental values. Rebus does not apply
Dwelling =
1. Must appear in the valuation list
Would have been liable for domestic rating had it continued
L2 Talk me thorugh how you valued the primary care centre
IP challenged (2017 list) post split from Hospital, premises had been incorrectly valued by prev caseworker applying incorrect arc’s.
1) Adopted correct ERC (RM adopted from BCIS figs)
2) Estimated ARC for physical deteriation/obsolescence based on % from RM. (Added 12.5% for locational factor).
3) Estimated site value - per table of % in RM set by memorandum of agreement
4) Applied decap rate 2.6%
5) stand back
Agreed with agent and well founded
L3 Talk me through your valuation for the industrial in Leicester seeking an allowance
- IP sought 12.5% allowance due to single track access via side of unit
- Comp from next door not comparable as far inferior enclosed thus restricting vehicles. Comps across were alos inferior due to long windy twisty road, landlocked site, far inferior to subject. Agent cherry picking. We had comps with same as subject with no allowance applied. This confirmed issues similar to those raised by IP were inherent with property age and already reflected within scheme therefore any further allowances would be double counting…therefore disagreed
L3 Talk me through the valuation of the food court in Essex
Agent contended 2017 tone should be reduced citing rents from furthest side of retail court. I contested those comps saying that the subject was better located and provided rents adjacent to subject which confirmed this. Also pointed out subject was located in south of centre right by footbridge to train station thus attracting footfall/explaining rental increase at this end. Agent agreed to withdraw.
How would you adjust for a premium
Capitalise rental value for the term, then add on the premium to this capital value, then decapitalise over the period of the term
How would you adjust for a rent free period
Capitalise payable period up until review and then discount this sum by the YP for the total term of the lease
How would you adjust for stepped rents
Capitalise each rent up until review then decapitalise this over the period until review
Why are premiums and reverse premiums given and how is this reflected in the rent?
A premium is given by the tenant in order to secure occupation of a site. It is typically reflected through a lower passing rent.
Reverse premium is given by the landlord in order to incentivise a tenant to occupy the premises. It is reflected by the landlord increasing the passing rent in order to recoupe the initial sum
Why are some rents capitalised to review and others into perpetuity?
Rents may be capitalised into perpetuity where a long rent free period is given or incentive that could skew the capital value
Who sets the AVD?
Secretary of state
What is the Uniform Business Rates Multiplier
Out of London
Below 51k 49.9p Above 51k 51.2p
Inner London 0.08p more
What are the five ways a Challenge can end?
1) Well Found
2) Withdrawn
3) Disagree
4) DN
5) Incomplete/unlawful0
Under what act was CCA introduced?
NDR amendment regs 2009
Is rating bound by the rics redbook?
RM 1.9 2023 rental adjustment
UK Guidance Note 6 on ‘Analysis of commercial lease transactions’ (UKGN 6) of ‘RICS Valuation - Professional Standards UK
A valuation for rating is made within a statutory framework, and so is not bound by the Red Book’s valuation technical and performance standards. However, the mandatory requirements of professional standards PS1 (compliance) and PS2 (Ethics) in the RICS Red Book Global Standards 2020 must still be observed.
What is rental adjustment/analysis?
Rental adjustment enables us to put the rental details on the same basis as the
definition of RV. - In summary rental analysis is the process of taking an adjusted rent and converting it (analysing) into a recognised unit of comparability (commonly a £/m2 or a £/hectare etc.) that can then be used to value other properties.
Is x1 CCTV camera rataeble
No! Only a set of 4 is
When undertaking A&A for rating, why does the VO not complete this by using a straight line method [SLM]?
Becuase SLM does not reflect ‘time value for money’ as it does not account for compund interest
We therefore need to ascertain the present value of PV of £1 (YP)
3 stages
1) capitilise rental value over payable period i.e x YP (right to receive this income from day one even though it will only be received later)
2) Confirm PV today for defered income (Decpapitilise) i.e x PV
3) Finally, need to equate const. equiv. rent. Instead of multiply, you devide by YP
Define what is FMOP
What do you mean by access allowance?
If a property has poor access then it can have a negative impact on rental value. Therefore, it might qualify for a small reduction in the RV (normally 5%).
What is TONE?
Tone is the general level of value which have been established in an area for a particular type of property.
How would you approach the valuation of land with storage containers?
Dal Virk (VO) v Moor Lane Self-storage 2023.
1. Value entirety of land
2. Then value each individual container based on their decapitalised actual cost (refer to RM), adjusted to Antecedent Valuation Date levels of cost.
What are the 2 ways in which a new property can be brought into assessment?
- CCA, or VO s41 duty to maintain fair list. But S41 is difficult as it is dificult to discern
- Alternatively, where a building is not regarded as complete and capable of beneficial occupation, the billing authority may serve a completion notice [s.46A of the LGFA 1988].
Where is domestic property defined?
The basic definition of “Domestic Property” is provided in s.66(1) LGFA 1988:
“Subject to subsections (2) and (2B) below. Property is domestic if:
- wholly used for the purposes of living accommodation,
- it is a yard, garden, outhouse or other appurtenance belonging to or enjoyed with property
- it is a private garage consiting of less than 25 m2 or is used wholly or mainly for the accommodation of a private motor vehicle, or
it is private storage premises used wholly or mainly for the storage of articles of domestic use.”
On what basis are pubs valued?
These are valued on a rentals basis, not a receipts basis.
Pubs use the “fair maintainable turnover” as the comparator to assist in the analysis of rental evidence and therefore as a valuation basis. Percentage rental bids are applied to the various income streams which make up the FMT depending on location, age, modernity, style of operation etc. as set out in the Valuation of Public Houses Approved Guide.
What is the main difference between Appeals to the VT between the 2010 List and CCA?
Appeals under the 2010 list were made to the VOA and heard by the VT. Appeals under CCA are made directly to the VT
What is the overriding objective of the VT
To deal with cases fairly and justly and act in accordance with The Local Government Finance Act 1988, Schedule 11, Part 1, paragraph A17(1) and The Valuation Tribunal for England (Council Tax and Rating Appeals) (Procedure) Regulations 2009.
What is the one bite at the cherry rule
The regulations only permit an interested person to make a single proposal in respect of each event, defined as the compilation of the list, a material change of circumstances or an alteration of the list by the valuation officer [regulation 4(3)(b)(i)].
What is the legal basis for serving Forms of Return
Schedule 9 LGFA 1988
The Valuation Officer (VO) for a charging authority is required to compile and maintain non-domestic rating lists for the authority (Section 41 of the Act) as one of the statutory functions, and therefore may serve notices stating that the information requested in the notice will assist in the compilation of a new rating list or the maintenance of an existing rating list.
How would this relate to the treatment of buildings damaged by fire, bomb, storm, flood etc?
The statutory assumption applies irrespective of the reasons why a hereditament is in a particular state. Whilst the property is damaged it would come under the repairing assumptions, but once work starts to repair it becomes subject to a scheme of redevelopment.
What would you consider when asked to assess a public park?
In Lambeth Overseers v LCC (1897) AC 625 where LCC purchased a park under a special Act and maintained it for recreational purposes. It was held that the public had the right to use the park in perpetuity and LCC were not in occupation. The land was “struck with sterility” as no one could derive a greater benefit from it than anyone else.
Your client occupies a building growing mushrooms and thinks they should have agricultural exemption. What would you advise them?
Waveney Mushrooms Ltd v Moore (VO) – VT 11-May-2023. It cannot be exempt under paragraph 7 as the agricultural operations (growing mushrooms) are carried out in a building and not on land. Note the importance of the fact that agricultural land and buildings are mutually exclusive.
What is the leading case in determining whether a property is complete?
Porter (VO) v Gladman SIPPS (2011) RA-63-2008 the President of the Lands Tribunal said, ‘a building is only a hereditament if it is ready for occupation, …..in the light of the purpose for which it is designed to be occupied.
There is in consequence no scope for including in the list a building which is nearly, even very nearly, ready for occupation unless the completion notice procedure has been followed.’
What would you refer to in identifying the hereditament
- Gilbert v S Hickinbottom and Sons Ltd 1956; whether the primary test was geographic (that the occupation can all be ringed around on a map without intervening occupations) or a functional test (that the parts were occupied together in the same building and without inconvenience caused by the lack of contiguity).
- Woolway v Mazars [2015]; Lord Sumption set out intercommunication requirements
- In England, the Rating (Property in Common Occupation) and Council Tax (Empty Dwellings) Act 2018 - from 1st April 2010.
- Cardtronics UK Ltd and Others v Sykes and Others VO – lodger & landlord scenario
What can you tell me about valuing office fitout?
Bunyan v Acenden 2023
Need to compare Cat A to Cat B and see diff in rental values. Case found a hypothetical tenant would pay more for Cat B, hence rquiring an uplift. Its very difficult due to lack of evidance in open market so courts just awarded a figured in between the two opposing parties
Why do we have an AVD
To ensure uniformity so that all hereditaments are valued on the same date. The leading case on this is K Shoes where values on Regent Street and Oxford Street were assessed 3 years apart and because of inflation one was paying much more than the other and it was ruled there needed to be uniformity.
What is a composite hereditament?
A composite hereditament is one which is a mixture of domestic and non-domestic such as a shop with living accommodation.
How would you verify information on a form of return?
Cross check it against similar properties nearby, contact ratepayer to double check, contact landlords agent to check.
What methods of valuation do you use in rating?
Comparable method, receipts and expenditure method and Contractors test.
Where would you look for comparables in a rating valuation?
As a VOA employee I would search the database for rental information of similar property types in the location around the valuation date. In private practice companies would have their own databases of rental information they have collected over the years from appeals they have submitted and rent reviews, new lettings they have dealt with.
What does UKGN6 Analysis of Commercial lease transactions say?
This gives examples of the types of incentives that may be included in leases and explains the considerations that should be made when adjusting and analysis a rent. It goes through worked examples of different scenarios. It does not tell you how to analyse a rent, just the thought process you should follow when doing so.
How do you differentiate your roles between expert witness and advocate at VT?
I make it quite clear, I say ‘I am now acting as an expert witness’ ‘I am now acting as an advocate.’
What is a written submission?
A written submission is where the appellant cannot attend the tribunal and so asks for his statement of case to be treated as his submission at the VT hearing. The clerk will usually read this out.
A retail unit has been empty for 9 mth and LL intends to convert into flats - is it rateable?
Yes! Empty rates act 2007
If you have a Grade 1NT property and it is making a loss due to repairs, is it rateable?
Yes! not based on profit, rather on can it produce a rent
Newly constructed office, just requires flooring, services truniking and minor decoration - is it rateable?
Depends! Must establish if heradit is COBO per Porter v Gladman
1) COBO for purpose it was designed
2) If it lacks certain items which will
form part of the hereditament and it
is unoccupied then the unit is not
Completion notice or heradit is occupied