AOP-1 Flashcards


• Following a refueling outage, low power physics testing is being performed.
• Regulating Rod 37 is being withdrawn when it drops to the bottom of the core. Which of the following actions should be performed?
A. Commence emergency boration.

B. Retrieve the rod per SOP-6, Reactor Control System.

C. Insert all Regulating Rods to the Lower Electrical Limit.
D. Trip the reactor and go to EOP-1.0.


D. Trip the reactor and go to EOP-1.0.

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If the Turbine Bldg. were to experience a loss of Non-Critical Service water due to a
piping system malfunction, which annunciators would alert the control room operators (
that a reactor trip was required?

A. EK-0260 H2 Cooler Hi Temp, and EK-1165 Non-Critical Serv Water Lo Press.

B. EK-0259 Exciter Cooler Hi Temp, and EK-1165 Non-Critical Serv Water Lo Press.

C. EK-0156/62 Condensate Pump Hi Temp, and EK-0259 Exciter Cooler Hi Temp.

D. EK-0259 Exciter Cooler Hi Temp, and EK-0260 H2 Cooler Hi Temp


B. EK-0259 Exciter Cooler Hi Temp, and EK-1165 Non-Critical Serv Water Lo Press.

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  • Plant is at 80% power and was performing a power escalation to full power when EK-1364, “GASEOUS MONITORING HI RADIATION” annunciated.
  • It is determined that this alarm is due to RIA-0631, Condenser Off-Gas Monitor in an alarm condition.
  • PCS total gas activity is 0.17 j.JCi/cc.
  • Off Gas flow is 3 cfm.
  • At 0610 RIA-0631 indicated 8.00 E3 cpm.
  • At 0635 RIA-0631 indicates 1.00 E4 cpm.
  • “B” Steam Generator is the affected generator.

What actions should be taken to address the above plant conditions?

A. Trip the reactor and carry out the Immediate Actions of EOP-1.0, “Standard Post-Trip Actions”

B. Plant management must evaluate the need to perform a controlled Plant shutdown per GOP-8, “Power Reduction and Plant Shutdown”

C. Place the Plant in Mode 3 within 6 hours per ONP-23.2, “Steam Generator Tube Leak”, Step 4.2

D. Place the Plant in Mode 3 within 2 hours per ONP-23.2, “Steam Generator Tube
Leak”, Step 4.2


D. Place the Plant in Mode 3 within 2 hours per ONP-23.2, “Steam Generator Tube
Leak”, Step 4.2

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A Critical Approach is in progress in accordance with GOP -3. Control Rods have
been withdrawn to 60 inches on Group 4, with dilution to criticality in progress. All (
required equipment is OPERABLE.

The following alarms are received in the Control Room:

  • EK-0948, “DROPPED ROD”

The NCOR determines that Group B Shutdown Rod #19 has dropped into the core and is at 0 inches withdrawn as indicated on the PPC. The CRS implements ONP-5.1.

Which ONE of the following describes the subsequent actions that should be taken based on plant conditions?

A.Trip the reactor, implement EOP 1.0 and secure the dilution per ONP 5.1

B. Shutdown the plant and be in Mode 3 within 6 hours

C. Select Rod #19 and withdraw it to greater than 124” in accordance with SOP-6.

D. Lower all Shutdown, Part Length and Regulating Rods to their Lower Electrical Limits within 2 hours


A.Trip the reactor, implement EOP 1.0 and secure the dilution per ONP 5.1

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During power operations, the following equipment is operating:
.. P-52C, Component Cooling Water (CCW) pump.
.. C-54, Waste Gas Compressor.

A Component Cooling Water leak occurs on the valve body of MV-CC117, SFP HXS
E-53A/B CCW INLET, on the 10” header to the Spent Fuel Pool Heat Exchangers. The following valid alarms are annunciating:


CCW Surge Tank level continues to lower.

Which action(s) will enable restoration of the Component Cooling Water system?

A. Align T-2, Condensate Storage Tank, to supply T-81, Primary System Makeup Tank, loads to supply more makeup water to the CCW surge tank.

B. Close CV-0944, CCW TO RW Evaps and C-54, and close MV-CC184, SFP HX’s, RW EVAPs, & C-54 CCW Return.

C. Close CV-0944, CCW TO RW Evaps and C-54, and close CV-09778, CCW RETURN FROM RW EVAPS & C-54.

D Close CV-0944A, CCW to Spent Fuel Pool & Radwaste Evaps, and close MV-CC184, SFP HX’s, RW EVAPs, & C-54 CCW Return.


D Close CV-0944A, CCW to Spent Fuel Pool & Radwaste Evaps, and close MV-CC184, SFP HX’s, RW EVAPs, & C-54 CCW Return.

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Plant is at 100% power and the alarm “Instrument Air Low Pressure” has just annunciated. Instrument air pressure stabilizes at 42 psig following actions taken to start available air compressors and crosstie of Feedwater Purity Air. Consideration to tripping the reactor should be given if:

A. deluge or sprinkler systems actuate.

B. CV-2083 closes and PCP Control bleed off to the VCT is lost.

C. CCW Hx Service Water Outlets CVs (CV-0823 and CV-0826} fail open. D CV-1359 (Non critical SW Header Isolation) closes.

D CV-1359 (Non critical SW Header Isolation) closes.


D CV-1359 (Non critical SW Header Isolation) closes.

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Which ONE of the following conditions requires a reactor trip in accordance with Off-Normal Procedures?

A. Unidentified PCS leak at 0.9 gpm.

B. Steam leak which results in reactor power rising by 0.6% ( i

C. Primary to Secondary leak at 0.2 gpm and not rising.

D. Steam leak which requires a power reduction at 50% per hour


D. Steam leak which requires a power reduction at 50% per hour

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Given the following plant conditions:

  • Plant was originally in MODE 1 at 100% power
  • A rapid power reduction was commenced at 300%/hr due to a loss of Cooling Tower Pump P-39A.
  • No other equipment is out of service

Which ONE of the following requires a reactor trip per ONP-26, “Rapid Power Reduction?”

A. Tave at 520°F

B. PZR level at 62%

C. ‘A’ S/G level at 40%

D. ‘B’ S/G level at 90%


A’l Tave at 520°

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Which ONE of the following conditions requires a reactor trip in accordance with Off-Normal Procedures?

A. A PCS leak at 1 gpm.

B. A Main Steam leak equivalent to 0.5% reactor power.
C. A stable Primary to Secondary leak of 0.5 gpm.
D. A Main Steam leak requiring a power reduction at 20% per hour.


C. A stable Primary to Secondary leak of 0.5 gpm.

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With the Plant at 75% power as indicated on the highest of Delta T or Nl power, a feedwater transient occurs.

Which ONE of the following conditions would be used to determine if the reactor should be tripped?

A. Steam Generator levels 30% and lowering.,

B. Steam Generator levels 40% and lowering.

C. ‘‘A” main feed pump tripped annunciator alarming and “A” Throttle & Trip valves closed.

D. TAVE rising slowly.


A. Steam Generator levels 30% and lowering.,

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Plant power is 85% as indicated on the higher of Delta T or Nl power, when a feedwater transient occurs.

Which ONE of the following conditions would be used to determine if the reactor should be tripped?

A. Steam Generator level(s) of 35% and stable.

B. Steam Generator level(s) of 45% and lowering.

C. “A” main feed pump trip annunciator alarming and Throttle & Trip valve closed.

D. TAVE rising slowly


C. “A” main feed pump trip annunciator alarming and Throttle & Trip valve closed.

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The plant is operating at 65% power when both pressurizer spray valves fail OPEN.
Which ONE of the following actions must be performed? (

A. Raise PZR level to maintain pressure.

B. Secure PCPs as necessary to regain control of PZR pressure with PZR heaters.
C Trip the reactor and go to EOP-1.0.
D. Take manual control of selected Backpressure Regulating valve. ONP-18, Section 4.2.1


C Trip the reactor and go to EOP-1.0.

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Given the following conditions:


  • The plant is operating in MODE 1 at 45% power.
  • A pressurizer spray valve has failed OPEN and PCS pressure CANNOT be maintained with pressurizer heaters.

Based on the above conditions which ONE of the following would be the appropriate action to take?

A. Close the spray valve.

B. Take manual control of the heaters.

C. Operate at a reduced pressure.

D Trip the reactor.


D Trip the reactor.

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  • The plant is at 100% power
  • P-55A charging pump is tagged out-of-service

It is determined that PCS leak rate is 11.2 gpm unidentified. Your FIRST action would be to:

A. Attempt to locate the leak.

B Trip the reactor and enter EOP-1.0.

C. Ensure additional charging pumps start (if necessary).

D. Isolate letdown.


B Trip the reactor and enter EOP-1.0.

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The plant is operating at 90% power when two (2) control rods drop. Which ONE of the following actions would be required?

A. Dilute PCS to maintain power stable.

B. Trip the reactor and go to EOP-1.0.

C. Borate PCS to lower power to


B. Trip the reactor and go to EOP-1.0.

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  • The plant is operating at 85% power.
  • Cooling Tower Pump ‘B’ trips.
  • Main Condenser vacuum begins lowering, as prescribed by ONP-14, “Loss of Condenser Vacuum”.
  • The crew begins lowering power using ONP-26, Rapid Power Reduction.
  • When power level reaches 55% during the power reduction, EK-0111, VACUUM LO, alarms due to vacuum at;c?4” Hg.
  • Vacuum is at 22” and CONTINUES LOWERING. Which of the following actions are required to be taken?
    A. Trip the turbine, verify the reactor automatically trips, and go to EOP-1.0, Standard Post-Trip Actions

B Trip the reactor, verify the turbine automatically trips, and go to EOP-1.0, Standard Post-Trip Actions

C. Continue the rapid power reduction until condenser vacuum stabilizes

D. Continue the power reduction, using normal de-escalation rates, until condenser vacuum stabilizes


B Trip the reactor, verify the turbine automatically trips, and go to EOP-1.0, Standard Post-Trip Actions

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With the plant at 100% power, which one of the following conditions would require a reactor trip and entry into EOP-1.0, “Standard Post Trip Actions?”

A. Main Generator Exciter Cold Air Temperature is 76°C.

B. Critical Service Water Pressure is 51 psig.

C. Main Condenser Vacuum is 24.5” Hg.

D. Main Turbine vibration reading is 15.5 mils


D Main Turbine vibration reading is 15.5 mils

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If the Turbine Bldg. were to experience a loss of Non-Critical Service water due to a piping system malfunction, which annunciators would alert the control room operators that a reactor trip was required?

A. EK-0260 H2 Cooler Hi Temp, and EK-1165 Non-Critical Serv Water La Press

B. EK-0259 Exciter Cooler Hi Temp, and EK-1165 Non-Critical Serv Water Lo Press

C. EK-0171 Condensate Pump Room Flooding, and EK-0259 Exciter Cooler Hi Temp
D. EK.:0259 Exciter Cooler Hi Temp, and EK:•0260 H2 CoolerHi Temp


B. EK-0259 Exciter Cooler Hi Temp, and EK-1165 Non-Critical Serv Water Lo Press

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Given the following plant conditions:

  • Plant is in MODE 1 at 100% power
  • No equipment is out of service

Which of the following requires a reactor trip per ONP-12, “Acts of Nature?”

A. Lake water approaches the 590’ elevation
B. Lake water entering the Screenhouse
C. Tornado striking the facility

D. Earthquake felt on-site


B. Lake water entering the Screenhouse

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Technical Specification 3.3.7 Post Accident Monitoring (PAM) Instrumentation is
required so that operators, following a major accident, will be able to monitor critical plant parameters. Which of the lists below contains only Post Accident Monitoring Instrumentation?

A. Wide Range Neutron Flux, Aux. Feedwater Flow Indication, and Reactor Vessel Water Level

B. Wide Range Neutron Flux, PCS Wide Range Pressure, S/G Wide Range Level

C. PCS Wide Range Pressure, Charging Header Flow Indication, Containment Area Radiation Monitors (high range)

D. S/G Narrow Range Level, PCS Wide Range Pressure, Core Exit Temperature Indications


B. Wide Range Neutron Flux, PCS Wide Range Pressure, S/G Wide Range Level

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Given the following plant conditions:
Plant is in MODE 1 at 100% power No equipment is out of service

Which of the following is the lowest confirmed steam generator stable leak rate that requires a reactor trip per ONP-23.2, “Steam Generator Tube Leak?”

A. 0.15 gpm

B. 0.25 gpm

C. 0.35 gpm

D. 0.45 gpm


D. 0.45 gpm

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Given the following plant conditions:
• Plant is in MODE 1 at 100% power
• No equipment is out of service

Which of the following requires a reactor trip per ONP-12, “Acts of Nature?”

A. Lake water approaches the 590’ elevation
B. Lake water entering the Turbine Building
C. Tornado striking the switchyard
D. Sustained heavy rains and high winds(> 4 hours)


B. Lake water entering the Turbine Building

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Given the following plant conditions:

• Plant is in MODE 1 at 100% power
• No equipment is out of service
• A loss of load event occurs due to a complete failure of all EHC pumps When is a reactor trip required per ONP-1, “Loss of Load?”
A. Immediately

B. If Turbine controls cannot be placed in Manual

C. If Pressurizer pressure exceeds 2100 psia

D. If Tave cannot be restored within 3°F of TREF using control rods


A. Immediately

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Given the following plant conditions:
Plant is in MODE 1 at 100% power No equipment is out of service

Which of the following requires a reactor trip per ONP-14, “Loss of Condenser Vacuum?”

A. Loss of Cooling Tower Pump P-39A

B. Main Condenser vacuum lowers to 20.8”Hg/

C. Main Condenser vacuum stabilizes at 24.5” Hg

D. Main Condenser vacuum lowers from 28” Hg to 25” Hg


B. Main Condenser vacuum lowers to 20.8”Hg/

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Given the following plant conditions: * Plant is in MODE 1 at 100% power * No equipment is out of service Which of the following requires a reactor trip per ONP-14, "Loss of Condenser Vacuum?" A. Loss of Cooling Tower Pumps P-39A and P-398 - B. Main Condenser vacuum lowers to 21.8" Hg C. Main Condenser vacuum stabilizes at 24.5" Hg D. Main Condenser vacuum lowers from 28" Hg to 25" Hg
A. Loss of Cooling Tower Pumps P-39A and P-398 -
Given the following plant conditions: Plant was originally in MODE 1 at 100% power A rapid power reduction was commenced at 300%/hr due to a loss of Cooling Tower Pump P-39A. No other equipment is out of service Which of the following requires a reactor trip per ONP-26, "Rapid Power Reduction?" A. Tave at 530°F B. PZR level at 63% C. 'A' S/G level at 40% D. 'B' S/G level at 90%
B. PZR level at 63%
Given the following plant conditions: Plant was originally in MODE 1 at 100% power A rapid power reduction was commenced at 300%/hr due to a loss of Cooling Tower Pump P-39A. No other equipment is out of service Which of the following requires a reactor trip per ONP-26, "Rapid Power Reduction?" A. Tave at 530°F B. PZR level at 60% C. 'A' S/G level at 40% D. 'B' S/G level at 96%
D. 'B' S/G level at 96%
Given the following plant conditions: Plant was originally in MODE 1 at 100% power A rapid power reduction was commenced at 300%/hr due to a loss of Cooling Power Pump P-39A. No other equipment is out of service Which of the following requires a reactor trip per ONP-26, "Rapid Power Reduction?" A. Tave at 524oF B. PZR level at 62% C. 'A' S/G level at 40% D. 'B' S/G level at 90%
A. Tave at 524oF
Given the following plant conditions: Plant was originally in MODE 1 at 100% power A rapid power reduction was commenced at 300%/hr due to a loss of Cooling Power Pump P-39A. No other equipment is out of service Which of the following requires a reactor trip per ONP-26, "Rapid Power Reduction?" A. Tave at 530°F B. PZR level at 29% C. 'A' S/G level at 40% D. 'B' S/G level at 90%
B PZR level at 29%
Given the following plant conditions: Plant was originally in MODE 1 at 100% power A rapid power reduction was commenced at 300%/hr due to a loss of Cooling Power Pump P-39A. No other equipment is out of service Which of the following requires a reactor trip per ONP-26, "Rapid Power Reduction?" A. Tave at 530°F B. PZR level at 60% C. 'A' S/G level at 29% D. 'B' S/G level at 90%
C. 'A' S/G level at 29%
Given the following plant conditions: i \ ' • Plant was originally in MODE 1 at 100% power • A rapid power reduction was commenced at 300%/hr due to a loss of Cooling Tower Pump P-39A. • No other equipment is out of service Which of the following requires a reactor trip per ONP-26, "Rapid Power Reduction?" A. Tave at 530°F B. Channei'A' RPS TM/LP channel pre-trip alarm (valid) C. 'A' S/G level at 90% D. Channei'C' RPS Level Low SG1 channel pre-trip alarm (valid)
B. Channei'A' RPS TM/LP channel pre-trip alarm (valid)
Given the following plant conditions: Plant was originally in MODE 1 at 100% power A rapid power reduction was commenced at 300%/hr due to a loss of Cooling Tower Pump P-39A. No other equipment is out of service Which of the following requires a reactor trip per ONP-26, "Rapid Power Reduction?" A. Channel 'C' High Pressurizer Pressure channel pre-trip alarm (valid) B. PZR level at 60% and slowly lowering. C. Tave is at 531o F and slowly lowering. D. 'B' S/G level at 90% and slowly rising
A. Channel 'C' High Pressurizer Pressure channel pre-trip alarm (valid)
Given the following conditions: Self-Study * BOTH Cooling Tower Pumps are in-service. * Reactor power is currently 19%. * Condenser vacuum has lowered to 20.2" and appears stable. The crew should: A. reduce power and trip the turbine when reactor power is
D. trip the reactor and go to EOP-1.0.
Given the following conditions: • The Plant is at 97% power • FIC-0202 (Letdown Flow) = 40 gpm • FR-0133A (PCP Controlled 81eedoff Flow)= t gpm • FR-01338 (PCP Controlled 81eedoff Flow) = 1 gpm • FR-0143A (PCP Controlled 81eedoff Flow)= 1 gpm • FR-01438 (PCP Controlled 81eedoff Flow)= 1 gpm • FIA-0212 (Charging Flow) = 86 gpm • Pressurizer level is stable • Containment sump level is rising Which of the following describes the required operator actions for these conditions in accordance with ONP-23.1? A. Trip the reactor and enter EOP-4.0, "LOCA". B. Trip the reactor and enter EOP-1.0 "Standard Post Trip Actions". C. Start another charging pump and monitor pressurizer level. D. Start leak isolations per ONP-23.1, "Primary Coolant Leak". ONP-23.1, Step 4.7 (Provide ONPs) 8 ANSWER: 86 gpm- (40+4) = 42 gpm leak
B. Trip the reactor and enter EOP-1.0 "Standard Post Trip Actions".
Given the following conditions: Plant is at 100% power PCS leak rate is 5 gpm Containment sump level is stable Containment temperatures are stable PZR level is stable VCT level is lowering CCW surge tank level is rising CCW radiation monitor counts are rising "A" PCP lower seal temperature and controlled bleedoff temperatures are rising "A" PCP controlled bleedoff flow has risen Which one of the following describes the required operator actions for these conditions? A. Trip the reactor and then secure "A" PCP. B. Trip the reactor and then isolate CCW to and from containment. C. Trip the reactor and secure all PCPs. D. Shut down the plant referring to GOP-8, "Power Reduction and Plant Shutdown to Mode 2 or Mode 3 525°F.
A. Trip the reactor and then secure "A" PCP.
``` Given the following conditions: The Plant is at 12% raising load P-7A and P-7B are operating P-7C is tagged out EK-1137 SW Pump P-7B O/L/Trip alamrs EK-1165 Non Crit SW LO Press alarms EK-0529 Exciter Cooler Hi Temp Alarms ``` Which of the following actions should be taken? A. Trip the turbine and stabilize Prx B. Trip the Rx, trip the turbine, and go to EOP-1 C. Stop raising turbine load and stabilize Prx D. Lower Turb load and take the turbine off line while maintaing Prx.
B. Trip the Rx, trip the turbine, and go to EOP-1 verify with Classmates
Given the following plant conditions: • Plant is in MODE 1 at 50% power • A malfunction of the Turbine Bypass Valve controller results in the Turbine Bypass Valve opening partially. • Attempts to manually operate the TBV controller are NOT successful. Which of the following describes the required actions A. Initiate actions to manually isolate the Turb B/P Valve B. If reactor power rises to greater than 51% manually trip the reactor. C. Initiate site-wide accountability. D. Reduce feedwater flow to prevent exceeding 51% reactor power
A. Initiate actions to manually isolate the Turb B/P Valve
Given the following conditions: • The plant is operating at 85% power. • Coolin Tower Pump 'B' trips. • Main Condenser vacuum begins lowering, as prescribed by ONP-14, "Loss of Condedser Vacuum". • The crew begins lowering power using ONP-26, Rapid Power Reduction. • When power level reaches 55% during the power reduction, EK-0111, VACUUM LO, alarms due to vacuum at 24" Hg. • Vacuum is at 22" and CONTINUES LOWERING. Which of the following actions are required to be taken? A. Trip the turbine, verify the reactor automatically trips, and go to EOP-1.0, Standard Post-Trip Actions. B. Trip the reactor, verify the turbine automatically trips, and go to EOP-1.0, Standard Post-Trip Actions. C. Continue the rapid power reduction until condenser vacuum stabilizes. D. Continue the power reduction, using normal de-escalation rates, until condenser vacuum stabilizes.
B. Trip the reactor, verify the turbine automatically trips, and go to EOP-1.0, Standard Post-Trip Actions.
Given the following initial plant conditions: * The plant is in MODE 1 at 100% power. * P-52B CCW Pump is out of service for maintenance and is partially disassembled. * No other equipment is out of service. The following plant conditions are then noted to occur: * A loss of Bus 1C occurs due to a fire on Bus 1C. * Several Primary Coolant bearing temperatures reach 150° F and are rising slowly. * Approximately 15-20 CRDM leakoff temperatures reach 175° F and are rising slowly. * One PCP lower seal temperature is 175° F and rising slowly. For the above conditions, which one of the following warrants manually tripping the reactor? A. Only one CCW pump is available. B. NO CCW pumps are available. C. CRDM leakoff temperatures. D. The PCP lower seal temperature
B. NO CCW pumps are available.
During a plant start up, the following cond'ns exist: The Main Gen has just been synched to the grid A problem with CV-1359 NCSW isolation, occurs such that CV-1359 is failed partially closed an undetermined amount. The following alarm has annuciated:EK-1165, NCSW Lo Press No other alarms have annuciated. Which one of the following actions is req'd? A. Trip the Rx w/in 10 seconds B. Trip the Rx if Exciter Hi Temp alarm annuciates. C.Trip the Main Turbine w/in 10 seconds D. Trip the Main Turbine if the Exciter Hi Temp alarm annunciates
B. Trip the Rx if Exciter Hi Temp alarm annuciates.
Given the following Cond'ns: The plant is operating at normal 100% Prx under Steady State conditions All systems are aligned normally A failure in the control ckt to CV-1057 causes it to fail open The NCO has taken Man Control of the spray vale but can't close the spray valve Ppzr continues to lower What are you req'd actions as the CRS and what procedural guidance applies A. Enter ONP-18, Ppzr control malfunctions, then order a Rx Trip and enter EOP 1, SPTA, then order tripping of PCPs P-50A and P-50B B. Order a Reactor Trip and enter EOP-1.0, Standard Post Trip Actions, then order tripping of PCPs P-508 and P-50C. C. Per ARP EK-0753, 0754 PZR Pressure Deviation Hilla alarm, take manual control of PZR Htr's to stablize PZR Pressure. D. Enter ONP-18, Pressurizer Pressure Control Malfunctions, then order a Reactor Trip and enter EOP-1.0, Standard Post Trip Actions, then order tripping of P-508 ONLY.
A. Enter ONP-18, Ppzr control malfunctions, then order a Rx Trip and enter EOP 1, SPTA, then order tripping of PCPs P-50A and P-50B LOOK AT THIS ONE
Given the plant operating at 100% power with no equipment out of service. Annunciator EK-0542, "Annunciator DC FAILURE" suddenly alarms. Which ONE of the following action(s) is required for the Primary Coolant System? A. Monitor PZR level for indication of PCS leakage. B. Trip the Main Turbine to prevent overcooling the PCS. C Trip the Reactor and enter EOP1.0. D. Trip the Reactor and immediately trip the Primary Coolant Pumps.
C Trip the Reactor and enter EOP1.0.
Given the following conditions: Self-Study * Plant is at 25% power following a startup from a refueling outage * Main Condenser vacuum was initially at 26.5" Hg * Main Condenser vacuum has lowered to 26.0"Hg over the past 10 minutes * Power escalation is currently on-hold pending resolution of vacuum issue Which of the following would NOT be an indication that would be used determine the cause of the lowering vacuum condition? A. Cooling Tower Basin level lowering B. Cooling Tower Bypass Valves being closed C. Waterbox Inlet temperature rising D. Cooling Tower fan trips
B. Cooling Tower Bypass Valves being closed
``` An Auto Rx trip occurred from 100% power due to a loss of off site power, the following post Rx Trip conditions exist: -152-211 Pzr Heater Xfmr EX-16 feeder bkr is open -Both D/Gs started and loaded - All other systems operated as designed -SPTAs have been completed PZR level is 38% -1-1 D/G loading is 2000 KW -1-2 D/G loading is 2150 KW ``` Which of the following describes the sequence of actions req'd to restore PZR heaters from EX-16? A. 1. RaiSe PZR level to 40% 2. Operate 152-211CS to TRIP and then to CLOSE 3. Place PZR Htr Group 2, 3, and 4 control switches to AUTO B. 1. Raise PZR'l(vel to 40% 2. Operate 152-211CS to CLOSE and then to TRIP 3. Place PZR Htr Group 1, 3, and 4 control switches to AUTO C. 1. Place PZR Htr Group 2, 3, and 4 control switches to OFF 2. Operate 152-211CS to TRIP and then to CLOSE 3. Place PZR Htr Group 2 and 3 control switches to MAN D. 1. Place PZR Htr Group 2, 3, and 4 control switches to OFF 2. Operate 152-211CS to CLOSE and then to TRIP 3. Place PZR Htr Group 3 and 4 control switches to MAN -
C. 1. Place PZR Htr Group 2, 3, and 4 control switches to OFF 2. Operate 152-211CS to TRIP and then to CLOSE 3. Place PZR Htr Group 2 and 3 control switches to MAN
Given the following conditions: Self-Study e The plant is operating at 25% power. • Main Feed Pump 'A' is in operation with Main Feed Pump 'B' on the turning gear. • SG levels are being controlled using the Main Feed Reg Valves in AUTO. • A failure in the SGWLC system causes Main Feed Reg Valve 'A' to open. • EK-0961, STEAM GEN E-50A HI LEVEL, alarms. e SG 'A' level is 92% and rising. • SG 'B' level is 62% and lowering. • CV-0701, Main Feed to SG 'A', is full open. • CV-0703, Main Feed to SG 'B', is 80% open. The operators should: A. ensure the High Level Override closes CV-0701 if SG level reaches 95%. B. trip the turbine to protect the main turbine from water damage. C. trip the reactor to protect the main turbine from water damage. D. take manual control of CV-0701 and 'A' Main Feed Pump speed to reduce SG 'A' level.
C. trip the reactor to protect the main turbine from water damage.
The Plant is operating in MODE 1 when the following occurs: .. .. Control rod matrix lights on C-12 extinguish .. Numerous control room alarms are annunciating .. Loss of numerous control room indications Which ONE of the following actions is immediately required? A. Verify charging pump suction shifts to SIRWT. B. Verify maximum charging and zero letdown. C. Verify main feed pumps at minimum flow. D Trip the reactor.
D Trip the reactor.
The Plant is at 100% power. Time is mid August with outside air temperature >101oF. 2400 Volt Bus 1D indicates '0' volts. The following alarms have annunciated and are "in solid": * EK-1163, "CRITICAL SERV WATER HEADER 'B' LO PRESSURE" * EK-1164, "CRITICAL SERV WATER HEADER 'A' LO PRESSURE" * EK-0515, "2400V BUS 1C AND/OR 1D UNDERVOLTAGE" * EK-0259, "EXCITER COOLER HI TEMP" (C-11A PANEL) * EK-1165, "NON-CRITICAL SERV WATER LO PRESS" (C-13 PANEL) What Operator actions should be performed IMMEDIATELY? A. Attempt to start and load 1-2 DIG. B. Start available Service Water Pumps. C. Attempt to restore a normal power source by closing in a Start UP Transfer breaker. D. Trip the reactor.
D'f Trip the reactor.
``` Given the following Plant conditions: • Reactor Power = 100% ( • "A" S/G level = 65% and stable. • "B" S/G level = 75% and rising. • TAvE is 55SOF and lowering • PZR pressure is 2040 psia and lowering ``` Choose the correct statement regarding immediate operator actions. A. If "B" S/G level rises to 80%, trip the reactor. B. Take manual control of the "B" S/G Feed Reg Valve and attempt to stabilize S/G levels. C. If "B" S/G level rises to 90%, trip "A" Feed Pump and begin an Emergency Downpower to approximately 60% power. D. If "B" S/G level rises to 95% and the High Level Override function has not reduced feedwater flow, trip the reactor.
B. Take manual control of the "B" S/G Feed Reg Valve and attempt to stabilize S/G levels
The reactor is being refueled when an irradiated fuel assembly becomes stuck approximately two feet above the core support assembly. In the process of trying to free the stuck assembly, it drops into the core. ONP-11.2, Fuel Handling Accident, requires fuel handling activities to be terminated immediately. What additional Immediate Action should be taken? A. Evacuate unnecessary personnel from affected areas. B. Verify containment access hatches/doors are closed. C. Verify containment isolation occurred. D. Place control room HVAC units in Emergency Mode
A. Evacuate unnecessary personnel from affected areas.
Containment integrity has been breeched due to an act of nature, your Immediate Actions would be: A. Isolate Containment, trip the Reactor. B. Commence Emergency Boration, trip the reactor. C. Isolate Containment, emergency borate. D. Emergency borate, initiate the Site Emergency Plan
B. Commence Emergency Boration, trip the reactor.
Which set of ONP procedures listed below ALL have Immediate Actions? A. ONP-1 Loss Load, ONP-6.1 Loss of Service Water, ONP-11.2 Fuel Handling Accident. B. ONP-3 Loss of Main Feedwater, ONP-4.2 Loss of Containment Integrity, ONP-17 Loss of Shutdown Cooling. C. ONP-5.1 Contrq)
B. ONP-3 Loss of Main Feedwater, ONP-4.2 Loss of Containment Integrity, ONP-17 Loss of Shutdown Cooling.
Which set of ONP procedures listed below all have Immediate Actions? A. Loss of Load, Loss of SW, Fuel handling accident B. Loss of AC power, Loss of containment integrity, Loss of SDC C. Control Rod drop, Uncontrolled Dilution D. Loss of DC power, Loss of MFW, Alt Safe S/D procedures
D. Loss of DC power, Loss of MFW, Alt Safe S/D procedures
The plant is at 100% power. The NCO-R notes the following indications: * Reactor power is rising * VCT level is rising * Loop 1 (2) TREF/TAvE Gross Deviation alarms have annunciated * TAVE is 566oF * TREF is 560oF Which of the following actions should be performed by the operators IMMEDIATELY? A. Stop Primary Makeup Water Pumps P-90A and/or P-90B. B. Bypass the Letdown lon Exchangers by placing lon Exchanger Bypass Valve, CV-2023, to BYPASS. C Ensure closed Primary Makeup Water Control Valv . CV-2165. D. Take manual control of Low Pressure Letdown Temperature Controller, TIC-0203
C Ensure closed Primary Makeup Water Control Valv . CV-2165.
The plant has experienced a breach of containment integrity due to sabotage. Current ( power level is 96%. Which action(s) is(are) immediately required? A. Commence a controlled plant shutdown by boration only. B. Commence emergency boration, trip the reactor and go to EOP-1.0. C. Commence a Rapid Power Reduction (ONP-26) and be offline in 4 hours. D. Stabilize the plant and implement Safeguards Contingencies
B. Commence emergency boration, trip the reactor and go to EOP-1.0.
With the plant at 70% power the steam flow indication to the 'A' Steam Generator Level controller, FIC-0701, fails HIGH. Operators are alerted to the condition when EK-0961, STEAM GEN E-50A HI LEVEL, alarms. The NCO reports the following conditions. * A S/G Level 88% and lowering./ * B S/G Level 61% and rising quickly. * A S/G Main Feed Reg. CV-0701 is closed. * B S/G Main Feed Reg. CV-0703 is 70% open and closing. * Both Main Feed Pump speeds are rising slowly. What actions should the operator take in accordance with the appropriate procedure? A. Monitor S/G levels and ensure the level dominate system returns S/G levels to target B. Take manual control of the Main Feed Reg. valves and restore levels to target C. Trip the reactor, the high level override has failed and A S/G level cannot be controlled D. Trip the reactor, B S/G level response is abnormal indicating additional problems
B. Take manual control of the Main Feed Reg. valves and restore levels to target
The plant is operating at full power when the following plant conditions occur: • Steam Generator Level A - 65% and stable • Steam Generator Level B - >92% and rising " Steam Generator Pressure A - 770 psia and stable • Steam Generator Pressure B - 730 psia and lowering • Pressurizer Pressure - lowering • Pressurizer Level- lowering • TAVE - lowering • Steam Generator A feed flow- 5.6 x 1OE6 lbm/hr • Steam Generator B feed flow- 5.85 x 1OE6 lbm/hr • Steam Generator A steam flow- 5.6 x 1OE6 lbm/hr • Steam Generator B steam flow- 5.6 x 1OE6 lbm/hr No operator actions have been taken yet. Which ONE of the following is the correct action to be performed? A. Take manual control of the malfunctioning feedwater pump and reduce speed to return level to normal. B. Take manual control of the feedwater regulating valve and reduce valve opening to restore level to normal. C. Rapidly reduce plant loading to within the capactiy of one feed water pump and trip the malfunctioning feed water pump. D. Trip the Reactor and go to EOP-1 SPTA.
D. Trip the Reactor and go to EOP-1 SPTA.
Given the following plant conditions: • Plant is operating at 100% power • The non-critical service water header isolation valve (CV-1359) has just CLOSED and will NOT reopen • The NON-CRITICAL SERVICE WATER LOW PRESSURE ALARM (EK-1165) has annunciated The alarm "Exciter Cooler Hi Temp" (EK-0259) annunciates. What action is required? A. Monitor exciter cooler temperature. B. Trip the turbine. C. Start available service water pumps. D. Trip the reactor
D. Trip the reactor
Emergency boration and a reactor trip are IMMEDIATE ACTIONS required for which of the following: A. steam line break caused by a failed class 1 weld. B. breech of containment integrity caused by an earthquake. C. excessive feedwater event caused by a failed controller. D. uncontrolled 60 inch insertion of two (2) Group 4 regulating rods
B. breech of containment integrity caused by an earthquake.
The plant is operating at 12% power when a loss of DC occurs. The bus that was lost (de-energized) was D21-2. Which ONE of the following describes the required action(s)? A. Trip the reactor. B. Trip the turbine. C. Trip the reactor and then trip all Primary Coolant Pumps. D. Ensure closed CV-2009 (Letdown Containment Isolation) and take manual control of pressurizer pressure/level as appropriate.
A. Trip the reactor.
While performing a plant startup with power stable at 5%, the following Control Room indications are lost: * Core Rod Matrix Lights * Digital Rod Position Display (C-02) * Pressurizer Vapor and Water Temperature * Charging and Letdown Flow and Temperature * Level in the BAST, T-81 * VCT Level, Pressure, and Temperature * Quench Tank Level and Pressure * Source/Wide Range and Power Range Nl Recorder * PCP Oil Levels, Seal Pressures, Temperatures, Vibration Monitors * Critical SW HDR 'A' and 'B' Pressure Which of the following actions should be taken? A. Stabilize the plant at the current power level. B. Commence a shutdown to MODE 3 in accordance with Technical Specification 3.0.3. C. Commence a shutdown to Hot Standby. D. Trip the reactor and go to EOP-1.0.
D. Trip the reactor and go to EOP-1.0
• The plant is operating at 25% power. • Main Feed Pump 'A' is in operation with Main Feed Pump 'B' on the turning gear. • SG levels are being controlled using the Main Feed Reg Valves in AUTO. • Failure in the SGWLC system causes Main Feed Reg Valve 'A' to open. • EK-0961, STEAM GEN E-50A HI LEVEL, alarms. • SG 'A' level is 92% and rising. • SG 'B' level is 62% and lowering. • CV-0701, Main Feed to SG 'A', is full open. • CV-0703, Main Feed to SG 'B', is 80% open. The operators should: A. trip the reactor to protect the main turbine from water damage. B. trip the turbine to protect the main turbine from water damage. C. ensure the High Level Override closes CV-0701 if SG level reaches 95%. D. take manual control of CV-0701 and 'A' Main Feed Pump speed to reduce SG 'A' level.
A. trip the reactor to protect the main turbine from water damage.
Which ONE of the following describes the Immediate Actions for the following conditions: * Reactor power is rising * Loop 1(2) Tref/Tave Gross Deviation alarming * VCT level rising A. Close CV-2165, Blender Inlet, and secure P-90NB, PMW pumps. B. Close MV-2201 and MV-2162, Blender Isolations, andsecureP-90NB. C. Close CV-2165, Blender Inlet, and insert rods as necessary to stabilize power. D. Secure PMW P-90NB and borate as necessary to stabilize power.
C. Close CV-2165, Blender Inlet, and insert rods as necessary to stabilize power.
Which of the following describes immediate actions for a Fuel Handling Accident? A. Stop all fuel handling operations and close the equipment hatch/airlocks. B. Evacuate unnecessary personnel from affected area and place Control Room HVAC in Emergency Mode. C. Stop all fuel handling operations and evacuate unnecessary personnel from affected area. D. Close the equipment hatch/airlocks and place Control Room HVAC to Emergency Mode
C. Stop all fuel handling operations and evacuate unnecessary personnel from affected area.
The plant is operating at 12% power when a loss of DC occurs. The bus that was lost (de-energized) was D21-2. Which ONE of the following describes the required action(s)? A. Trip the Rx B. Trip the turbine. C. Trip the reactor and then trip all Primary Coolant Pumps. D. Ensure closed CV-2009 (Letdown Containment Isolation) and take manual control of pressurizer pressure/level as appropriate.
A. Trip the Rx
The plant is at 65% power. A power escalation is in progress at 3% per hour. Both Main Feedwater Regulating Valves are in AUTO. - Main Feedwater Pump P-1A is in-service with the individual speed controller, HIC-0526, K-7A Speed Control, in CASCADE. - Main Feedwater Pump P-1B is in service with the individual speed controller, HIC-0529, K-7B Speed Control, in MANUAL. - HIC 0525, Feedwater Control Mode Selector, is in MANUAL COMBINED SPEED Control. While attempting to transfer Main Feedwater Pump P-1B from MANUAL INDIVIDUAL to MANUAL COMBINER SPEED control P-1B trips. Which of the following actions describes the Immediate Actions the Control Room Operator operating the feedwater controls is required to take? A. Manually raise the speed of the operating feedwater pump with HIC-0526, K-7A Speed Control in MANUAL. B. Manually raise the speed of the operating feedwater pump with HIC 0525, Feedwater Control Mode Selector in MANUAL C. Commence a rapid power reduction per ONP-26, Rapid Power Reductions, until Steam Generator levels are restored. D. Place HIC 0525, Feedwater Control Mode Selector, in CASCADE to maintain Steam Generator levels at setpoint.
A. Manually raise the speed of the operating feedwater pump with HIC-0526, K-7A Speed Control in MANUAL.
The reactor is being refueled when the following alarm annunciates: • EK-1364, GASEOUS WASTE MONITORING HI RADIATION The alarm is due to a valid high alarm condition on RIA-5712, Fuel Handling Area Vent monitor. In accordance with ONP-11.2, the Control Room Supervisor will direct which of the following immediate actions? A. Evacuate unnecessary personnel from affected area and place Control Room HVAC in Emergency Mode. B. Stop all fuel handling operations and evacuate unnecessary personnel from affected area. C. Close the equipment hatch/airlocks and place Control Room HVAC to Emergency Mode. D. Stop all fuel handling operations and close the equipment hatch/airlocks.
B Stop all fuel handling operations and evacuate unnecessary personnel from affected area.
Given the following plant conditions: * Reactor Power = 90% * The S/G Water Level Control System is in automatic lAW SOP-12 * EK-0963, "STEAM GEN E-508 HI LEVEL" has annunciated * "A" S/G level = 63% * "B" S/G level = 86% and rising * TAVE is 558°F and lowering * PZR pressure is 2030 psia and lowering If the High Level Override function does not reduce the feedwater flow rate, what action(s) is the NCO expected to take? A. If either Steam Generator level exceeds 95%, immediately trip the turbine and lower S/G level using the feedwater bypass valves. B. If "B" S/G level rises to 90%, trip "A" Feed Pump and begin an Emergency Downpower to approximately 60% power. C. When "B" Steam Generator level exceeds 90%, then trip the Reactor D. Close the "B" S/G Main Feed Reg Valve and lower the speed of "A" Main Feed Pump to 3250 rpm.
C. When "B" Steam Generator level exceeds 90%, then trip the Reactor
Given the following conditions: Self-Study * Plant is in Mode 1 * Security reports that due to heavy winds a crane has made contact with the containment building, creating a 2 foot hole. Which one of the following describes the required operator actions for this condition? A. Isolate Containment, trip the reactor. B. Emergency Borate, trip the reactor C. Isolate Containment, emergency borate D. Emergency Borate, emergency downpower
B. Emergency Borate, trip the reactor