AP Euro --> Enlightment Ch17 Flashcards
“Plurality of Worlds”
German philosopher; “Dare to know”
Historical and Critical Dictionary; skepticism (nothing can be known beyond all doubt)
Tabula Rasa
A young mind not yet affected by experience (Locke)
“Essay Concerning Human Understanding”
Locke,1690, human mind has no innate ideas, what people know is not the world but the result of the interactions of the mind with the world.
A group of “radicals” who focused on human reason and making critical changes in society
-“the Spirit of the Laws”
•argued that a country’s political institutions should be determined by its unique geographic and social characteristics– He also argues for the separation of government power among separate branches
“Treatise on Toleration”
•argued religious toleration had created no problems for England and Holland, reminded governments that “all men are brothers under God”
A popular belief during Enlightenment era that there is a God, but that Dod isn’t involved in people’s lives or revealing truths to prophets,
A group of books containing detailed information on a wide variety of subjects.
Science of Man
Social Sciences, natural laws Philosophes believed governed human actions.
David Hume
Skeptical philosophy restricted human knowledge to that which can be perceived by the senses
This was the group of economists who believed that the wealth of a nation was derived solely from the value of its land.
Leader of Physiocrats, believed land was ultimate source of all wealth and was for laissez-faire economics
“Wealth of Nations”
18th century book written by economist Adam Smith in which he spells out the first modern account of free market economics.