AOS 2 - Queen Flashcards
Who is the lead singer of queen, when was it released and what is the genre?
Freddie Mercury, 1974, Glam rock
What voice type is the lead vocal, and what is the technique that uses a weak, high ‘head voice’?
Tenor and falsetto.
What are the performing forces?
Vocals, piano, Honky-Tonk Piano, Electric guitar, Bass guitar, drum kit.
Which guitar techniques are used (6)?
Slides, bends, palm mutes, vibrato, hammer ons, pull offs
Which effects are used (6)?
Guitar distortion, wah-wah, reverb, EQ, phaser, panning
Which recording techniques are used (2)?
Multi-tracking, overdubbing.
What is the overall term for the structure?
What are the main keys of the piece, and why is the tonality considered ambiguous?
Eb Major, use of the relative minor (C minor) in verses and dominant (Bb major) in choruses. Tonally ambiguous because of frequent passing modulations.
Which harmonic device is used at the end of the first chorus?
Circle of fifths
What is the term for each syllable having its own note?
What is the term for singing ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’?
What is term for when the singer slides up on the word ‘Queen’?
What is the main texture of ‘Killer Queen’?
Homophonic/Melody-dominated homophony
What is the compound time signature of ‘killer queen’?
What is the term for when a phrase begins before the first beat of the bar?
What is the term for the bouncy rhythmic feel?