AOS 1 Flashcards
What is an ethical issue?
Ethics is what actors ought to do
An ethical issue is where there are competing sets of ethics on what actors should do
The idea that states act in their own national interests to ensure their sovereignty.
Act only to further their own NIs
Fundamentally –> what is best for THEIR citizens should drive states’ decisions
The idea that humanity is one single community with all humans born equally and therefore all humans should be treated equally.
Fundamentally –> what is best for humanity should drive a states’ decision
Difference b/w realism and cosmopolitanism
Both are a set of ethical ideologies
Realism = states role as primary actor therefore main role is to protect own citizens
WHEREAS cosmopolitanism = states have broader responsibilities than just their citizens therefore should consider global community
Lack of food, access to clean water and sanitation
Mainstream/Orthodox view of poverty
Poverty based on $ b/c unemployed or underemployed (X enough $/hours)
Economic condition
Solution = ‘help’ third world eradicate poverty by integrating it into global economy
H/w globalisation = ^ ppl in pov in USA
Critical Alternative Approach view
of poverty
Poverty based on people X being able to meet material/non-material needs through own effort
Solution = create sustainable societies in social, cultural, political, eco terms
Human poverty (dignity (sanitation, education), agency, opportunity and choices)
Washington Consensus
Aim = eco growth
How = trade liberalisation (free trade), finance/investment to maximise global welfare
View supported by IMF, World Bank, USA
Washington Consensus policies
Fiscal discipline = low govt borrowing
Prioritise ^ eco returns e.g. infrastructure
Tax reform (broaden)
Liberalise interest rates
Comp. exchange rate
Trade lib
Priv SOEs
X barriers to entry/exit
Property rights
Implications of Washington Consensus
Reduce tariffs
IMF bailouts = cond inc trade liberalisation for IMF $
States should focus on areas where they specialise/comp. adv > dev states cont prod primary prod
Criticisms of Washington Consensus
Lower govt spending = ^ poverty
Free trade = diff for dev states to compete e.g. re high-end man.
Privatisation = profits = main obj, X wider social obj
Stockholm Consensus
Est. 2016, response to Wash Cons
GDP growth = X end in itself –> policy must aim for variety of goods, not just $
Inclusive dev (among states/ w/in states) = sustainable dev
Env protection
Regulate market
Stockholm Consensus Principles
GDP ^ X end -> need ^ health, ed, emp, sec,consumption
Inclusive dev -> X leave behind any group/ manage gap b/w rich/poor
Env sus = requirement
Balance/regulated market
Public inv to build infrastructure
Tailor to spec soc. values of dev state
Framework for trade/migration
Economic Growth Debate
^ growth -> ^ emp -> ^ quality of life
Growth = nec b/c ^ quantity of goods/services = improvements in life standards
H/w req recourses which ^ emissions
Sustainable Development Debate
Est. in 1987 Brundtland Report
Eco growth = imp h/w X @ expense of future gen
Therefore decrease amount of natural resources + energy consumed/waste per unit of GDP
X have states be forced to use resources/overuse e.g. excessive farming