AP Fetal Surveillance Flashcards
Indications for AP Fetal surveillance
Decreased FM, Late term (41 0/7), Post term (>42 0/7), Reassurance, Current medical conditions, Current obstetric conditions, Hx of obstetric conditions
Fetal Movement Counts
28 wks with risk, 34-36 wks without risk, 10 kicks in 2 hours is norm, clapping is a good way to wake up a baby
Fetal HR strip - top vs bottom
Lower strip is contractions, upper strip is FHR (opposite for the sensors)
FHR monitoring 4 basic questions
What is baseline? Is there variability and how do I describe it? Are there Acels? Are there decels and what kind?
Definition of Accel
At least 15bpm for 15 minutes
5 components of Biophysical Profile (Fetal VS)
NST, Fetal breathing movement, fetal body/limb movement, fetal muscle tone, amniotic fluid volume (All gathered by US)
Premise of Fetal Monitoring
Tone, movement all dependent on proper oxygenation
Biophysical Profile scorign
Max 10/10, Normal 8/10, Equivocal 6/10, Abnormal
Modified BPP
NST and Amnionic fluid index. Normal is Reactive NST and AFI >5, Abnormal is nonreactive NST and AFI
What is a fetal vital sign in the 2nd and 3rd trimester?
Volume of Amniotic fluid, reflects utero-placental and fetal kidney fxn
When does Amniotic fluid peak?
Peaks at 33 weeks, declines at 38 weeks
Deepest pocket in all 4 quadrants measured in cm, then added together, Normal is 5-25
Jobs of Amniotic fluid
Cushion, temperature regulation, antibacterial, growth factors