Anxiety Disorders and OCD Flashcards
General Treatment Principles
- Decide on diagnosis / diagnoses (may co-exist with other mood/anxiety disorder)
- Decide on special investigations
- Do a risk assessment (harm to self / others / property)
- Decide on where to treat (in-pt, out-pt with/without supervision)
- Decide whom to involve (family, friend, work etc)
- Decide whom to refer to (psychiatrist, psychologist, social worker etc)
- Decide when to follow up and how frequently
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Chronic excessive worrying
- accompanied by psychological and physiological Sx of anxiety
- functioning is impaired
- anxiety is significantly distressing
(May only improve in 6-8w - longer than for depressive disorders)
-SSRI: Citalopram 20-50mg/d OR Fluoxetine 20-60mg/d
-Benzo: Lorazepam 0,5-2mg tds (response within days, but may be habit forming + other SE)
Psychosocial: CBT
Anxiety definition
An unpleasant feeling state in anticipation of future threat
Abnormal anxiety:
- excessive duration
- destructive
- effect on functioning
Stressor definition
An event/situation that requires adjustment
Panic attack
- A surge of intense fear or discomfort
- Peaks in minutes
- Accompanied by physical and psychological Sx of intense anxiety / intense autonomic arousal
Panic Disorder
Recurrent, UNEXPECTED panic attacks
-continuous worrying about attacks OR dysfunctional behavior due to attacks
Panic Disorder Rx
-SSRI: Citalopram 20-50mg/d OR Fluoxetine 20-60mg/d
(Continue for 12mo symptom free, then reduce)
-Benzo if quick response needed - Lorazepam 0,5-2mg tds
2nd line
-TCA: only imipramine or clomipramine
Phobic Disorders
Excessive, persistent (6mo +) and unreasonable fear for a circumscribed stimulus, where stimulus is:
- avoided
- endured with much anxious distress
- functioning is impaired and there is clinically significant distress
Social anxiety disorder (social phobia)
Specific phobia
Social Anxiety Disorder (aka social phobia)
Fear/ anxiety about:
- social situations
- where exposed to possible scrutiny
- about showing anxiety symptoms that will be negatively evaluated
Fear/anxiety about 2+ of:
- using public transport
- being in open spaces
- being in enclosed spaces
- standing in line or being in a crowd
- being outside the house alone
Fears/avoids situations because of thoughts that:
- escape may be difficult
- help may not be available if panic like or embarrassing symptoms develop (falling/incontinence)
Specific Phobias
- Animal type: any animal or insect
- Natural environment type: heights, thunder etc
- Blood-injection-injury type: often ass.w. fainting
- Situational type: public transport, lifts etc
Other type
Substance induced anxiety disorder
-panic attacks or anxiety predominate
- with onset during intoxication
- with onset during withdrawal
- with onset after medication exposure
(Caffeine, thyroxine)
Anxiety disorder due to another medical condition
- panic attacks / anxiety predominate
- evidence of direct effect from another medical condition where condition is a known culprit
Discontinuing medication in anxiety disorders
1yr of complete remission Full functioning restored Patient has sense of well-being Do it slowly over months Re-instate Rx lifelong if relapse