Ap Euro Term 3 Flashcards
Romantic Era
The forces of conservatism and reaction dominate the Congress of Vienna
the “Long Peace” in Europe between the Napoleonic Wars and the outbreak of WWI
Era of Democratic Revolutions Sweep Across the New World and Western “Liberal” Europe
The Age of Metternich–Reactionary Repression
Peterloo Massacre in Britain and the repressive Carslbad Decrees in the German States
Both the conflict over the Monroe Doctrine and the Greek Revolution
Revolutions in Europe
***19th Century
Post-Napoleonic Europe—Industrial Revolution
Corn Laws In Effect
Great Reform Bill in Britain
1830’s, 1840’s, 1850’s, 1860’s
Dickens was a voice of conscience for England during the Industrial Revolution in England
Chartists in England call for universal suffrage
Parson Malthus’s “Essay on Population” and David Ricardo’s “Iron Law of Wages” rule the day as the “Manchester School” of economics dominates the “dismal science.
Repeal of Corn Laws in England
Chartists disband quietly considering it was the year of Revolutions
Reform Bill
1850’s and beyond
Scramble for Africa
Revolution sweeps across Europe and Failure of liberal nationalism
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels publish their Communist Manifesto calling for “scientific socialism” and “dialectical materialism”
Fabian Socialist and Evolutionary Socialists Parties grow
***June 28, 1914
Assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand in Sarajevo, Bosnia Herzigovina, Austrian-Hungarian Empire
***July 1914
July diplomatic crisis; blank check, ultimatum, Russian mobilization, Schlieffen Plan, Belgian neutrality
***August 1914
WWI begins—“Guns of August”
Italy and Ottomans enter the fray
American enters war
***November 11, 1918
armistice is signed ended the fighting on the Western Front
Versailles Peace Conference
Omdurman, Britain’s “White Man’s Burden” or France’s “Civilizing Mission”
The Fabian Socialists agitate
Boer War in South Africa between Dutch settlers and British Army
Emmaline Pankhurst challenges the Victorian Era’s cult of domesticity by forming a suffragette campaign
Russo—Japanese War
“Bloody Sunday” the First Russian Revolution in Response to the Russo-Japanese Defeat
1912 and 1913
Balkans Wars shows the instability of the region known as the “powder keg” of Europe
***June 28, 1914
A member of the Pan-Serbian Gavrilo Princip of the “Black Hand” killed Archduke Franz Ferdinand of the Habsburg Dynasty
***February 1917
Czar is overthrown and replaced by a provisional government
Nov. 1917
Provisional government under Kerensky toppled by Lenin and Trotsky and the Bolsheviks in the “Ten Days Which Shook the World”—the October Revolution
Civil War between the Reds and Whites in Russia
***On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, 1918
the armistice ending hostilities is signed in a train car
January 1919
Spartacist Revolt of German communists in Germany led by Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxembourg is brutally crushed by the Weimar government
U.S. rejects the Versailles Treaty thus making the League of Nations rather impotent
The New Economic Policy was launched by Lenin
Mussolini and his Black Shirts seize control of the Italian government proclaim “Fascismo” after their March on Rome
Munich Beer Hall Putsch fails, but Hitler gains national attention and writes Mein Kampf.
Occupation of the industrial Ruhr valley by French and Belgian troops
Lenin dies
First 5 Year Plan for heavy industry was launched by Stalin in the USSR
Great Depression hits Europe
Hitler is appointed Chancellor by the aging Hindenburg in Germany
Mussolini ordered the invasion of Ethiopia to “Avenge Adowa”
Germany reoccupies the Rhineland in violation of the Treaty of Versailles
Leon Blum, a socialist, leads the Popular Front in France
Spanish Civil War
***September of 1938
Munich Conference demonstrates British and French Appeasement Policy
***March 1938
Anschluss—German occupied Austria
November 9, 1938, two months after Munich
November 9
“Destiny Day” in Germany
***August of 1939
Nazi/Soviet Pact
***Sept. 1, 1939
WWII begins with the invasion of Poland using
Norway, Holland, Belgium, and even France are crushed
The “Final Solution” of the Jewish Question was reached by Nazi leaders at the Gross Wannsee Conference
***June 22, 1941
“Operation Barbarossa” is launched
***Dec. 7, 1941
Pearl Harbor
The tide of war turns and the Allies go on the offensive
***June 6, 1944
***May 8, 1945
V-E Day
In the midst of the post V-E Day Potsdam Conference
George Kennan writes a 10,000 word memo outlining containment policy and Churchill makes his “Iron Curtain” speech
Truman Doctrine
Marshall Plan
Czechoslovakia becomes communist after Jan Masaryk “falls” out of a window
The Berlin Airlift leads to the creation of NATO and demonstrates containment policy and the hatred of the appeasement policy of the 1930’s
India gained independence from Britain
***1950’s and 1960’s
European Economic “miracle” in capitalistic Western Europe
The Benelux countries create the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC)
The Vietnamese rebels defeat the French at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu
Warsaw Pact is established to oppose NATO
Khrushchev makes his six-hour long “secret speech” in front of the communist international (COMINTERN) which is highly critical of Stalin’s excesses
Imre Nagy, formerly labeled a Titoist, leads a movement in Hungary to become more independent from Moscow
Treaty of Rome establishes the European Union or European Economic Community
The Algerian Crisis causes the French 4th Republic to crumble
Berlin Wall is erected
Cuban Missile Crisis
Khrushchev is removed from power for his inability to satisfy hardline conservatives in the ruling military and party political machines operating behind the scenes in the Soviet version of court intrigue
“Prague Spring” is crushed by Russian tanks under the order of Leonid Brezhnev and the Brezhnev Doctrine
Willy Brandt, former mayor of Berlin, is elected Chancellor of the West German government
Détente in the Cold War
terrorism in Europe–bigtime
The Soviet invaded Afghanistan ending Détente and bringing the U.S. boycott of the Summer Olympics
Conservative Party leader Margaret Thatcher is elected Prime Minister of Britain and begins a Conservative Revolution
Solidarity Movement under Lech Walesa is launched
Soviet disastrous invasion of Afghanistan causes Muslim community to launch a jihad against the ‘Godless” usurper
Gorbachev is elected premier of the Soviet Union and begins his policies of glasnot (openness) and perestroika (restructuring of industry, law, and government)
The Velvet Revolutions lead to the overthrow of communist government in Eastern Europe
November 1989
Berlin Wall is toppled
Germany reunified
Fall of the Soviet Union
Early 1990’s
Former Maine Senator, Majority Leader in the U.S. Senate and Bowdoin College graduate attempts to help broker a peace between the Sinn Fein (political branch of the Irish Republican Army) and the British
Ethnic cleansing in the former Yugoslavia
Russians fight against the former Islamic Republic of Azerbaijan resulting in a nasty war
former Soviet bloc countries begin to apply for membership in EU and in NATO
-Yeltsin takes over until he is replaced by Putin
-Germany economy struggles to integrate E. German and W. German economies
-dismemberment of former Soviet (previously Romanov) Empire into ethnic component parts
-Russia riddled with corruption as it struggles to convert to free market capitalism
-Irish economy booms in “tech sector”
Europe experiences huge growth in Islamic community
Eastern European states struggle to convert to free market capitalism and democracy
***September 11, 2001
terrorists combined with weapons of mass destruction become the new scourge of the twenty-first century
Great Recession
rise of right wing populist authoritarianism who oppose immigration, globalization, and want a return to “traditional values”.