What does being omnipotent technically mean God can do?
What is not logically possible?
Where there is logical contradiction involved.
What does Descartes argue to support the view that God can do anything?
God could change the fundamental laws of physics, which, as far as we know are unchanging and apply universally.
What does Aquinas describe God as?
‘Active power’ - ability to exercise power and bring about events.
What is a solution to the problem of God’s omnipotence?
Seek to redefine omnipotence as meaning ‘that which is logically possible for a being such as God.’ (Swineburne)
What does Mavrodes argue about the paradox of the stone?
If the paradox of the stone is defined as ‘to create a stone that God cannot lift’ and God by definition is a being of unlimited power, this would make the idea of the stone self-contradictory.
What does Aquinas argue about the paradox of the stone?
A stone so heavy that God cannot lift it is an impossible object.
Where in the Bible is God’s omnipotence supported?
Luke 1:37 - “For nothing is impossible with God.”
How is God’s omnipotence limited?
He cannot change the past.
What does Ockham distinguish between?
Distinguishes between the two powers of God. The ‘absolute power of God’ and the ‘ordained power of God’.
How does Aquinas argue for God’s unlimited ability?
God is able to do anything, he can part the Red Sea and restore the dead to life.
What does Swinburne describe God as?
“limitless, intentional power.”
What does Dawkins argue against religion?
It teaches people to be “satisfied with not understanding the world.”
What does Russell argue against God’s omnipotence?
Universe is a brute fact so does not require an omnipotent God to explain its existence.
Where is there a lack of power demonstrated?
His inaction in the Holocaust, Genocide etc.