AP Psych: practice skills vocab quiz (last 27 terms) Flashcards
anything that can vary and is feasible and ethical to measure
the evaluation of scientific or academic work, such as
research or articles submitted to journals for publication,
by other qualified professionals practicing in the same field
peer review
a measure of the extent to which two factors vary together,
and thus of how well either factor predicts the other
a non experimental technique for obtaining the self report-
ed attitudes or behaviors of a particular group usually by questioning a representative, random sample of the group
bias when people report their behavior inaccurately
self report bias
bias from people responding in ways they presume a
researcher expects or wishes
social desirability bias
Informed consent, confidentiality, right to withdraw, no deception or if used must be debriefed, protection from harm or discomfort
ethical procedures
a committee named by an agency or institution to review research proposals originating within that agency for ethical acceptability and compliance with the organization’s codes of conduct. IRBs help protect research participants
and are mandatory at any U.S. institution receiving federal
funds for research.
institutional review boards
giving potential participants enough information about a
study to enable them to choose whether they wish to
informed consent
ensures the safety and well-being of people involved in
psychological research or interventions
protect participants from harm
protection is given to research participants and survey
respondents against unauthorized access to information
they reveal in confidence
any distortion of or withholding of fact with the purpose of
misleading others
in an experimental situation, an aide of the experimenter
who poses as a participant but whose behavior is rehearsed prior to the experiment
the post experimental explanation of a study, including its
purpose and any deceptions, to its participants
a summary measure that attempts to describe a whole set of data with a single value that represents the middle or
centre of its distribution
measures of central tendency
the degree of variance or dispersion of values that is
obtained for a specific variable
the arithmetic average of a distribution, obtained by adding
the scores and then dividing by the number of scores
the middle score in a distribution; half the scores are above it and half are below it
the most frequently occurring score(s) in a distribution
difference between the highest and lowest scores in a distribution
a computed measure of how much scores vary around the
mean score
standard deviation
a symmetrical, bell shaped curve that describes the distribution of many types of data; most scores fall near the
mean and fewer and fewer scores lie near the extremes
normal curve
a representation of scores that lack symmetry around their
average value
the tendency for extreme or unusual scores or events to
fall back toward the average
regression toward the mean
A graphed cluster of dots, each of which represents the
values of two variables. The slope suggests the direction
of the relationship between the two variables. The amount
of scatter suggests the strength of the correlation
a statistical index of the relationship between two things
correlation coefficient
a statistical statement of how likely it is that a result occurred by chance, assuming there is no difference between the populations being studied
statistical significance