APART Questions Flashcards
Currency: If ____ days have elapsed since last flight as NCM in the aircraft mission, or type, the NCM must recieve a proficency flight evaluation.
90 days
When do the semiannual training periods start?
The first training period begins the first day following the end of the NCM’s birth month and continues for six months.
The second period begins the first day of the seventh month and continues through the end of the NCM’s birth month.
What are the minimum semiannual day/night flight hours while preforming crew duties for:
- National Guard/Reserve?
- Active Duty?
- National Guard/Reserve: 12 hours
- Active Duty: 24 hours
* Flight hour requirements for night unaided vary from unit and individual.
What is the minimum number of semiannual NVG hours while preforming crew duties for:
National Guard/Reserve?
Active Duty?
Current NVG flight hour requirements are 5 hours semiannually.
To remain NVG current, NCM must take part every ____ days in at least a ___ hour flight.
NCM must take part every 60 days in at least a 1 hour flight.
Purpose of the APART?
Measures NCM’s proficency and readiness.
What does the APART consist of?
APART consists of:
- Written examination
- Hands-on performance test (oral & demonstrated)
When is the APART window?
The APART window is the final three months of the second semi annual period.
e.g. If the NCM’s birth month is January, the APART window is November/December/January
Forms & Publications
What is covered in TC 3-04.33?
Aircrew Training Manual
Utility Helicopter, H-60 Series
Forms & Publications
What is covered by AR 95-1?
Flight Regulations
Forms & Publications
What is covered in TC 3-04.11?
Commander’s Aircrew Training Program for:
Individual, Crew, and Collective Training
Forms & Publications
What is covered in Army Regulation 40–8?
Temporary Flying Restrictions Due to Exogenous Factors Affecting Aircrew Efficiency
Forms & Publications
What is covered in TC 3-04.93?
Aeromedical Training for Flight Personnel
Forms & Publications
What is recorded on DD Form 365-4 (Form F)?
Aircraft Weight and Balance
Forms & Publications
What publications are required in the aircraft prior to operation/flight?
- Operators manual w/ changes (-10)
- Checklist
- DD Form 365-4 (Form F)
- Aircraft Logbook
Forms & Publications
How often must the DD Form 365-4 (Form F) be reviewed?
Where is it usually found?
Must be reviewed for accuracy every 90 days, and should be a configuration for all mission profiles.
Typically found in the logbook.
Forms & Publications
What is the TM 1-1520-237-10?
UH-60 A/L
What is covered in the
Department of the Army Pamphlet 738–751?
Functional Users Manual for the
Army Maintenance Management System – Aviation
Operating Limits
Extend the landing light by ____ knots.
Don’t exceed ____ knots with light extended.
Extend the Landing light by 130 knots.
Don’t exceed 180 knots with light extended.
Operating Limits
Extend the search light by ____ knots.
Don’t exceed ____ knots with light extended.
Extend the Landing light by 100 knots.
Don’t exceed 180 knots with light extended.
Operating Limits
Velocity not exceeded - Vne
193 knots
Operating Limits
Maximum speed with cabin doors open w/
sound proofing secured properly
or no sound proofing installed.
145 knots
Operating Limits
Max speed with one engine inoperable
130 knots
Operating Limits
Max airspeed with cabin doors open with sound proofing not secured.
100 knots
Operating Limits
Max cargo hook weight
8000 lbs.
Operating Limits
Cargo distribution over the floor area shall not exceed
300 lbs/sq.ft.
Operating Limits
Flying along pretty fast, pilot wants to slew the searchlight out. You ask how fast we are going, he/she says 150 knots, can it be slewed?
Maximum speed to extend searchlight is 100 knots.
Operating Limits
Maximum capacity for each storage compartment (Hell Hole)
is ___ pounds.
125 pounds.
Operating Limits
The four cabin ceiling tiedown fittings have a limited load capability of _____ pounds.
4,000 pounds.
Operating Limits
The maximum weight that may be suspended from the rescue hoist is ___ pounds.
600 pounds.
Operating Limits
Gunner’s window(s) may be fully open up to ___ KIAS.
170 KIAS.
Operating Limits
The __ tiedown fittings installed on the cargo floor can
restrain a ____ -pound load in any direction.
17 tiedown fittings
5,000-pound load
Operating Limits
The 8 upper restraint rings are rated at a _____-pound capacity in any direction.
Tests have demonstrated failure of the lower restraint rings when individually loaded at limits less than _____ pounds.
3,500 pound
1,350 pounds
Operating Limits
The units of the force of gravity (Gs) needed to restrain cargo in four directions:
Forward - Lateral - Up/Down/Rear
Forward - 12 G’s
Lateral - 8 G’s
Up/Down/Rear- 3 G’s
The max weight rating for the cargo net is
1000 lbs
Tie-Down Fittings and Restraint Rings—
How many are there?
How much can they restrain?
Seventeen tie-down rings are installed on the cargo floor compartment.
They can restrain a 5,000-pound load in any direction.
The maximum cargo compartment weight capacity is _____ pounds.
The maximum floor loading capacity is ____ pounds per square foot.
The maximum cargo compartment weight capacity is
13,830 pounds.
The maximum floor loading capacity is
300 pounds per square foot.
Emergency Proceedures
Land as soon as possible is defined as:
Executing a landing to the nearest suitable landing area without delay.
The primary consideration is to assure the
survival of the occupants.
Emergency Proceedures
Land as soon as practicable is defined as:
Landing at a suitable landing area.
The primary consideration is the urgency of the emergency.
Emergency Proceedures
Autorotate is defined as:
Adjusting the flight controls as necessary to establish an autorotational decent and landing.
Emergency Proceedures
Emergency Engine Shutdown is defined as:
Engine shut down without delay.
Emergency Proceedures
Emergency exit release handles are (color)
Black and yellow striped.
Emergency Proceedures
How many and where are the emergency exits?
6 emergency exits:
2 cockpit doors
4 cargo door windows
Emergency Proceedures
What emergency equiptment is on board the UH-60?
4 - Scram Bags
3 - First Aid Kits
2 - Fire Extinguishers
1 - Crash Axe
Emergency Proceedures
Ditching refers to:
preforming an emergency landing in the water.
Emergency Proceedures
There are two types of ditching, what are they?
Ditching power on: Approach to a hover, crew and survival equiptment exit the aircraft, except Pilot on controls.
Ditching power off: Jettison cockpit doors and crew doors prior to entering water. Exit when blades have stopped turning.
If the cargo hook won’t release with the normal method,
what are 2 other ways to release a load?
- Manual release of external cargo can be done from the cabin through a covered port in the floor or by ground personnel from outside the helicopter with power on or off. Turning the release control on the right side of the hook clockwise causes the latching mechanism to release the load beam.
- Emergency release of an external cargo load is done by an electrically fired explosive cartridge, initiated from either of the collective stick grip switches marked HOOK EMER REL, or the crewman’s cargo hook control pendant marked EMER RLSE.
Max angle of cargo in flight?
Cargo suspended from the cargo hook should not be over a 30° cone angle. To prevent damage to the cargo hook keeper, the pilot shall use extreme care to prevent placing load pressure on the keeper.
The engine is anti-iced by two systems:
- The engine anti-ice system
- The engine inlet anti-icing system.
Both of these systems are turned on by the
ENG ANTI-ICE NO. 1 and NO. 2 switches.
Engine anti-icing is a combination of
____-__ and _____ _____ ___.
Engine anti-icing is a combination of
bleed-air and heated engine oil.
The engine air inlets are anti-iced by
_____-__ from the engines.
The engine air inlets are anti-iced by
bleed-air from the engines.