AP EXAM Flashcards
How did they Maintain and Justify power in Song China?
confuciansim, imperial bureaucracy
Song China
carried over a revival of confucianism from the Tang Dynasty
neo confucianism: sought to rid Confucian thought of the influence of Buddhism which ahd infulenced in significantly before
-the nature of society is hierarchical
Song China
delegated to the subordinate position
-stripped of leagal rights
-endured social resitrictions:
- only had limited access to education and elite women forced to practice foot binding
Imperial Bureacucracy
Song China
bureaucracy: a gov entity arranged in a hierarchial fashion that carries out the will of the emperor
-civil service examination: rewquired to taxe and pass to join bureaucracy, based on Confucian classics
-theoretically open to everyonne, but only rich men had time to study
Song influence on neighboring regions
korea: used similar civil service examination +adopted buddhism
Buddhism in Song China
-buddhism originated in India
Therevada: Sri Lanka, only thoose in monestaries could achive nirvana
Mahayana: East Asuan, broader participation
Song China Economy
agricultural innovations in Song China
helped population boom
-champa rice: matured early, resisted drought, could be harvested multiple times
transportation innovations in Song China
expansion of Grand Canal: facilitated trade and communication among China’s regions
Dar-al Islam
house of Islam
refers to al lplaces in world where Islamic faith was the organizing principle of civilizations
Abbasid Claiphate
-ethnically Arab
-as its power wained, its land became dominated by Turlic people
Seljuk Empire
-Abbasid needed hlep consolidation power, so they brought Seljuk warrors in and they fought and took control
-dominance of Arab Muslim empires was fading while Turkic Muslim empires rose up to replace them
Turkic Empires
-continuity form Arab Empires
-military administered state
-established Sharia law
State Building In South Asia
-Dehli Ruled northern India: had difficulty holding onto tule and imposing a total Muslim state upon majoirty hindu population
Rajput Kingfoms: collection of rival and warring Hindu kingdoms
Vijayanagara Empire: established b/c of a failed attempt by Deli Sultunate to extend Muslim rule into the south
State Building In Americas
Aztec and Incan empires, Mississippian Culture
Aztec Empire
-Technochitlian: capital city
-established empire w/ aggressive program of expansion
Aztec Administration
-created an elaborate system of tribute states, people they conquered were required to provide labor for the Aztecs and regular contributions of goods
-enslaved people played large role in their religion, canidates for human sacrifice
Incan empire
(further south than Aztects)
-highly centralized, incorporated land anc languages of older Andean societies
-developed bureaucracy w/ relied hieracrchy of officals spread throughout empire
-Mit’a system
Mit’a System
-incan empire, required all people under rule to provide labor on state projects
Mississippian Culture
-1st large scale civilization in north america
-around Mississippi River Valley b/c of fertile soil, agruculture focused
-power sturcture: large towsn domainayed smaller, satellite settlements pollitically
State Building in Africa
Swahili Civilization
Ghana, Mali, and Songhay Civilizations
Hausa Kindoms
Great Zimbabwe
Swahili Civilization
-E. Africa
-series of cities organized arround commerce (trading along E. African coast)
-politically independent cities w. common social hierarchy (put merchants above commoners)
-deeply influenced by Muslim Traders: settled in carious Swahili states, states rapidly became Islamic, increased intergration with larger Islamic world of trade
-emergence of Swahili: decended from indigenous Bantu language and Arabic
Ghana, Mali, Songhay civilizations
-highly centralized
-grown by trade
-mostly elite members and gov. officials that converted to Islam, majority of population held on to indigenous beliefs and traditions
Hausa Kingdoms
-not centralized, series of city-states
-spoke common language and common culture; organized and grew powerdul through Trans-Saharan trade
Great Zimbabwe
powerful African state that grew b/c of trade
-w. increasing African and intergrational trade being procesed through Here, grew exceedingly wealthy and shifted to mainly gold
-rulers and people never converted to Islam, but rather maintained their indigenous shamanistic religion
grew b/c of trade
Christianity: 1 African christian state surrounded by Islamic and indigenous belief states
-hierarchial power structure
Dominated by Chritsianity: Eastern Orthodox or Roman Catholicism
-Byzantine Empire
-Kevian Rus
-Western Empire
Byzantine Empire
eastern hald of what was once Roman Empire, eastern orthodox christianity
Kevian Rus
eastern orthodox christianity (unitying factor)
Western Europe
Roman catholicism
-linked small empires, no large empires, decentralization and political fragmation was “political flavor of Europe”
-feudalism: system of alliances between powerful lords, monarchs and kingdoms, vassals recived land from their lords in exchange for military service
-manorialism: way economics and society was organized, serfs, center of political and economic power was in hands of landowning lords (nobility)
Silk Road
-luxury goods trading network that stretched accross Eurasia
kashgar: at two major cross points
ex: Chinese silk an porcelin
innovations and tradnsportations that facilitated expansion of networks
caravanserai: seriies of inns and day houses along Silk road, provided saftey along routes, broucght merchants to gether which led to cultural and technological transfers
money economyL used paper money to facilitate exhchange (1st introduced in China “flying money”
Indian ocean network
-thoutough understanding of monsson winds made trade possible
-large bulk was common goods like textiles and spices
causes of Indian ocean expansion
magnetic compass
imporved astrolabe
new ship designes: Chinese Junk
various forms of credit
effects of Indian Ocean trade expansion
growth of cities: swahili-city states along African’s eats coast, acted as brokers for goods origniating from entirior, grew in wealth, traded gold, ivory, enslaved people
-under influence of islamic merchants, became Islamic and connected to trade with world of Dar-al-Slam
-diasporic communities: settlement of ethnic people in a location other thant their homeland (Arabs and persians in East Africa)
-new languages: swahili (bantu and arabic)
Zheng He
sent by China’s Ming Dynasty to go throughout Indian ocean, enrolling states in China’s tributary sytem
-technological and social transfers: advanced maritime technology
Trans Saharan trade Network
exapnded because of innovations in technology: camel saddle-led to development of increasing welath and power in various states:
empire of Mali: conversion of leadeershio to Islam, traded gold with west africa, Mansa Musa: ruled under Empire’s height, further monopolized trade between north and interior of Africa
concequeces of connectivity
- transfer of religion: spread of Islam/ Hinduism; Buddhism orgigionated in S. Asia and entered China via Slik Road
- literary and artistic: House of Wisdom and Bagdahd
- Scientific and Technological Innovations: GunpowderL invented in China, spread to muslim empires then later E. Europe when mongols came, altered balance of power
- Rise and Fall of cities: hang Zhou China: situated at one end of Grand Canal became wealthy and urbanized; fall: Baghdad destroyed by Mongol armies
- travelers who wrote abt their experiencesL Marco Polo, Ibn Battua
enviromental effects of connectivity
transfer of crops: champa rice produced excess food and population growth
desiese: bubonic plaugue began in China and carried by rats and flees through trade
Mongol Empire
facilitated trade routes on Silk Road
-established largest land-based empire of all time (song and abbasid fell to mongols)
-networkds of trade increased mongol rule: silk road plourished when large empires controlled it bc they provided saftey
-facillitated techonological and cultureal trasnfers: condditions for transfer of Greek and Islamic medical knowldge to W. Europe (from house of wisdom), Mongol adoption of Weager Script (written language from Turkic Muslims)
land-based empires
Ottoman, Safavid, Mughal, Qing Dynasty/Manchu Empire
Ottoman Empire
expansion through gunpowder weapons
-conquered Constantinople and renamed Istanbul (fall of Roman Empire)
ChirstiansL enslaved them and converted to Islams, trained and put into a military forced called Jannisaries
-Sunni Muslim: rightful successor of Muhhammad could be anyone spiritually fit
Safavid Empire (middle east)
Shai Ishmai: under rule, conquered nehiboring terirories
Shah abbasL built up army, adopted gunpowder weapons
-enslaved army of christians (from caucasus region)
-Shia Muslim (only blood relatives of Muhammad were his legitimate sucessors)
Mughal Empire
babur: led campaigns agaisnt Deli Sultunate (muslimt) and began Mughal rule in south asia, expanded militarily through gunpowder weapons
-Akbar: expanded empire further, toleraant of other religioins under Muslim rule (majority Hindu)
Qing Dynasty/ Manchu Empire
-ethnically Han (chinese); no more outsiders
manchu: set up Qing Dynasty in place of Ming, expanded and conquered using gunpowder
Safavid-Mughal Conflcit
-series of wars over territories in Afghanistan
-territories origionally ownded by Mughal who were off fighting, unavle to drive off Safavids, intesnsified religious confilcit between Sunni and Shi’as
Ottoman’s administration
-fromation of a large bureaucracy, devrshrime system
-staff bureaucracy with highly trained indiviuduals, top preformers of enslaved crhistians appointed to positions in bureaucracy
religion, art, architecture to justify power
Europe: divine right of kings, palace of versailles
Qing China: Emperor Kangi gung imperial portraits around city
Inca: Sun temple, (high religious festivals, rulers associated with gods)
innovations on tax collection systems
tac farming: ottoman, right to tax subjects of empire was awarded to hightest bidder
Zamindar system: Mughal, Zamindars wew elite landowners who were granted authority to tax peasants living on their land on behalf of imperial gov’t
tribute lists: Aztects, used to generate wealth
Rome: center of religion and roman Catholic Church (plagued w/ corruption like simony {buying way into positions of power in church} and indulgences)
-martin luther: catholic monk disturbed by abuses, nailed 95 thesis to church, excommunicated, printing press spread his ideas
-protestant reformation: increased Chirstianity in Europe, RCC contintued to doninante (concil fo trent: catholic cleaned up some corruption)
intesnsified because of political rivalired; led to rights and weakening of Safavid (Shia) army
Sikhism (South Africa)
-syncretic belnd of both Hindu and Islamic doctrine
-belief in one god, cycle of reincarnation, disregared gender hierarchies and caste system
Causes of European Expansion
- adoption and innovation of Maritime techonogies
- growth of state power
- economics
adoption and innovation of martime technologies
-technologies came from Classical greek, Islamic, and Asian worlds (magnetic compass {china}, astrolabe {ancient greece/ arab}, lateen sail{ arab}
-innovations of Europeans: caravel {portugues ships], imporved understanding of regional wind patterbs
growth of state power
-monarchies growing powerful at extent of nobility, overland trade getting increasingly expensive, European states has a big incentive to find other routes to Asia which would allow them to trade on thei own terms
mercantilism; state driven economic system that charactersized imperial European states, measured gold in wealth and silver, farovable balance of tradeL states organize economies around exports and avoid imports, colonies existed only to enrich imperial states
-joint-stock company: limited liablity buiness funded by a group of provate investors (dutch east india company who had a monopoly on indian ocean trade)
Establishing martime empires
-intertest from golf trade in Africa entering Indian Ocean, established trading post empire around coast of Africa and throught Indian Ocean
-put factories to control trade
establishing maritime empires
-b/c of portugal’s achivements, Spanish crown sponsored chrisophor clombus to sail accross Atlanitc for a western route to asian spice trade
-led to increased spanish voyages to the “New World”; increased and claimed world of colonization and opening of Trans Atlantic Trade
-colonized Phillipeans and AmeircasL by tribute collecting, coerced labor
establishing maritime empires
-financed expiditions for North Atlantic Sea route, established presence in candada (acess to fur trade and indigenous peoples)
establishing martime empires
financed expeditions and colonialized Americas (roanoke, VA was 1st settlement)
establishing maritime empires
-gained independence from Spain, controlled many parts of Indian Ocean, monopoly over spice trade
resistance from some asian states against intrustion of western powers in indian ocean
Tokugawa jaoan: experiencing unity under shogunate, at 1st open to foreign trade for gunpioweder weapons, shogun kicked out westeners and supressed Chirstianity b/c of growing number of christian japanese
Columbian Exchange
transfer of new desieses, food, plants, and animals between the Eastern and Western hemispheres
food and plants
columbian exchnage
to new world: olives, wheatm grapes, rice, bannanas, sugar
-to old world: potatoes, maize (contributed to healthy population, longer lifespan
cash croppingL method of agriculture that focuses on growing crops (usually one) primarily for export; grew in establishemnt of plantations in Americans b.c of demands for crops in Europe
Columbian exchange
Europeans to americasL pigs, sheep, cattle, horse
horseL used for agricultural work, enabled indigenous plains people to hunt buffalo more effectivley
resistance in European states
France: heavily adopted doctrine of absolutism, the Fronde: series of rebellions because for imperialist expansion, raised taxes on citizens, led by peasants and nobels, rebellion crushed
resistance from enslaved
Marron SocietiesL Carrabean and Brazil; free societies of Black people, mainly made up of runaway slaves,
expansion of African states
- Asante empire (w. Africa): provided Gold, ivory, and enslaved people to European traaders, made them wealthy, expanded and consolidated political power over more of region
- Kingdom of the Kongo (S. Africa): diplomaticies w/ portuguese and provided them w/ gold, copper, enslaved people, King of Kongo converted to Chirstianity in order to facilitate trade with christian states, led to expansion of congolese power and wealth
change and continuity of newtroks of exchange
Indian Ocean
- change: massive power grabs of European states into this network, Euopean enterance increased their own profits and other merchants
- continuityL middke asterm South asian ,E Asian, and SE asian merchnats continued to use network,peasant and artisan labor continued as demand for goods increased
change and continuity
opening of atlantic system
only change: its opening, sugar (carribieans), silver (americas mined by Spain)
-coerced labor: forced indigenous labor, indentured servitude, African slavery
effects of silver
used to purchnace luxury goods from China: satisfied Chinese demand for silver, and further developed commercialization of China’s economy
-goods silver purchanced were traded on Atlantic system, further enriching all who participated
labor systems
Mit’a System, Chattel Slavery, Indentured Serviture, Ecomienda System, Hacienda Syetem
Mit’a System
-developed and used by Inca, required subjects to provide labor on state
-spanish used for silver mining operations (not good of the people)
Chattel Slavery
slavery in which purchacer has total ownership over enslaved person, race-based and hereditary
effects: europeans purchaced male slaves 2:1,size of transatlantic slave trade greater than medditerranean counterparts, racial component of Atlantic slave syetem provided its justification
social effects of African slavery (chattel slavery)
-significant gender imbalance
-changing of family structures: rise of polygamy
-cultural synthesis: In Americas growing emergence of Creole (mixed) languages in Carribean and Brazil
Indentured Servitude
-laborer would sign a contract that bound them to a particular work for a period of time, at end they could go free
ecomienda system
used by spanish divide indegenous Americans among Spanish settlers, Americans forced to provide labor in exhange for food and protecttion
had nothing to do with land ownership, everything with controlling indigenous population
hacienda system
-indidegnous laborers forced to work feilds of large plantations (haciendas), amounted to a sityation much different then slavery
centered on land ownership to control indeginous population
Changing of Chirstianity in Americas
-main motivation of Spain and portugal: spread christianity
-sent catholic missionaries (jesuits) to colobnies in order to convert indigenous people
-some indigenous groups outwardly pratcied crhistianity, but privatley their indigenous beliefs
-religious syncretism: vodun: african animism belnded w/ christianity
changing social hierarchies
spain: reconquista (expelled all muslims from Iberian Penninusla), Chirsianity remained present, bootet all Jews from land
Ottoman: tolerance to Jews
Casta system: spanish imposed new social hierarchies on thier colobial holdings in America based on race
-transition from Ming (han) to Qing (Manchu); bureuracratic postitoins saved fro Manchus with exlcusion of Han
Russian boyars: made up aristocratic land owning class in Russia, Peter the Great abolished rank of boyard
rationalism: reason, rather than emotion (or external authority) is the reliable source of true knowledge
empiricism: idea that true knowledge is gained through senses, mainly through experimentation
-shifted authority from literal words of bib;e to daily life in Empire
Effects of Enlightenment
- New belief systems: deism and atheism
- new political ideas: individualism, natural rights, social contract
- major revolutions, intensification of nationalism
- expansion of sufferage/ women’s sufferage
- aboltion of slavery/serfdom (shift from agricultural to industrial economy)
revolutions during enlightenement
- American revolution: Britian far removed from its colonies, seven years war and Britan’s substatil debt to tax colonies
- French Revolution: helped with American Revolution; Louis XIV established
- Haitain revolution: prosperous colony of France, enspired by French revolution
- Latian American: creole led, Simon Bolivar leader
- Phillipeans: spanish colony; imposed simolar racial hierarchy, Propoganda movement ( spanish controlled edu)
- -Unification of Italy and Germany
Industrial Revolution
-process by which states transitioned from primarly agrarian (industrial economies)
-chnaged balance of power
why great britian industrilized
- proximity to water ways
- geographical distruction of coal and iron
- abundant access to foreign recources
- improved agrucyltural productivity (crop rotation, seed drill, columbian exchange foods)
- rapid urbanization (bc less mechanized farming, less people to farm)
- legal proctection of private property
- accumilation of capital through atlantic slave trrade
spread of indusrtilization
slow adoptes: E. and S. Europe who lacked abundant coal deposits, land locled, hindered by historically powedul groupds
India and Egypt: decline of textile manufacturing w/ cheaper great britian textiles
-slower pace than great Britian, lacked abundant coal and iron
United States
-after civil war; driven by workers seeking new opportunites, massive territory (abundant acess to natural recources), rapid population growth
-railroad and steam engine, Trans Siberian Railroad (connected Moscow to pacidic ocean, increase in trade)
-brutal condition of workers
-meijing restoration: W. edu + technology, became most powerful state region
first industrial revolution
Great Britian (1750-1830)
-coal, steam engine
-factory machines no longer had to be powered by water, can be built antywhere now, powered locamotives on railraods
2nd industrial revolution
-Europe, US, Russia, Japan
-oil, internal combustion engine (powered by gasoline), smaller and more efficent than steam engine
-used to later power automobile
effects of new technology
- development of interior regions: b/c of railroads, new settlements in places previously different
- increase in trade and migration: states becoming more interlinked to a global economy
state-sponsored industrialization
-part of the ottoman, basically operated seperatley, Muhammad Ali: step towards industrialization
Tanzimat reforms:
industrial projects, textile and weapon factories, agriculture (gov purchanced crops from peasants to be sold on market)
tariffs (raised tazes on imported goods)
state-sponsored industrilization
context: Tokugawana shogunate, isolated from foreigners
-factories that led to industrilization: Western powers (dominated other Asian states), Matthew perry: U.S commodore who came to Japan w/ a fleet of steam powered ships stacked w/ guns
civil war: overthrew shogunate and established emperor by a group Samurai
Meji Resoration: Japan sought ot escape foreign dominantion bty adopting much of the industrial powers that made the West powerful (established gov with constitution, state funded building of railroads, banking system, industrial factories
slow death of mercantilism
-abandoned for free market econonimies
wealth of nations adam smith: mercantilism only benifiting elites supply + demnad= invisible hand
Hongsong and Shanghai Banking Corporation
Trans-national company, British controlled hong kong to organie and control british imperial ventures
unilever coorporation
joint company by British and Dutch that manufacture hoseholds goods (like soap)
new financial practices
stock markets, limit liability
effects of industrial capitalism
-rising standards of living
-rising middle classes
-mechanized framing led to longer lifespands
ideological reactions to capitalism
Karl Marx: great Britian, belived capitalism created a sharp class division, “communist manifesto” published ideas, scientific socialism
Qing China
-trade deficit from british importing illegal opium
-opium wars: british won and forced China to sign unequal treaties, more industrilized powers took advabtage of China’s weaknesses
self strengthening movementL industrilize and revitralize culture, Sino Japanese war: Japan won, movement proved a failure
-defensive industrialization, tanzimat reforms (built textile factory, implemented Western-style law codes and courts, expanded education, divorced from historic islamic character of empire
new soicial classes
- industrial working class: factory workers, miners, unskilled labor, inter changable parts, higher wages that rural places, danger of work, crowded living, spread of desies
- middle class: benifited most, white collar workers (wealth factory owners and managers, bankers, doctors, laweyers) afford manufactured proudcuts
- industrialists: at top of social hierarchy, wealth gained by owning industrial coorportions, more powerful than traditional aristocrats
challanges of industrializatoin
- pollution: coal smoke from steam engines, waste from sewars polluted drinking water
- housing shortages: Tenements built tghat were porly venelated, close proximity, spready of typoid and Cholera
- increased crimeL stealing to survive, violent crimes associated with alc
context for new imperialism
maritime empires: americas and Indian ocean
new motivations: nationalism, social darwinism, civilizing mission, scientific racism
changes in imperial states
1450s-1750s: spain and portugal
1750-1900: spain and portugal (declining), great Britian, France, Dutch, Germant, Italy, US, Japan
Shifting geographical focus of second wave of imperialsm
1450-1750: Americas, Asia, SE Asia
1750-1900: Africa, Asia, SE Asia
private to state control
ex: Belgium in Congo in Africa, King Leoppold III conquered and expolited Africans, Beligium took over him
diplomacy and warefare in Africa
second wave of imperialsim
Berlin conference: Scramble for africa, Otto von bismark called to split up continent
french and algeria: france in debt to them, so french invaded and continued to take over North African states through warfare
settler colonies
2nd wave of imperialism
Britian in new Zeland and West and South Africa; massive wats of british people settled, desiess brought killed native populations
Aborigines (australia) Maui (new zeland)`
conquering neighboring terrirories
United States: westward expansion; displaced indigenous into reservations and forced assimilation
Russia: Pan slavism, unite all slavic people under Russian authority (including Austria and Ottoman)
japan: industrialization due to meijing resoration, expanded influence over Korea, manchoria, and some of China
types of resistance to 2nd wave of imperialism
- direct resistance
- creation of news states on periphery of empire
- religious rebellions
causes of imperial resistance
increasingf queations abt political authrority
-many introuduced colonies to western style education with enlightenment thoughts
-nationalism growing
direct resistance
2nd wave of imperialsm
- Indian Revolution 1875: over thrwo British domination
- Yaa Asante war: w. Africa, Britian made 4 attempts to conquer for golf feposits, Birtish superior weaponry won
creation of new states on periphery of empire
2nd wave of imperialsim
- Cherokee naiton: left ward expansion, Indian Removal act and trail of tears to relocate Indians in Oklahoma
religious rebellions
2nd wave imperialsim
-Ghost Dance Movement
- Xhosd Cattle killing movement: british trying to take over Xhosa w/ better technology
- religous movement: led by a prophet, abnestors will come back and new cows if they slaughter all cows there
development of export economies
new for raw materials: copper, cotton, rubber, gold, diamonds
-export economies
-need to supply food for growing urban centers
ex: India and Egypt cotton to Britian
W. Africa: palm oil plantations
Ottoman Empire
“Sick man of Europe”
-young turks: wanted to modernize Ottoman empire (western model)
nationalsm: envisioned to moderidze ottoman empire (western model)
nationalism: envisioned Ottomans as trukic with exclusion of ethinic minorities
overthrew sultan and made refimrs: establishment of elections, school and law clodes, and Turkic as official language); o
-excluded groupd experieced own nationalism which further fractured empire
Russian Revolution/ Collapse of Russian Empire
Nicholas II: growing industrial middle class restented tsar’s policies, working class was mad
-demands metL constitution, legalization of labor unions, political parties,
-WW I and continued diffuclties od industrialization led to the Russian Revolution (under Vladmir Lenin, leader of Blosheviks)
collapse of Qing China
- taiping rebellionL put down by Wing, but cost lives
- loss of both opium wars
- loss of sino-japaense war
- Boxer rebelltion: put down by British, French, Japanese troops
- Mao Zedong: leader of new communist state
Mexican Revoltion
dictatorship to a republic with a constitution and reforms
Causes of WWI
- Militarism: build up army to protect states, Germany: massive miltary buildup, most powerful force in Europe
- Alliance System: created in interets of national security
Triple alliance: Germany, Italy, Austria-Hungarian
Triple Entente: Britian , France, Russia - Imperialism: desire to project power on world stage, germany sought to expand
- nationalism
spark of WWI
assasination of Archduke Franz Feridand of Austrai-Hungary;
-nationalism caused Serbian assasomatopiim, unconciousable act that needed force, so alliance systems got involved in Siberian and Austrian conflict
stradegies of WWI
- 1st total war: requires mobilization of country’s entire population (millitary and civillian)
- propoganda campaign: demonized enemies, own cause is rightous cause, intensified form of nationalism
- Trench warfare: led to years of stalemates where caustalities mounted, but neither side made much progress
- used troops from imperial colonies (india, africa, ect)
end of WWI
-entry of US on allied powers because of German’s siunking of Lithuania,
Treaty of vresailles: ended war, alied powers won, germany and central powers lost, used to punish germany
Germany after WWI
-hyperinfaltion b/c treaty required Germans to pay for damage they caused in war, in debt from war spending, printed more money so value of $ dropped
Great Depression
stock market crash: led to more hands on approach to ecnomy
FXR: new deal program; put ppl to work on infrastructure projects, introduced a gov’t sponsored retirement programs, created gov medical insurance for elderly and children
WWII: saved economy
Soviet after WWI
-left WWI because of russian revolution
-vladmir lenin’s new economic policy: limited freemarket, biggest institutions remained unders state control, he and policy died in 1924
-joseph stalin: wanted soviet to industrialize w/ 5 year plans
5 year plans
under Joseph Stalin: collectivisation of agriculture: merging small privatley owned farms, into large vollective farms owned by the state (food to feed industrial workers)
kulaks: resisted 5 ear plans, executed or sent to labor camps by Stalin
peasant farmers: unable to match state quotas
ukraine: famine bcause of stalin’s policies, “holodamor”
unresolv ed tensions after WWI
- mandate system
- Japan’s expansion
- anti imperial resisrance movements
mandate system
Euro and Japanese maintained colonial holdings, ans some gained more
-Middle eastern terriotories would become mandates administered by the League of Nations, 3 tier structure to classify holdings, led to anti imperial resistance
Japanese Expansion
-the only no western state that can compare to powers of western states
anti imperial resistance after WWI
Indian national congress: petitioning British gov for greater degrees of self rule, Mohandas Gandhi was a significant leader
African National Congress: in South Africa, dedicated to obtaining equal rights, pan africansim: aimed fro equality and unity of all balck people
causes of WWII
- unsustainable peace
- continued imperialism
- economic crisis (great depression
- rise of facism and totalaranism
unsustainable peace after WWI
Treaty of Versailles, Itally bittler b/c they didnt recive promised land grants, Germany had forced demilitrization and balmed for war
continued imperialism after WWI
Japan: china and pacific islands
Italy: expanded land, conquered Ethiopia
Germany: under Adolp Hiteker, took land for lebansraum (living space), aggressive militeraism, no concequences for violating treaty
Rise of facism and totalarianism after WW1
soveit union: Jospeh Staliin wanted entire world to be communist
Italy: facism (political philopsohy characterized by extreme nationalism, authoritarian leadership, and militerausm to achive its goals) Musollini established facist state
Germany: Nazi party under Adolf Hitler, nationalist, Policies: cancel reparation payments, remiliterize Germany, terriorial expansion/lebensraum, eliminate impure races
how world war II was fought
-total war, allaince systems ( axis powers: Germany, Italy Japan {facist}, allied powers: USSR Britian, France, US), propoganda
-entered on axis powers, but hitler broke nonagression pact by invading poland, so entered on allied powers
only sending money and supplies to allied powers until pearl harbor when Japanese bombed a US naval base
ideologies of WWII
- Facism: golrification of state, use of milteristic means, serve intersets of states (ex: hitelr made lbaor camps where Jews supported war)
- communism: soviet economy (5 year plans), brutal and unflinching demands
- democracy: great Britian: winstonchirchill relied on persuasion and propoganda; promoted war as a peoples war and promised expansion of welfare
repression of freedoms
- US: after pearl harbor, Japanese internment camps
- germany: jews and undesirables forced into ghettor sthe concentration/extermination camps
new technologies/ stradegies of WWII
- Blitzkrieg (germany): shock and awe stradgey used to eliminate enemy w/ speed
- firebombing: fall on urban areas by starting fires, devestated Tokyo
- Atomic Bomb (US): hiroshima and nagasaki in Japan were bombed, Japan surrendered and Allied powers prevailed
causes of mass atroicities in 20th centuary
- two world wars: 50 % civillian deaths
- new technology: ariel warfare, firebomning, atomic bomb
- rise of extremist political stradegies
mass atroicities 20th centuary
- armenian genocide: Ottoman Turks forced relocation of Armenian christians and extermination b/c they were suspicious of Turkish rule
- Holocaust: Final Solution was plan to achive a purified German race, started with Nuremburg laws to strip rights and force Jews into ghettos
- cambodian genocide: Khmer rouge, a communist party under Pol Pot, wanted to turn cambodia into an agrarian state and remove any western influence, 1/4 of poulation died
two superpowers arise
cold war and decolonization context
US: many women took up jobs in WWII, didnt lay in ruins, ability to help pay for reconstruction of war-torn countries (Marshall Plan), balance of power shifted to US
USSR: natural recources (enormous territory), large population, investment before WWII (infrastructure in place)
effects of cold war
- decononization
- military alliances
- proliferation of nuclear weapons
- proxy wars
cold war
- b/c new states were being created US and USSR want to influence with ideolgies
- -some states got recources/weapons
military alliances
cold war
- USSR gained territory in W. Europe: communist block/societ bloc, installed communist govs that served USSR
NATO (north atlantic treaty organization): mutual defense alliance
Warsaw pact: USSR’s responce to NATO
proliferation of nuclear weapons
cold war
-cuban miussle crisis
-Nuclear Nonproiliferation treaty: by nuclear powers to prevent nuclear non-nuclear cpuntries from developing such weapons
proxy wars
cold war
- Africa, LA, Asia: societ/ US took sides in supporting their fighting
- Korean war: communist north invaded democratic south to unigy (split after WWII)
- Angolan civil war: fought for independece, rival tribes supported by US v Spciets
- Contra war: Nicaragua, US supported to overthrow socialist governement
communism in china
Mao Zhedong: nationalized industry, redistributed land, procalimed people’s republic of china
great leap forward: economic plan to rapidly industrialize china through development of heavy industry, focused on small-scale industrialization in rurla areas, caused famine, refused foreign aid, exported necessary grain
socialist movements
- Egypt: nationalization of Suez canal (linked Europe and asia); now under Egypt control, invaded by Israel, Britian france
- Vietnam: communist in north began land distribtion, anti communism in South
- Cuba: Fidel Castro established communist state; purge cuba of dependence on subservience to United States
negotiated independence
India: Britian’s most prosperous and valuable colony, growing educated middle class (INC)
-nationalist leaders:Ghandi demanded independence, Britian regonized in par;iament
-fraught w/ violence after independece b/c mmuslim league called for own state in india (muslim partition: created state of pakistan for muslim minority)
2. Africa; Gold Coast: negotiations w/ britian led to establishment of Ghana
armed conflict (decolonization)
- algeria: French colony; national liberation front: staged violent attacks against French troops and civillians
- angola: portuguse, feel into ciivil war after indepedence
nonviolent resistance
- mohamas Gandhi
- homespun movement: in protest of Britian’s economic dominance of India;s contton industry, boycott british made textilles
- salt march: India, boycott Britian salt monopoly, after WWII britian didnt have recources to put down revolutions
- Matin Luther king (montgomery bus boycott)
- nelson mandela: south africa, AFC, won presidency and ended aparthide
end of cold war
- advancements in US
- failed soviet invasion of afghanistan
- Gorbachev’s policies
advancements of US
end of cold war
“mutual assured distruction” led to period of detante: nixon and brezchev agreed to prohibit further manufacuture of nuclear weapons, spending led societs into economic decline
failed soviet invsion of afghanistan
1979: Afghans supported by US, saduia arabia and pakistan
-could win guerilla war, further depelated USSR economy
Gorbachev’s policies
end of cold war
economic crisis: foreighn trade limited, gv crontrol of agricuture shifted the industry, soviet bloc countries cointiuned to grow upset with opression
-perestokia: restructuting of economy
-glasnost: openess, chritisism and dissent was allowed (previously silenced)
-ceased military interention to prop up communism
-1991 Societ legislature voted to dissolve USSR, makring an end to the cold war
communication technology after 1900
- Radio
- TV
- cellular
- Internet
transportation technology
- automobiles
- air travel
- shipping containers
energy technology
- petrolem: feul cars and planes; generate electricity, more efficent than coal, increased production
- nuclear powerL emits little polution, distasters at poklanst led to depopularisation
medical technology
- antibiotics: penicillin
- vaccines: widespread use, ex: measles, phenumonia, polio, flu
- birth control: fertillity declines
Agriculture Technology
- commerical farming: sell agricultureal products on the market and maximize profits
- Green revolution: genetic modification, increased harvest, led to soil exaustion and erosion from overplanting, pollution of water from GMO chemicals
Epidemics and Pandemics
- influenza pandemic: spread through trade
- HIV/AIDS: assocaited with gay people and drug addicts
- covid 19
heart desiese:, alzhiemers bc of longer life span
land problem: enviromental effects of globalization
- deforestization: urbanization, “urban sprawl” increasing size of urban footprint; suburbs
- farmland: affects worlds forests/rainforests, effects ecosystems/species, increased level ofpollution
- desertification: transformation of once fertile land into infertile land
air and water probelms: effects of globalization
- decline in air quiality: b/c of fossil feules in major cities (great smog in london)
- increased competiotn over water supply
- climate change: warming of planet due to greenhouse gasses
spread of free market economies
neoliberalis: economic emphais on free market principles like lowering of trade barriers like tarrifs, deregulization of industry, transfer of public sector industries
United Nations
supernational organization (league of nations 2.0) prevent war and facilitate cooperation
-general assembly: includes represntation from all the member nations (today 193/195 states in the world)
security council: leeping peace in a globalized world, 5 permanemnt members and 10 rotating represenatives