AOP-2 Flashcards
Given the following conditions:
- The plant is operating at 50% power.
- A spurious Containment Isolation occurs due to an I&C Technician error while working on the Containment Radiation Monitors.
- The I&C Technician informs the operator that it will take him approximately 15 minutes to restore the monitors.
Which of the following actions should be taken?
A. Close CV-2003, CV-2004, and CV-2005, Letdown Orifice Stop Valves.
B. Trip the PCPs and go to EOP-1.0.
C. Maintain the plant on-line and restore CCW to containment.
D. Maintain the plant on-line and reset “standby” signal for Containment Spray’ Pumps.
A. Close CV-2003, CV-2004, and CV-2005, Letdown Orifice Stop Valves
Given the following plant conditions:
Plant is in MODE 1 at 100% power No equipment is out of service
A containment isolation occurs due to a spurious CHR signal
ONP-4.1, “Spurious Containment Isolation” is implemented
Which of the following describes a mitigating strategy as it relates to the operator actions contained in ONP-4.1 for the above conditions?
A. Ensure SIAS is initiated
B. Maintain CCW flow to containment
C. Ensure CRHVAC is automatically shifted to Purge Mode
D. Eliminate PCS leakage paths via Letdown Relief Valve RV-2006
D. Eliminate PCS leakage paths via Letdown Relief Valve RV-2006
Given the following plant conditions:
Plant is in MODE 5 at 130°F with the PCS depressurized No equipment is out of service
A containment isolation occurs due to a spurious CHP signal ONP-4.1, “Spurious Containment Isolation” is implemented
Which of the following does NOT describe a mitigating strategy as it relates to the operator actions contained in ONP-4.1 for the above conditions?
A. Record Containment Isolation status
B. Restore equipment alignments
C. Eliminate PCS leakage paths via Letdown Relief Valve RV-2006
D. Reset CHP circuitry
C. Eliminate PCS leakage paths via Letdown Relief Valve RV-2006
Given the following plant conditions:
- Plant is in MODE 1 at 100% power.
- No equipment is out of service.
- 2400 Volt Bus 1C de-energizes
- ONP-2.1, “Loss of AC Power” is implemented.
Which of the following does NOT describe a mitigating strategy as it relates to the op rator actions contained in ONP-2.1 for the above conditions?
A. Conserve Station Batteries.
B. Diagnose and restore power.
C. Maintain equipment cooling.
D. Establish alternate power feed to pressurizer heaters
D. Establish alternate power feed to pressurizer heaters
Given the following plant conditions:
- Plant is in MODE 1 at 75% power.
- No equipment is out of service.
- Cooling Tower Pump P-39A has just tripped.
- ONP-14, “Loss of Condenser Vacuum” is implemented.
Which of the following describes a mitigating strategy as it relates to the operator actions contained in the ONP for the above conditions?
A. Commence rapid power reduction to 55% power.
B. Have Auxiliary Operators search for vacuum leaks.
C. Restart Cooling Tower Pump P-39A.
D. Place the Hogging Air Ejector in service.
A. Commence rapid power reduction to 55% power.
The plant was operating at full power when a Cooling Tower Pump trips. A rapid power reduction was commenced in accordance with ONP-14, “Loss of Condenser Vacuum”, t’•
and ONP-26, “Rapid Power Reduction”. The power reduction had to be stopped at
70% due to problems with the DEH and Governor Valve control. Turbine controls were placed in Hold and Governor Valves are stable. Condenser vacuum is 23.5” Hg and stable .
. Which of the following describes the correct course of action?
A. Monitor condenser vacuum, attempt to resolve DEH issue, get guidance from engineering on how long continued operation above 55% power is allowed.
B. Trip the reactor due to erratic Governor Valve operation.
C. Trip the reactor due to low condenser vacuum.
D. Trip the reactor due to not being able to reduce power to less than 55%.
C. Trip the reactor due to low condenser vacuum.
Given the following plant conditions:
Plant is in MODE 3 at 530°F No equipment is out of service
An aircraft crashes into the south wall of the containment
Containment pressure is observed to quickly fall from 0.3 psig to 0.0 psig ONP-4.2, “Loss of Containment Integrity” is implemented
Which of the following describes a mitigating strategy as it relates to the operator actions contained in ONP-4.2 for the above conditions?
A. Stop all four Primary Coolant Pumps
B. Initiate plant shutdown to MODE 5
C. Initiate Safety Injection
D. Ensure CRHVAC is operating in the emergency mode
B. Initiate plant shutdown to MODE 5
Given the following plant conditions: Plant is in MODE 3 at 530F
No equipment is out of service
The outer door of the Personnel Airlock is declared inoperable ONP-4.2, “Loss of Containment Integrity” is implemented
Which of the following describes a mitigating strategy as it relates to the operator actions contained in ONP-4.2 for the above conditions?
A. Evaluate.overall containment leakage
B. Initiate plant shutdown to MODE 5
C. Maintain compliance with Technical Specification required actions
D. Ensure CRHVAC is operating in the emergency mode
C. Maintain compliance with Technical Specification required actions
Given the following plant conditions:
Plant is in MODE 1 at 100% power
A loss of Preferred AC Bus Y-10 occurs No other equipment is out of service
ONP-24.1, “Loss of Preferred AC Bus Y-10” is implemented
Which of the following does NOT describe a mitigating strategy as it relates to the operator actions contained in ONP-24.1 for the above conditions?
A. Determine effect of loss on plant equipment
B. Determine presence of faults on bus
C. Lining up PCP bleedoff to the PSDT
D. Place Y-1 0 on Bypass Regulator
C. Lining up PCP bleedoff to the PSDT
Given the following plant conditions:
- Plant is in MODE 3 at 530°F
- A loss of Preferred AC Bus Y-30 occurs
- No other equipment is out of service
- ONP-24.3, “Loss of Preferred AC Bus Y-30” is implemented
Which of the following does NOT describe a mitigating strategy as it relates to the operator actions contained in ONP-24.3 for the above conditions?
A. Determine effect of loss on plant equipment
B. Determine presence of faults on bus
C. Eliminate leakage paths via Letdown Relief Valve RV-2006
D. Place Y-30 on Bypass Regulator
C. Eliminate leakage paths via Letdown Relief Valve RV-2006
Given the following plant conditions:
Plant is in MODE 1 at 100% power
A loss of Preferred AC Bus Y-20 occurs No other equipment is out of service
ONP-24.2, “Loss of Preferred AC Bus Y-20” is implemented
Which of the following does NOT describe a mitigating strategy as it relates to the operator actions contained in ONP-24.2 for the above conditions?
A. Determine effect of loss on plant equipment.
B. Determine presence of faults on bus.
C. Ensure Channel “B” of PLCS and PPCS is placed in service.
D. Place Y-20 on Bypass Regulator.
C. Ensure Channel “B” of PLCS and PPCS is placed in service.
Given the following plant conditions:
- A reactor trip occurred 2 hours ago due to a small ESDE.
- Plant is currently in MODE 3 at 400°F with LTOP in service
- A loss of Preferred AC Bus Y-40 occurs
- No other equipment is out of service
- ONP-24.4, “Loss of Preferred AC Bus Y-40” is implemented
Which ONE of the following does NOT describe a mitiga.ting strategy .as it relates to the operator actions contained in ONP-24.4 for the above conditions? ••
A. Determine effect of loss on plant equipment.
B. Determine presence of faults on bus.
C. Disarm Channel “B” of LTOP.
D. Bypass Channel “D” RPS trips
D. Bypass Channel “D” RPS trips
Given the following plant conditions:
Plant is in MODE 1 at 100% power No equipment is out of service
125 Volt DC Bus D-11-1 deenergizes
ONP-2.3, “Loss of DC Power” is implemented
Which of the following does NOT describe a mitigating strategy as it relates to the
operator actions contained in ONP-2.3 for the above conditions?
A. Trip the reactor
B. Diagnose and correct cause of loss of D-11-1
C. Utilize alternate components from opposite train
D. Restore power to D-11-1
A. Trip the reactor
Given the following plant conditions:
- Plant is in MODE 1 at 100% power
- P-78 Service Water Pump is out of service for maintenance
- No other equipment is out of service
- Frazil ice conditions result in high Traveling Screen differential level
- ONP-6.1, “Loss of Service Water” is implemented
Which of the following does NOT describe a mitigating strategy as it relates to the operator actions contained in ONP:.6.1 for the above conditions?
A. Trip Dilution Water Pumps
B. Reduce reactor power
C. Start all available Service Water Pumps
D. Monitor Service Water Pump trip criteria
C. Start all available Service Water Pumps
The plant is in MODE 3. Both CCW pumps trip. After 15 minutes one CCW pump becomes available for service. To re-establish CCW to containment, the crew should:
A. immediately start the available CCW pump.
B. isolate CCW and slowly re-establish flow to prevent thermally shocking components cooled by CCW.
C. allow the system to “soak” for 10 minutes to avoid thermally shocking components cooled by CCW prior to starting the CCW pumps.
D. the starting of a CCW pump may be delayed as long as necessary because MODE 3 temperatures are low so thermal shocking of components cooled by CCW is NOT an issue.
B. isolate CCW and slowly re-establish flow to prevent thermally shocking components cooled by CCW.
The plant is at 30% power when the following alarms are annunciated: •–\
In checking plant status, you notice that PCS pressure is 2120 psia, PZR Level is 58% and Tave is 545°F, and all are trending upward. The NCOT places DEH controls in Manual and observes NO Turbine Governor Valves are closing.
What is the appropriate operator’s Immediate Action to be taken?
A. Manually trip the reactor and enter EOP-1.0.
B. Immediately enter ONP-26, rapid power reduction.
C. Manually trip the reactor and enter EOP-4.0.
D. Insert control rods as necessary to maintain Tave/Tref within± 3°F.
D. Insert control rods as necessary to maintain Tave/Tref within± 3°F.
Which ONE of the following temperatures would require a reactor trip during a loss of
A. Highest PCP Lower Seal temperature is 183° F.
B. Highest Controlled Bleedofftemperature is 176° F.
C. Highest PCP Bearing temperature is 186° F.
D. One CRDM Leakoff temperature is 202° Fall others are
C. Highest PCP Bearing temperature is 186° F.
Per the Off Normal Procedures, which of the following requires a reactor trip?
A. A PCS leak of 11 gpm.
B. A Main Steam leak equivalent to 0.5% reactor power.
C. A stable Primary to Secondary leak of 0.2 gpm.
D. A Main Steam leak requiring a povverreduc;tion at 10% per hour
A’! A PCS leak of 11 gpm.
Per the Off Normal Procedures, which of the following requires a reactor trip?
A.. A PCS leak of 1 gpm.
B. A Main Steam leak equivalent to 1.0% reactor power.
C. A stable Primary to Secondary leak of 0.2 gpm.
D. A Main Steam leak requiring a power reduction at 20% per hour
B. A Main Steam leak equivalent to 1.0% reactor power.
Which of the following conditions requires a reactor trip in accordance with Off-Normal Procedures?
A. A PCS leak of 1 gpm.
B. A Main Steam leak equivalent to 0.5% reactor power.
C. A stable Primary to Secondary leak of 0.4 gpm.
D. A.Main Steam leak requiring a power reduction at 20% per hour
C. A stable Primary to Secondary leak of 0.4 gpm.
Give the following conditions:
• The plant is in MODE 2.
• Charging Pump P-55A is operating.
• Charging Pumps P-55B and P-55C are in AUTO.
• All control system are aligned normally and functioning properly.
• A loss of Instrument AC Bus Y-01 occurs.
Which ONE of the following describes why ONP-24.5, “Loss of Instrument AC Bus
Y01” directs the operators to isolate PCP bleedoff from the Volume Control Tank (VCT) and realign it to the Primary System Drain Tank?
A. Minimizes the likelihood of gas intrusion in to the PCP seals.
B. Minimizes the amount of pressure reduction in the VCT.
C. Prevents a complete draining of the VCT.
D Prevents overfilling of the VCT.
D Prevents overfilling of the VCT.
Give the following conditions:
Given the following:
- During a power escalation at 18% power, Containment Radiation Monitors are indicating as follows:
- RIA-1805 = 8Rihr.
- RIA-1807 = 10.5Rihr.
- RIA-1806 = 11Rlhr.
- RIA-1808 = 8Rihr.
- Afuel cladding failure has been verified.
- The crew has entered ONP 11.1, “FuelCladding Failure”.
Which ONE of the following describes any required actions and the reason for the action?
A. Manual alignment of Control Room HVAC to Emergency mode is required to maintain Control Room habitability.
B. Operators are required to close Letdown Orifice Stop Valves, since letdown has automatically isolated.
C. Operators must closely monitor Pressurizer level and maintain it at less than 78.2% since letdown has automatically isolated.
D. Since the Stack Gas Monitor is expected to be in high alarm, operators are required to start an additional Main Exhaust Fan, V-6A/B.
B. Operators are required to close Letdown Orifice Stop Valves, since letdown has automatically isolated.
The crew is implementing ONP-25.1, “Fire Which Threatens Safety-Related
Equipment” for a fire inside containment.
Why does ONP-25.1 refer the operators to EOP-9.0, “Functional Recovery Procedure” Attachment G-1 for these conditions?
A. Determine which Success Paths are available for mitigating the event.
B. Establish the hierarchy of which safety functions to address first.
C. Establish which Continuing Actions to perform after the fire is out.
D Determine actions for inoperable instrumentation inside containment
D Determine actions for inoperable instrumentation inside containment
Given the following conditions:
- the actions of ONP-7 .1, “Loss of Instrument Air” have been implemented. (
- Instrument air is being provided from Feedwater Purity Air system, using C-903A air compressor. System header pressure is being maintained at the normal pressure.
- Subsequently, a Large Break LOCA inside containment occurs, with all equipment responding per design.
What is the impact of the air system cross connection for the current plant conditions, and what action is required?
A. Since C-903A is now operating with reduced cooling flow and elevated temperatures, an Auxiliary Operator must locally raise cooling flow per SOP-19, “Instrument Air System”.
B. C-903A continues to operate normally and provide plant instrument air header pressure, and no additional action is required.
C. Since C-903A has tripped due to loss of power; operators will have to implement an EOP Supplement for repowering and restarting C-903A.
D. C-903A is running, but must be manually tripped since it has NO cooling water.
Operators will have to align High Pressure Air System to supply the Instrument Air System.
C. Since C-903A has tripped due to loss of power; operators will have to implement an EOP Supplement for repowering and restarting C-903A.