AOP-2 Flashcards


Given the following conditions:

  • The plant is operating at 50% power.
  • A spurious Containment Isolation occurs due to an I&C Technician error while working on the Containment Radiation Monitors.
  • The I&C Technician informs the operator that it will take him approximately 15 minutes to restore the monitors.

Which of the following actions should be taken?

A. Close CV-2003, CV-2004, and CV-2005, Letdown Orifice Stop Valves.

B. Trip the PCPs and go to EOP-1.0.

C. Maintain the plant on-line and restore CCW to containment.

D. Maintain the plant on-line and reset “standby” signal for Containment Spray’ Pumps.


A. Close CV-2003, CV-2004, and CV-2005, Letdown Orifice Stop Valves

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Given the following plant conditions:
Plant is in MODE 1 at 100% power No equipment is out of service
A containment isolation occurs due to a spurious CHR signal
ONP-4.1, “Spurious Containment Isolation” is implemented

Which of the following describes a mitigating strategy as it relates to the operator actions contained in ONP-4.1 for the above conditions?

A. Ensure SIAS is initiated

B. Maintain CCW flow to containment

C. Ensure CRHVAC is automatically shifted to Purge Mode

D. Eliminate PCS leakage paths via Letdown Relief Valve RV-2006


D. Eliminate PCS leakage paths via Letdown Relief Valve RV-2006

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Given the following plant conditions:
Plant is in MODE 5 at 130°F with the PCS depressurized No equipment is out of service
A containment isolation occurs due to a spurious CHP signal ONP-4.1, “Spurious Containment Isolation” is implemented

Which of the following does NOT describe a mitigating strategy as it relates to the operator actions contained in ONP-4.1 for the above conditions?

A. Record Containment Isolation status

B. Restore equipment alignments

C. Eliminate PCS leakage paths via Letdown Relief Valve RV-2006

D. Reset CHP circuitry


C. Eliminate PCS leakage paths via Letdown Relief Valve RV-2006

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Given the following plant conditions:

  • Plant is in MODE 1 at 100% power.
  • No equipment is out of service.
  • 2400 Volt Bus 1C de-energizes
  • ONP-2.1, “Loss of AC Power” is implemented.

Which of the following does NOT describe a mitigating strategy as it relates to the op rator actions contained in ONP-2.1 for the above conditions?

A. Conserve Station Batteries.

B. Diagnose and restore power.

C. Maintain equipment cooling.
D. Establish alternate power feed to pressurizer heaters


D. Establish alternate power feed to pressurizer heaters

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Given the following plant conditions:

  • Plant is in MODE 1 at 75% power.
  • No equipment is out of service.
  • Cooling Tower Pump P-39A has just tripped.
  • ONP-14, “Loss of Condenser Vacuum” is implemented.

Which of the following describes a mitigating strategy as it relates to the operator actions contained in the ONP for the above conditions?

A. Commence rapid power reduction to 55% power.

B. Have Auxiliary Operators search for vacuum leaks.

C. Restart Cooling Tower Pump P-39A.

D. Place the Hogging Air Ejector in service.


A. Commence rapid power reduction to 55% power.

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The plant was operating at full power when a Cooling Tower Pump trips. A rapid power reduction was commenced in accordance with ONP-14, “Loss of Condenser Vacuum”, t’•
and ONP-26, “Rapid Power Reduction”. The power reduction had to be stopped at
70% due to problems with the DEH and Governor Valve control. Turbine controls were placed in Hold and Governor Valves are stable. Condenser vacuum is 23.5” Hg and stable .

. Which of the following describes the correct course of action?

A. Monitor condenser vacuum, attempt to resolve DEH issue, get guidance from engineering on how long continued operation above 55% power is allowed.

B. Trip the reactor due to erratic Governor Valve operation.
C. Trip the reactor due to low condenser vacuum.
D. Trip the reactor due to not being able to reduce power to less than 55%.


C. Trip the reactor due to low condenser vacuum.

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Given the following plant conditions:
Plant is in MODE 3 at 530°F No equipment is out of service
An aircraft crashes into the south wall of the containment
Containment pressure is observed to quickly fall from 0.3 psig to 0.0 psig ONP-4.2, “Loss of Containment Integrity” is implemented

Which of the following describes a mitigating strategy as it relates to the operator actions contained in ONP-4.2 for the above conditions?

A. Stop all four Primary Coolant Pumps
B. Initiate plant shutdown to MODE 5
C. Initiate Safety Injection

D. Ensure CRHVAC is operating in the emergency mode


B. Initiate plant shutdown to MODE 5

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Given the following plant conditions: Plant is in MODE 3 at 530F
No equipment is out of service
The outer door of the Personnel Airlock is declared inoperable ONP-4.2, “Loss of Containment Integrity” is implemented

Which of the following describes a mitigating strategy as it relates to the operator actions contained in ONP-4.2 for the above conditions?

A. Evaluate.overall containment leakage

B. Initiate plant shutdown to MODE 5

C. Maintain compliance with Technical Specification required actions

D. Ensure CRHVAC is operating in the emergency mode


C. Maintain compliance with Technical Specification required actions

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Given the following plant conditions:
Plant is in MODE 1 at 100% power
A loss of Preferred AC Bus Y-10 occurs No other equipment is out of service
ONP-24.1, “Loss of Preferred AC Bus Y-10” is implemented

Which of the following does NOT describe a mitigating strategy as it relates to the operator actions contained in ONP-24.1 for the above conditions?

A. Determine effect of loss on plant equipment

B. Determine presence of faults on bus
C. Lining up PCP bleedoff to the PSDT
D. Place Y-1 0 on Bypass Regulator


C. Lining up PCP bleedoff to the PSDT

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Given the following plant conditions:

  • Plant is in MODE 3 at 530°F
  • A loss of Preferred AC Bus Y-30 occurs
  • No other equipment is out of service
  • ONP-24.3, “Loss of Preferred AC Bus Y-30” is implemented

Which of the following does NOT describe a mitigating strategy as it relates to the operator actions contained in ONP-24.3 for the above conditions?

A. Determine effect of loss on plant equipment

B. Determine presence of faults on bus

C. Eliminate leakage paths via Letdown Relief Valve RV-2006

D. Place Y-30 on Bypass Regulator


C. Eliminate leakage paths via Letdown Relief Valve RV-2006

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Given the following plant conditions:
Plant is in MODE 1 at 100% power
A loss of Preferred AC Bus Y-20 occurs No other equipment is out of service
ONP-24.2, “Loss of Preferred AC Bus Y-20” is implemented

Which of the following does NOT describe a mitigating strategy as it relates to the operator actions contained in ONP-24.2 for the above conditions?

A. Determine effect of loss on plant equipment.

B. Determine presence of faults on bus.

C. Ensure Channel “B” of PLCS and PPCS is placed in service.

D. Place Y-20 on Bypass Regulator.


C. Ensure Channel “B” of PLCS and PPCS is placed in service.

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Given the following plant conditions:

  • A reactor trip occurred 2 hours ago due to a small ESDE.
  • Plant is currently in MODE 3 at 400°F with LTOP in service
  • A loss of Preferred AC Bus Y-40 occurs
  • No other equipment is out of service
  • ONP-24.4, “Loss of Preferred AC Bus Y-40” is implemented

Which ONE of the following does NOT describe a mitiga.ting strategy .as it relates to the operator actions contained in ONP-24.4 for the above conditions? ••

A. Determine effect of loss on plant equipment.

B. Determine presence of faults on bus.

C. Disarm Channel “B” of LTOP.

D. Bypass Channel “D” RPS trips


D. Bypass Channel “D” RPS trips

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Given the following plant conditions:
Plant is in MODE 1 at 100% power No equipment is out of service
125 Volt DC Bus D-11-1 deenergizes
ONP-2.3, “Loss of DC Power” is implemented

Which of the following does NOT describe a mitigating strategy as it relates to the
operator actions contained in ONP-2.3 for the above conditions?
A. Trip the reactor
B. Diagnose and correct cause of loss of D-11-1

C. Utilize alternate components from opposite train

D. Restore power to D-11-1


A. Trip the reactor

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Given the following plant conditions:

  • Plant is in MODE 1 at 100% power
  • P-78 Service Water Pump is out of service for maintenance
  • No other equipment is out of service
  • Frazil ice conditions result in high Traveling Screen differential level
  • ONP-6.1, “Loss of Service Water” is implemented

Which of the following does NOT describe a mitigating strategy as it relates to the operator actions contained in ONP:.6.1 for the above conditions?

A. Trip Dilution Water Pumps

B. Reduce reactor power

C. Start all available Service Water Pumps

D. Monitor Service Water Pump trip criteria


C. Start all available Service Water Pumps

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The plant is in MODE 3. Both CCW pumps trip. After 15 minutes one CCW pump becomes available for service. To re-establish CCW to containment, the crew should:

A. immediately start the available CCW pump.

B. isolate CCW and slowly re-establish flow to prevent thermally shocking components cooled by CCW.

C. allow the system to “soak” for 10 minutes to avoid thermally shocking components cooled by CCW prior to starting the CCW pumps.

D. the starting of a CCW pump may be delayed as long as necessary because MODE 3 temperatures are low so thermal shocking of components cooled by CCW is NOT an issue.


B. isolate CCW and slowly re-establish flow to prevent thermally shocking components cooled by CCW.

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The plant is at 30% power when the following alarms are annunciated: •–\

  • EK-0766, “LOOP 1 HOT LEG HI TEMP”
  • EK-0772, “LOOP 2 HOT LEG HI TEMP”
  • EK..Q917, ‘‘ROD\NITHDRAWAL PROHIBIT’ .••. …..

In checking plant status, you notice that PCS pressure is 2120 psia, PZR Level is 58% and Tave is 545°F, and all are trending upward. The NCOT places DEH controls in Manual and observes NO Turbine Governor Valves are closing.

What is the appropriate operator’s Immediate Action to be taken?

A. Manually trip the reactor and enter EOP-1.0.

B. Immediately enter ONP-26, rapid power reduction.

C. Manually trip the reactor and enter EOP-4.0.

D. Insert control rods as necessary to maintain Tave/Tref within± 3°F.


D. Insert control rods as necessary to maintain Tave/Tref within± 3°F.

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Which ONE of the following temperatures would require a reactor trip during a loss of

A. Highest PCP Lower Seal temperature is 183° F.

B. Highest Controlled Bleedofftemperature is 176° F.
C. Highest PCP Bearing temperature is 186° F.
D. One CRDM Leakoff temperature is 202° Fall others are


C. Highest PCP Bearing temperature is 186° F.

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Per the Off Normal Procedures, which of the following requires a reactor trip?

A. A PCS leak of 11 gpm.

B. A Main Steam leak equivalent to 0.5% reactor power.

C. A stable Primary to Secondary leak of 0.2 gpm.

D. A Main Steam leak requiring a povverreduc;tion at 10% per hour


A’! A PCS leak of 11 gpm.

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Per the Off Normal Procedures, which of the following requires a reactor trip?

A.. A PCS leak of 1 gpm.

B. A Main Steam leak equivalent to 1.0% reactor power.

C. A stable Primary to Secondary leak of 0.2 gpm.

D. A Main Steam leak requiring a power reduction at 20% per hour


B. A Main Steam leak equivalent to 1.0% reactor power.

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Which of the following conditions requires a reactor trip in accordance with Off-Normal Procedures?

A. A PCS leak of 1 gpm.

B. A Main Steam leak equivalent to 0.5% reactor power.
C. A stable Primary to Secondary leak of 0.4 gpm.
D. A.Main Steam leak requiring a power reduction at 20% per hour


C. A stable Primary to Secondary leak of 0.4 gpm.

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Give the following conditions:
• The plant is in MODE 2.
• Charging Pump P-55A is operating.
• Charging Pumps P-55B and P-55C are in AUTO.
• All control system are aligned normally and functioning properly.
• A loss of Instrument AC Bus Y-01 occurs.

Which ONE of the following describes why ONP-24.5, “Loss of Instrument AC Bus
Y01” directs the operators to isolate PCP bleedoff from the Volume Control Tank (VCT) and realign it to the Primary System Drain Tank?

A. Minimizes the likelihood of gas intrusion in to the PCP seals.

B. Minimizes the amount of pressure reduction in the VCT.

C. Prevents a complete draining of the VCT.

D Prevents overfilling of the VCT.


D Prevents overfilling of the VCT.

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Give the following conditions:

Given the following:


  • During a power escalation at 18% power, Containment Radiation Monitors are indicating as follows:
  • RIA-1805 = 8Rihr.
  • RIA-1807 = 10.5Rihr.
  • RIA-1806 = 11Rlhr.
  • RIA-1808 = 8Rihr.
  • Afuel cladding failure has been verified.
  • The crew has entered ONP 11.1, “FuelCladding Failure”.

Which ONE of the following describes any required actions and the reason for the action?

A. Manual alignment of Control Room HVAC to Emergency mode is required to maintain Control Room habitability.

B. Operators are required to close Letdown Orifice Stop Valves, since letdown has automatically isolated.

C. Operators must closely monitor Pressurizer level and maintain it at less than 78.2% since letdown has automatically isolated.

D. Since the Stack Gas Monitor is expected to be in high alarm, operators are required to start an additional Main Exhaust Fan, V-6A/B.


B. Operators are required to close Letdown Orifice Stop Valves, since letdown has automatically isolated.

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The crew is implementing ONP-25.1, “Fire Which Threatens Safety-Related
Equipment” for a fire inside containment.

Why does ONP-25.1 refer the operators to EOP-9.0, “Functional Recovery Procedure” Attachment G-1 for these conditions?

A. Determine which Success Paths are available for mitigating the event.
B. Establish the hierarchy of which safety functions to address first.
C. Establish which Continuing Actions to perform after the fire is out.
D Determine actions for inoperable instrumentation inside containment


D Determine actions for inoperable instrumentation inside containment

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Given the following conditions:

  • the actions of ONP-7 .1, “Loss of Instrument Air” have been implemented. (
  • Instrument air is being provided from Feedwater Purity Air system, using C-903A air compressor. System header pressure is being maintained at the normal pressure.
  • Subsequently, a Large Break LOCA inside containment occurs, with all equipment responding per design.

What is the impact of the air system cross connection for the current plant conditions, and what action is required?

A. Since C-903A is now operating with reduced cooling flow and elevated temperatures, an Auxiliary Operator must locally raise cooling flow per SOP-19, “Instrument Air System”.
B. C-903A continues to operate normally and provide plant instrument air header pressure, and no additional action is required.
C. Since C-903A has tripped due to loss of power; operators will have to implement an EOP Supplement for repowering and restarting C-903A.
D. C-903A is running, but must be manually tripped since it has NO cooling water.
Operators will have to align High Pressure Air System to supply the Instrument Air System.


C. Since C-903A has tripped due to loss of power; operators will have to implement an EOP Supplement for repowering and restarting C-903A.

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Which one of the following is NOT part of the mitigation strategy for a Loss of Load per ONP-1? A. Esnure at least one EHC pump operating. B. Isolate EHC fluid to any failed closed turbine valve. C. Insert Control Rods as necessary to position required for reduced load. D. Ensure the turbine tripped if Governor Valve cannot be controlled.
B. Isolate EHC fluid to any failed closed turbine valve.
A control rod has dropped into the core while the plant was operating at full power. Once the required power reduction has been completed, the crew notes that Tave is 7 degrees HIGHER than Tref. Which ONE of the following is the desired mitigating strategy for the above conditions? A. Insert control rods. B. Borate the PCS. C. Dilute the PCS. D. Raise Turbine load
B. Borate the PCS.
Which of the following is a part of the mitigation strategy in ONP-2.3 for a loss of DC Bus D11-1? A. Trip the Main Turbine by connecting a jumper across terminals 1 and 10 on Relay 487U. B. Verify that Control Room HVAC has automatically shifted to Emergency Mode. C. Close Letdown Orifice Stop Valves CV-2003, CV-2004, and CV-2005. D. Trip the reactor due to the loss of annunciators
C. Close Letdown Orifice Stop Valves CV-2003, CV-2004, and CV-2005.
Given the following plant conditions: * The reactor is operating at 12% during a power escalation. * The following alarm annunciates: EK-0961, STEAM GEN E-50A HI LEVEL * A short while later the following alarm annunciates: EK-0962, STEAM GEN E-50A LO LEVEL * Neither alarm clears. * S/G E-50A level is 52% and lowering. Which of the following describes the mitigating strategy for the above .conditions? A. Trip the reactor. B. Trip the Main Turbine C. Take manual control of the Main Feedwater Reg Valves to stabilize S/G levels. D. Raise Main Feed Pump speed in manual to recover S/G levels.
A. Trip the reactor
Given the following plant conditions: Plant is in MODE 3 at 532°F. No equipment is out of service. A loss of Bus 1C has occurred and DIG 1-1 started and loaded, but is showing erratic voltage control. ONP-20, "Diesel Generator Manual Control" is implemented by the CRS. Which of the following does NOT describe a mitigating strategy as it relates to the operator actions contained in ONP-20 for the above conditions? A. Have Electrical Maintenance repair the voltage regulator. B. Unload and stop DIG 1-1. C. Depress local DIG alarm reset button. D. Place voltage regulator to manual
C. Depress local DIG alarm reset button.
Given the following plant conditions: * Plant was initially in MODE 1 at 100% power. * No equipment was out of service. * Cooling Tower Pump P-39A trips. * ONP-26, "Rapid Power Reduction" is implemented. * During the power reduction, an 8" deviation occurs on Rod #40. * Reactor power is currently at 75% and being lowered at 300% I hour. Which of the following does NOT.describe
D. Stop power reduction and clear 8" deviation alarm
The following plant conditions exist: * Reactor has tripped from 100% power due to a Loss of all Offsite Power * EDG 1-1 and 1-2 are running and loaded * PCS Pressure is 1975 psia and lowering * Pressurizer Level lowered to 33% and is now 37% and slowly recovering What is the strategy per ONP-18 "Pressurizer Pressure Control Malfunctions" to restore Pressurizer Pressure control? A. Restore Pressurizer Heaters by closing the Pressurizer Heater transformer feeder breakers from both Buses 1D and 1E. B. Restore Pressurizer Heaters by closing the Pressurizer Heater transformer feeder breaker from Bus 1D. C. Take Pressurizer Heater Control switches for heaters powered from Bus 1D to OFF then reclose Pressurizer Heater transformer feeder breaker from Bus 1D. D. Take Pressurizer Heater Control switches for heaters powered from Bus 1E to OFF then reclose Pressurizer Heater transformer feeder breaker from Bus 1E.
C. Take Pressurizer Heater Control switches for heaters powered from Bus 1D to OFF then reclose Pressurizer Heater transformer feeder breaker from Bus 1D.
A manual reactor trip was initiated by the NCO due to Pressurizer Spray Valve CV-1057 failing OPEN. After the reactor was verified TRIPPED in EOP-1.0, "Standard (1 -- ' Post Trip Actions", the Shift Manager orders both PCPs P-50A and P-508 tripped to "'- attempt to stop the pressure reduction. After EOP-1.0 verbal verifications are completed it is noticed that Pressurizer pressure is 1703 psia and slowly lowering. Which ONE of the following is the appropriate action to suggest to the Control Room Supervisor in this situation? A. Raise Pressurizer leveLjn MANUAL to help maintain Pressurizer pressure. B. Secure PCPs P-50C and P-500 to reduce spray flow through the open spray valve. C. Initiate Safety Injection due to failure to actuate at the required setpoint. D. Secure PCP P-50D to reduce spray flow through the open spray valve
D. Secure PCP P-50D to reduce spray flow through the open spray valve
The following conditions exist: Self-Study • Reactor power is 10% being maintained by the Turbine Bypass Valve. • The Main Generator is being synchronized to the grid. • A "TURBINE TROUBLE" alarm is received. • Governor Valve #2 begins to slowly open. • The Control Room Supervisor announces that the crew has entered ONP-9, "Excessive Load." Which ONE of the following describes the appropriate action to take? A. Immediately trip the reactor. B. Immediately trip the turbine. C. Reduce power by inserting control rods to maintain Tave with Tref• D. Monitor reactor power and trip the turbine if power rises to >12%.
B. Immediately trip the turbine.
Which ONE of the following lists represents the prioritized order (most desired to least) of Alternate PCS/Core Heat Removal Methods for a condition where PCS integrity is not established, from ONP-17 Loss of Shutdown Cooling? A. Containment Spray Pump, S/G Heat Removal, SFP Cooling C. Containment Spray Pump, SFP Cooling, PCS Boil Off C. S/G Heat Removal, SFP Cooling, PCS Boil Off D. S/G Heat Removal, Containment Spray Pump, PCS Boil Off
C. Containment Spray Pump, SFP Cooling, PCS Boil Off
The plant is operating at full power. An auxiliary operator (AO) is in the field performing an oil change on the motor of Component Cooling Water Pump P-52B. The AO calls the control room to report that there is a lot of noise coming from the pump seal area of the operating CCW pump, P-52A. While discussing what actions to take in the control room, the operating crew receives the following alarms: * EK-1167 COMPONENT CLG PUMPS P-52A, P-52B, P-52C TRIP * EK-1169 COMPONENT CLG PUMP DISCHARGE LO PRESS The control room enters ONP-6.2, Loss of Component Cooling. The AO in the field reports that CCW P-52A has now tripped and that the seal appears to have been damaged causing an approximately 2 gpm leak. CCW Surge T-3 level is 50% and lowering slowly. P-52C is NOT running. Per ONP-6.2 should the control room operator manually start P-52C, and why? A. No. P-52C should have started in standby and cannot be started until the cause of this failure is known B. No. Starting P-52C will cause more leakage, it cannot be started until P-52A is isolated C. Yes, since P-52C should have started in Standby and CCW surge tank level is sufficient and will auto fill D. Yes, since the AO in the room can verify the required valve lineup and make necessary heat exchanger adjustments
C Yes, since P-52C should have started in Standby and CCW surge tank level is sufficient and will autoC. Yes, since P-52C should have started in Standby and CCW surge tank level is sufficient and will auto fill fill
With the plant at full power the input signal to the B channel Pressurizer Pressure Control fails low. The B channel of Pressurizer Pressure Control is the in-service ( -' channel. Which of the following is an expected procedural direction from the CRS that \, ) would restore Pressurizer pressure to normal? A. Operate 1/LIC-0101 Heater Control Selector switch to "Channel A" position B. Manually open the pressurizer spray valves using the handswitches C. Take manual control of the in-service pressure•controller ' D. Manually close the pressurizer spray valves using the handswitches
C. Take manual control of the in-service pressure•controller
Given the following conditions: Self-Study - The plant is in MODE 2. - Charging Pump P-55A is operating. - Charging Pumps P-55B and P-55C are in AUTO. - All control systems are aligned normally and functioning properly. - A loss of Instrument AC Bus Y-01 occurs. Which of the following describes why ONP-24.5, "Loss of Instrument AC Bus Y01" directs the operators to isolate PCP bleedoff from the Volume Control Tank (VCT) and realign it to the Primary System Drain Tank? A. Minimizes the likelihood of gas intrusion in to the PCP seals B. Minimizes the amount of pressure reduction in the VCT C. Prevents a complete draining of the VCT D. Prevents overfilling of the VCT
D. Prevents overfilling of the VCT
Given the following: Self-Study During a power escalation at 18% power, Containment Radiation Monitors are indicating as follows: RIA-1805 = 8 Rlhr. RIA-1807 = 10.5Rihr. ``` RIA-1806 = 11Rlhr. RIA-1807 = 8 Rlhr. ``` A fuel cladding failure has been verified. The crew has entered ONP-11.1, "Fuel Cladding Failure". Which one of the following describes the reason for any required actions? A. Manual alignment of Control Room HVAC to Emergency mode is required to maintain Control Room habitability. B. Operators are required to close Letdown Orifice Stop Valves, since letdown has automatically isolated. C. Operators must closely monitor Pressurizer level and maintain it at less than 78.2% since letdown has automatically isolated. D. Since the Stack Gas Monitor is expected to be in high alarm, operators are required to start an additional Main Exhaust Fan, V-6AIB.
B. Operators are required to close Letdown Orifice Stop Valves, since letdown has automatically isolated.
The crew is implementing ONP-25.1, "Fire Which Threatens Safety-Related Equipment" for a fire inside containment. Why does ONP-25.1 refer the operators to EOP-9.0, "Functional Recovery Procedure" Attachment G-1 for these conditions? A. Determine which Success Paths are available for mitigating the event. B. Establish the hierarchy of which safety functions to address first. C. Establish which Continuing Actions to perform after the fire is out. D. Determine actions for inoperable instrumentation inside containment
D. Determine actions for inoperable instrumentation inside containment
Given the following conditions: The actions of ONP-7.1, "Loss of Instrument Air" have been implemented. - Instrument air is being provided from Feedwater Purity Air system, using C-903A air compressor. System header pressure is being maintained at the normal pressure. - Subsequently, a Large Break LOCA inside containment occurs, with all equipment responding per design. What is the impact, if any, of the air system cross connection for the current plant conditions, .and what action, if any, is required? A. Since C-903A is now operating with reduced cooling flow and elevated temperatures, an Auxiliary Operator must locally raise cooling flow per SOP-19, "Instrument Air System". B. C-903A continues to operate normally and provide plant instrument air header pressure, and no additional action is required. C. Since C-903A has tripped due to loss of power; operators will have to implement an EOP Supplement for repowering and restarting C-903A. D. C-903A is running, but must be manually tripped since it has NO cooling water. Operators will have to align High Pressure Air System to supply the Instrument Air System.
C. Since C-903A has tripped due to loss of power; operators will have to implement an EOP Supplement for repowering and restarting C-903A.
The Plant is on line at 100% power All three Service Header Low Pressure alarms have annunciated Critical SW Header pressures currently read 45 psig and steady All three Service Water Pumps are in service Which of the following is the correct order of actions to take per ONP-6.1, Loss of Service Water, Mitigation Strategy? A. Ensure all available SW Pumps operating If SW leak, attempt to isolate Isolate SW from Containment Reduce SW loads if required B. Ensure all available SW Pumps operating Close Containment Air Cooler High Capacity SW valves Isolate Non-Critical SW If SW leak, attempt to isolate C. Ensure all available SW Pumps operating Close Containment Air Cooler High Capacity SW valves If SW leak, attempt to isolate Cross tie Fire Pumps to Critical SW Headers D. Ensure all available SW Pumps operating If SW leak, attempt to isolate Cross tie Fire Pumps to Critical SW Headers Reduce SW loads if required
D. Ensure all available SW Pumps operating If SW leak, attempt to isolate Cross tie Fire Pumps to Critical SW Headers Reduce SW loads if required
The plant is on line @ 45% power. EK-1164, Gaseous Waste Monitoring HI Radiation, is in alarm RIA-0631, Condenser Off Gas Monitor, is in high alarm PPC Page 540, Primary To Secondary Leakrate, indicates a calculated leakrate of .12gpm and stable Which of the following is the correct order of actions to take per ONP-23.2, Steam Generator Tube Leak, Mitigation Stratagy. A. Quantify the Primary to Secondary Leakage Implement Action Level requirements based on the size of the leakage Trip the Reactor Cooldown to
D. Quantify the Primary to Secondary Leakage Implement Action Level requirements based on the size of the leakage Identify the affected Steam Generator Perform a Plant Shutdown per ONP-26 and/or GOP-8 if required based on the size of the leakage
The plant is at 100% power when the following alarm occurs: "ATWS TROUBLE/TRIP Which ONE of the following describes a valid reason for this alarm? A. Pressurizer Pressure signal to ATWS circuit fails at 2325 psia B. Loss of righttrain DC power to the ATWS circuitry C. ATWS Bypass switch HS-0102D on Panel C-12 taken to Bypass D. Loss of Preferred AC power to ATWS circuitry
C. ATWS Bypass switch HS-0102D on Panel C-12 taken to Bypass
- The Plant is on line at 75% power EK-1124, Traveling Screen HI dp, is in alarm - The NCOT notes that the North Bay level is lowering as indicated on the PPC, point LIT_1336A (Plant side of the North Bay Traveling Screen) Which of the following is the correct order of actions to take per ONP-6.1, Loss of Service Water, Mitigation Strategy. A. - Trip P-40A, Dilution Water Pump - Reduce Reactor power to stabilize Makeup Basin level/condenser vacuum - Ensure F-4B/F-4C backwashing/operating properly - Deice Traveling Screens/Trash Racks B. - Trip P-40A, Dilution Water Pump - Ensure F-4B/F-4C backwashing/operating properly - Reduce Reactor power to stabilize Makeup Basin level/condenser vacuum - If Traveling Water Screen failure, then close applicable sluice gates C. - Ensure F-4B/F-4C backwashing/operating properly - Trip P-40A, Dilution Water Pump - Reduce Reactor power to stabilize Makeup Basin level/condenser vacuum - If Traveling Water Screen failure, then close applicable sluice gates D. - Ensure F-4B/F-4C backwashing/operating properly - Trip P-40A, Dilution Water Pump - Monitor Service Water temperature - Reduce Reactor power to stabilize Makeup Basin level/condenser vacuum
B. - Trip P-40A, Dilution Water Pump - Ensure F-4B/F-4C backwashing/operating properly - Reduce Reactor power to stabilize Makeup Basin level/condenser vacuum - If Traveling Water Screen failure, then close applicable sluice gates
Which of the following is NOT a Reactor trip criteria per ONP 6.1, Loss of Service Water. A. Non-Critical Service Water lost as indicated by alarms EK-0259, Exciter Cooler HI Temp, and EK-1165, Non Critical Serv LO Press B. Service Water Bay level lowering to 574' C. Operator actions are not maintaining either Critical Service Water Header pressure = 42psig D. Service Water Bay level lowering to 572'
B. Service Water Bay level lowering to 574'
The Plant is on line at 100% power. Alarm EK-1129, Service Water Pump Bay LO Level, has just alarmed. SW Bay level is 575' and lowering. Which of the following is the correct order of actions to take per ONP 6.1, Loss of Service Water, Mitigation Strategy. A. - Ensure F-4B/F-4C backwashing/operating properly - Trip Dilution Water Pumps - Deice Traveling Screens/Trash Racks - Supply water to SW Pump Bay via P-5, Warm Water Pump B. - Trip Reactor - Trip Dilution Water Pumps - Ensure F-4B/F-4C backwashing/operating properly - Supply water to SW Pump Bay via P-5, Warm Water Pump C - Trip Dilution Water Pumps - Ensure F-4B/F-4C backwashing/operating properly - Reduce Reactor power to stabilize MU Basin level/Condenser vacuum - -supply water to SW Pump Bay via P-5, Warm Water Pump D. - Ensure F-4B/F-4C backwashing/operating properly - Trip Dilution Water Pumps Reduce Reactor power to stabilize MU Basin level/Condenser vacuum - Supply water to SW Pump Bay via P-5, Warm Water Pump
C - Trip Dilution Water Pumps - Ensure F-4B/F-4C backwashing/operating properly - Reduce Reactor power to stabilize MU Basin level/Condenser vacuum - -supply water to SW Pump Bay via P-5, Warm Water Pump
Given the following plant conditions: The reactor is operating at 12% during a power escalation. The following alarm annunciates: - EK-0961, STEAM GEN E-50A HI LEVEL A short while later the following alarm annunciates: - EK-0962, STEAM GEN E-50A LO LEVEL Neither alarm clears. S/G E-50A level is 52% and lowering. Which of the following describes the mitigating strategy for the above conditions? A. Trip the reactor. B. Trip the Main Turbine. C. Take manual control of the Main Feedwater Reg Valves to stabilize S/G levels. D. Raise Main Feed Pump speed in manual to recover S/G levels
A. Trip the reactor.
The plant is at 100% power when a PCS leak is diagnosed. The crew enters ONP-23.1, "Primary Coolant Leak." Which of the following describes the sequence of steps to be performed ifunidentified leakage is determined to be 11 gpm? A. I. Trip the reactor 2. Conserve PCS inventory 3. Locate the leak B. 1. Locate the leak 2. Conserve PCS inventory 3. Trip the reactor C. 1. Trip the reactor 2. Locate the leak 3. Conserve PCS inventory D. 1. Conserve PCS inventory 2. Trip the reactor 3. Locate the leak
A. I. Trip the reactor 2. Conserve PCS inventory 3. Locate the leak
The Plant is at 100% power. • Channel A Pressurizer Level Controller, LIC-0101A, is in CASCADE and Channel 8 Pressurizer Level Controller, UC-01018, is in MANUAL with its output set for 50%. • The Average Temperature Display Select Switch is in the Loop 2 position. • Charging Pump P-55A is operating, with P-558 and P-55C in AUTO. Thirty minut s .into.the shift the following indications are received: • PZR level is lowering and is currently at 48%. • Charging Pump P-55A speed is increasing. • Both Loop 1 and Loop 2 TAVE/TREF Gross Deviation alarms have annunciated due to a failure of the TAVE signal from TYT-0200 (e.g. signal failed low). Which of the actions below is the control room operator directed to take for the current plant conditions per ONP-13? A. Place Pressurizer Level Controller, LIC-0101A to "Auto Mode" and swap the Avg Temp Display Select Switch to Loop 1 position. B. Place both Pressurizer Level Controllers to "Manual" and swap the Avg Temp Display Select Switch to Loop 1 position. C. Place Pressurizer Level Controller, LIC-0101B to "Cascade Mode" and swap the Avg Temp Display Select Switch to Loop 1 position D. Place Pressurizer Level Controller, LIC-01018 to "Auto Mode
A. Place Pressurizer Level Controller, LIC-0101A to "Auto Mode" and swap the Avg Temp Display Select Switch to Loop 1 position
If either bus 1Cor bus 1D is de-energized, battery chargers powered from the remaining energized safety bus are required to be placed in-service to BOTH 125 volt DC buses D-10 and D zo within: (Provide ONP-2.1) A. 30 minutes. B. 2 hours. C. 8 hours. D. 24 hours.
B. 2 hours.
During the performance of ONP-2.1, "Loss of AC Power" the operators are required to perform which action within 2 hours of the initial loss of Bus 1C or 1D? (--) A. Ensure DC Bus D10 AND D20 are powered from available Battery Chargers. B. Ensure DC Bus D10 OR D20 is powered from an available Battery Charger. C. Establish a Security watch at all vital area doors. D. Establish alternate feed to PZR Heater Transformer LCC-15
A. Ensure DC Bus D10 AND D20 are powered from available Battery Chargers.
Which ONE of the following Off Normal Procedures includes a set of Safety Function Status Checks? A. ONP-2.1, Loss of AC Power B. ONP-17, Loss of Shutdown Cooling C. ONP-24.5, Loss of Instrument AC Bus Y01 D. ONP-26, Rapid Power Reduction
B. ONP-17, Loss of Shutdown Cooling
Which one of the following conditions allows exiting of ONP-24.4, Loss of Y-40? A. Y-40 has been placed on the Bypass Regulator. B. 'A' Channel of LTOP has been placed in service. C. All Channei'D' RPS trips have been bypassed. D..The plant has been placed .in MODE 5.
A. Y-40 has been placed on the Bypass Regulator.
A leak of 20 gpm from the PCS level glass has caused the PCS level to lower to the point that SOC cooling has been lost and the SOC system has become steam bound. Operators are implementing the PCS Boil Off actions while attempting to recover SOC. It is day 12 of the current plant outage. Which ONE of the following describes the minimum flow rate that must be established to maintain current PCS level? A. 30 gpm B. 35 gpm C. 45 gpm D. 55 gpm
D. 55 gpm
During the performance of ONP-11.1, "Fuel Cladding Failure" which of the following describes the required operating mode for Control Room HVAC and the reason for it? (Assume a Containment Isolation signal has occurred due to a Containment High Radiation, and that a Containment High Pressure has NOT occurred.) A. Purge Mode due to the Containment High Radiation signal. B. Normal Mode because a Containment High Pressure has not occurred. C. Recirc Mode due to the Containment Isolation actuation. D. Emergency Mode due to the Containment High Radiation signal.
D. Emergency Mode due to the Containment High Radiation signal.
During power operations, the following equipment is operating: * P-52C, Component Cooling Water (CCW) pump. * C-54, Waste Gas Compressor. A Component Cooling Water leak occurs on the valve body of MV-CC117, SFP HXS E-53A/B CCW INLET, on the 10" header to the Spent Fuel Pool Heat Exchangers. The following valid alarms are annunciating: * EK-1172, COMPONENT CLG SURGE TANK T-3, HI-LO LEVEL * EK-1368, RADWASTE PANEL C40 OFF NORMAL * EK-1167, COMPONENT CLG PUMPS P-52A, P-528, P-52C TRIP CCW Surge Tank level continues to lower. Which procedural action(s) will enable restoration of the Component Cooling Water system, including restart of a Component Cooling Water Pump? A. Align T-2, Condensate Storage Tank, to supply T-81, Primary System Makeup Tank, loads to supply more makeup water to the CCW surge tank. B. Close CV-0944, CCW TO RW Evaps and C-54, and close MV-CC184, SFP HX's, RW EVAPs, & C-54 CCW Return. C. Close CV-0944, CCW TO RW Evaps and C-54, and close CV-09778, CCW RETURN FROM RW EVAPS & C-54. D. Close CV-0944A, CCW to Spent Fuel Pool & Radwaste Evaps, and close MV-CC184, SFP HX's, RW EVAPs, & C-54 CCW Return.
D. Close CV-0944A, CCW to Spent Fuel Pool & Radwaste Evaps, and close MV-CC184, SFP HX's, RW EVAPs, & C-54 CCW Return.
A power escalation is in progress. The plant is currently at 70% power. Suddenly the following indications are noticed and alarms are received: -) ``` o Pressurizer level is RISING o Pressurizer pressure is RISING o Generator output is lowering slowly o Loop 2 Hot Leg High Temperature Alarm o Loop 1 & 2, TREFITAVE gross deviation alarm ``` What are the ACTIONS necessaryto mitigate this event? A. Manually trip the reactor and enter EOP-1.0. B. Immediately enter ONP-26 rapid power reduction. C. Insert control rods to the position required for reduced load (Tave within± 3°F of TREf). D. Manually trip the reactor and enter EOP-4.0.
C. Insert control rods to the position required for reduced load (Tave within± 3°F of TREf). ????????
Component Cooling Water (CCW) has been lost to Containment for greater than 10 minutes. Per ONP-6.2 Aloss of Component Cooling@ why is CCW flow manually re-initiated and where is this performed from? Assume access to all plant areas•is •possible, all plant conditions are stable, and CCW flow restoration is desired. A. Manual flow is re-initiated to prevent thermal shock and possible equipment damage. This is performed from inside Containment 590' level, east using PCP & CRDM return isolation valves. B. Manual flow is re-initiated to prevent a possible low system pressure auto start on a standby CCW pump. This is performed from inside Containment 590' level, east using return isolation valves. C. Manual flow is re-initiated to prevent steam binding of the CCW pumps. This is performed from inside the CCW Pump Room, 590' Level using the CCW Return from Containment isolation (MV-CC713). D. Manual flow is re-initiated to prevent thermal shock and possible equipment damage. This is performed from inside the Main Control Room.
A. Manual flow is re-initiated to prevent thermal shock and possible equipment damage. This is performed from inside Containment 590' level, east using PCP & CRDM return isolation valves.
Given the following conditions: Self-Study * The plant was operating at full power. * P-398 Cooling Tower Pump tripped. * A rapid downpower was commenced in accordance with ONP-14 and ONP-26. * The downpower had to be stopped at 70% due to Governor Valve control problems. * Turbine controls have been placed in HOLD and Governor Valves are stable. * Main Condenser vacuum is 23.5" Hg and recovering slowly. Which of the following describes the appropriate action? A. Obtain guidance on how long operation above 55% is allowed. B. Trip the reactor due to erratic Governor Valve operation. C. Trip the reactor due to low Main Condenser vacuum. D. Trip the reactor due to inoperability of turbine controls.
A. Obtain guidance on how long operation above 55% is allowed.
Given the following: * During a power escalation at 30% power, Containment Radiation Monitors are indicating as follows: * RIA-1805 = 5Rihr. * RIA-1807 = 1O.OR/hr. * RIA-1806 = 11.0Rihr. * RIA-1808 = 8Rihr. After verifying a fuel cladding failure the crew entered ONP-11.1, "Fuel Cladding Failure". Which ONE of the following describes the required operator actions per ONP-11.1? A. Operators will shift Control Room ventilation to Recirc Mode and maintain Pressurizer level than 78.2% since letdown has automatically isolated. B. Operators will start an additional Main Exhaust Fan anticipating the Stack Gas Monitor to be in high alarm and shift Control room ventilation to Purge Mode. C. Operations will order Chemistry to sample the PCS and shift Control Room ventilation to Recirc Mode• since the isolation occurred without a Containment High Pressure signal. D. Operators will to close Letdown Orifice Stop Valves since letdown has isolated and shift Control Room ventilation to Emergency Mode.
D. Operators will to close Letdown Orifice Stop Valves since letdown has isolated and shift Control Room ventilation to Emergency Mode
Per ONP-26, "Rapid Power Reduction" which of the following describes the requirements for control rod operation? (Assume full power operations.) A. Rod insertion must be stopped at 10 inch intervals. B. Rod insertion must be stopped at 33 inch intervals. C. Plant derate is begun by inserting Group 4 rods 33 inches. D. Plant derate is begun by inserting Group 4 rods 10.inches. ONP-26
D. Plant derate is begun by inserting Group 4 rods 10.inches. ONP-26
The Plant was has suffered a loss of load event. The plant has been stabilized at 90% power. Pressurizer level is 56% Pressurizer pressure is 2160 PSIA - A and B steam generator levels are 63% Tcold for both loops is 537 F What action should be taken to? Refer to Technical Specification LCO for: A. Pressurizer Pressure. B. Pressurizer Level. C. Tcold. D. Steam Generator Levels.
A. Pressurizer Pressure.
A loss of a 011-1 has occurred. TIA-0202 Relief Valve RV-2006 outlet temperature indicates 300 F What technical specification is impacted and why? A. LCO 3.4.13 PCS Operational Leakage due to leakage through RV-2006 Letdown Heat Exchanger Relief Valve. B. LCO 3.4.14 PCS Pressure Isolation Valve Leakage due to leakage through RV-2006 Letdown Heat Exchanger Relief Valve. C. LCO 3.4.15 PCS Leak detection Instrumentation due to TIA-0202 Relief Valve RV-2006 outlet temperature in solid alarm condition. D. LCO 3.6.3 Containment Isolation Valves due to leakage through RV-2006 Letdown Heat Exchanger Relief Valve.
B. LCO 3.4.14 PCS Pressure Isolation Valve Leakage due to leakage through RV-2006 Letdown Heat Exchanger Relief Valve.
Plant is at 100% power \ During a plant walk down a leakage is discovered coming from a pipe supplying CCW to containment. The leakage is coming from a crack in the piping Leak is upstream of CV-0910 DWG shown What actions must be taken? A. Isolate the leak. Commence repairs, plant remains in mode 1. B The leak is un-isolable. Commence plant shutdown, place plant in mode 5. C. Isolate the leak. Commence plant shutdown, place plant in mode 5. D. The leak is un-isolable. Repairs can commence with plant in mode 1 if leakage is less than 100 ml!min.
B The leak is un-isolable. Commence plant shutdown, place plant in mode 5.
The Plant is at 100% power when Shutdown Rod 17 trips into the core. Status of the dropped rod has not been determined and investigation is in progress. ir Which of the following statements represents the Tech Spec LCOs entered INITIALLY due to the dropped Shutdown Rod? A. LCO 3.1.5.A; LCO 3.1.4.C; LCO 3.1.4.D; LCO 3.1.4.E B. LCO.; LCO 3.1.4.C; LCO 3.1.4.D; LCO 3.1.4.E C. LCO 3.1.4.A; D. LCO 3.1.5.A; LCO 3.1.4.B; LCO 3.1.4.B; LCO 3.1.4.C; LCO 3.1.4.C; LCO 3.1.4.E LCO 3.1.4.E
D. LCO 3.1.5.A; LCO 3.1.4.B; LCO 3.1.4.B; LCO 3.1.4.C; LCO 3.1.4.C; LCO 3.1.4.E LCO 3.1.4.E
Based on the following conditions: * A rise in reactor power * A lowering of VCT level Self-Study • Receipt of the Loop 1(2) Tref/Tave Gross Deviation alarm The CRS has announced entry into ONP-8.0, Uncontrolled Primary Coolant System Boron Dilution, and ordered the closing of Close CV-2165, Boric Acid Blender M-51 PMU Inlet and insertion of controls rods to stabilize power. IF the uncontrolled dilution was caused by a lowering letdown temperature what subsequent actions should be taken? A. Secure primary makeup pumps P-90A/B and borate as necessary to stabilize power. B. Bypass Demineralizers (T-51A/B & T-52) and restore letdown temperature manually using TIC-0203, Low Pressure Letdown Flow Temp Control. C. Manually control CV-2111, Charging Line Stop valve, to restore letdown temperature. D. Bypass the Letdown Jon Exchangers by placing ton Exchanger Bypass Valve and secure primary makeup pumps P-90A/B.
B. Bypass Demineralizers (T-51A/B & T-52) and restore letdown temperature manually using TIC-0203, Low Pressure Letdown Flow Temp Control.
Given the following conditions: o Plant is in Mode 5 Self-Study o A complete loss of SDC flow has occurred due to failure of the inservice LPSI Pump, P-67B, motor to pump coupling • SDC flow indicates zero • All four LPSI Injection Valves are fully open • Core Exit temperature is 90°F • PCS is at 618; 0' Which of the following is the procedural sequence that the control would recover from these circumstances? A. 1. Throttle LPSI Injection Valves 2. Start P-67A 3. Vent P-67A B. 1. Close SDC Hx Outlet Valve, CV-3025 2. Start P-67A 3. Throttle LPSI Injection Valves C. 1. Throttle LPSI Injection Valves 2. Close SDC Hx Outlet Valve, CV-3025 3. Start P-67A LPSI Pump D. 1. VentP-67A "- • 2. Start P-67A 3. Throttle LPSI Injection Valves
C. 1. Throttle LPSI Injection Valves 2. Close SDC Hx Outlet Valve, CV-3025 3. Start P-67A LPSI Pump
The Plant is at 100% power. A loss of D11-2 has occurred. If Diesel generator 1-1 is called upon to auto start, what is needed to ensure proper loading of the diesel generator? A, Manually close Diesel Generator output breaker, operate left channel normal sequencer test switch. B. Diesel Generator output breaker automatically closes, operate left channel normal sequencer test switch. C. Diesel Generator output breaker automatically closes, manually close bus load breakers. D. Manually close Diesel Generator output breaker, manually close bus load breakers.
A, Manually close Diesel Generator output breaker, operate left channel normal sequencer test switch.
During a plant startup, the following conditions exist: The Main Generator has just been synchronized to the grid. - A problem with CV-1359, Non-critical Service Water Isolation, occurs such that CV-1359 is failed partially closed an undetermined amount. - The following alarm has annunciated: - EK-1165, NON CRITICAL SERV WATER LO PRESS - No other alarms have annunciated. Which one of the following actions is required? A. Trip the Reactor within 10 seconds. B. Trip the Reactor if Exciter Cooler Hi Temp alarm annunciates. C. Trip the Main Turbine within 10 seconds. D. Trip the Main Turbine if Exciter Cooler Hi Temp alarm annunciates.
D. Trip the Main Turbine if Exciter Cooler Hi Temp alarm annunciates.
Given the following conditions: Self-Study The plant is at full power. There are TWO licensed operators in the Control Room, one NCO, and the Control Room Supetvisor. The Turbine NCO is in the restroom. The Shift Engineer is in the Tech. Support Center. The Main Turbine and Generator spuriously trip. The Reactor does NOT automatically trip. The Reactor NCO has a seizure and is rendered unable to function as a licensed operator. As the Control Room Supetvisor, what is your required action, and what procedure specifies this action? A. Contact the Turbine NCO to manually trip the Reactor, as required by Admin Proc. 4.00, "Operations Organization, Responsibilities, and Conduct". B. You must manually trip the Reactor, as required by Admin Proc. 4.14, "Conduct of Operations". C. Contact the Shift Engineer to call out the EMTs, and then manually trip the Reactor, as required by Admin Proc. 4.14, "Conduct of Operations" D. You must manually
B. You must manually trip the Reactor, as required by Admin Proc. 4.14, "Conduct of Operations".
Given the following conditions: * Plant is at 100% power * PCS leak rate is 5 gpm * Containment sump level is stable * Containment temperatures are stable * PZR lev stable, VCT level is lowering * CCW surge tank level is rising * CCW radiation monitor counts are rising * "A" PCP lower seal temperature and controlled bleedoff temperatures are rising * "A" controlled bleedoff flow has risen Which one of the following describes the required operator actions for these conditions? A. Trip the reactor and then secure "A" PCP. B. Trip the reactor and then isolate CCW to and from containment. C. Trip the reactor and secure all PCPs. D. Shut down the plant referring to GOP-8, "Power Reduction and Plant Shutdown to Mode 2 or Mode 3 :2: 525°F.
A. Trip the reactor and then secure "A" PCP.
When starting a Diesel Generator locally using the Air Start Solenoid override buttons, what will be the effect if the Local Engine Control Switch is NOT placed in the "start" or "after start" position? A. The Diesel Generator will not start because the start circuitry is not enabled. B. The Diesel Generator will start but the Crankcase Exhaust Blowers will not start. C. The Diesel Generator will start but the Output Breaker will not close. D. The Diesel Generator will not start because the overspeed trip needs to be reset.
A. The Diesel Generator will not start because the start circuitry is not enabled.