anxiety disorders Flashcards
CNS physiological and emotional response to a VAGUE sense of threat or danger
The CNS physiological and emotional response to a SERIOUS threat or danger
Anxiety charateristics
future oriented, BIS SYSTEM
Generalized anxiety disorder GAD
free floating anxiety
symptoms: restless, keyed up, on edge, tire easily, diminished concentration, muscle tension, sleep problems
has to occur most days for 6 days
seperation anxiety
adults: 6 months
kids: 4 weeks
Panic attack / panic disorder
sweating, heart rate, shaking, nausea, chest pain, dizzy, chills/heat, paresthsias
conditioning -> false alarm
stressors trigger true alarm
1 or more intrusion symptoms:
recurring memories, recurring dreams, dissociative reactions (flashback) reactions/distressed caused by smth resembling the event
-> cognitive deficits, avoidance
Acute stress disorder
experiencing fear soon after trauma but for LESS than 1 month
Specific phobia
phobia for a specific object/event
fear of public places where escape might be difficult -> often develops panic attacks
Dissociative disorder
major changes in memory with no clear physical causes
dissociative identity disorder
two or more distinct personalities
depersonalisation identity disorder
not marked by memory problems
you have an outside point of view of urself
obsessive compulsive disorder OCD
a persistent thought, idea, impulse or image that is experienced repeatedly, feels intrusive and causes anxiety -> attempts to ignore or suppress
obsessive compulsive disorder OCD
a repetitive and rigid behaviour or mental act of fat a person feels driven to perform in order to prevent or reduce anxiety