AO1’S Flashcards
Repetition of a word or words at the beginning of successive clauses (It was the…It was the…It was the…)
Anaphoric reference
Refers back to previous word in text
- requires knowledge of implications, need to know the antecedent of a pronoun, for example
Cataphoric reference
Refers forward to a word later in the text
A vowel sound that is the combination of two separate sounds
Two or more communication modes to make meaning e.g. image, spoken language, written language
Negation prefix
Becomes opposite: un-, anti-, non-
Time prefix
Pre-, post-
Subordinator/ conjunction
Links clauses together
Compound sentence
2+independent clauses
Complex sentence
1 independent clause and 1+ dependent clauses
In front of a noun to indicate time/position (e.g. in,for,by,with,to)
Declarative sentence
Simple statement
Exclamatory sentence
Used for emphasis/exclamation
Interrogative sentence
Ask a question
Imperative sentence
Adjacency pair
An utterance that constrains response in turn-taking
Auxiliary verb
Used with another verb (e.g. are,had… ‘helping verbs’)
Modal auxiliary
Express possibility/certainty (shall, should, could, would)
Deontic modality
More definite - obligation, ability, permission
Epistemic modality
weakening commitment to truth - possibility, likelihood
Introduces noun with definite article
Definite article
The - specific noun
Indefinite article
A - any noun
Emphasises another word (very)