Antiparasitics Flashcards
Antimalarial - thought to inhibit heme polymerase which detoxifies ferri IX which is usually toxic to parasite; effects asexual and erythrocytic forms
Long 1/2 life (once/week prophylaxis)
Resistance imbued by polymorphisms in pfcrt gene, which encodes for transporter taking chloroquine out of acidic vacuole slowing effect of drug
Use: Prevent & treat plasmodia vivax, ovale, malariae, and sensitive falciparum
Adverse: exacerbation of psoriasis, retinopathy, hemolysis in G6PD deficiency, CYP2D6 inhibitor
not recommended for epilepsy or myasthinia gravis
Antimalarial - may interfere with mitochondria; ONLY drug for exoerythrocytic forms of vivax and ovale (radical cure for this case)
Adverse: Hemolysis - G6PD deficiency(contraindicated)
Antimalarial - similar to choroquine
Adverse: poor theraputic/toxic ratio; CINCHONISM - tinnitus, hearing loss,
Antimalarial - similar to chloroquine
Use: parenteral therapy of chloroquine resistant malaria, being replaced by artemisinins
Adverse: EKG changes, hypotension
Antimalarial - treatment & prophylaxis of drug resistant, schizonolcidal no effect on exoerythrocytic
Adverse: vivid dreams, neuropsychiatric symptoms
Antimalarial - binds and inhibits dihydrofolate reductase
Adverse: hypersensitivity, hematologic reactions, anemia due to decrease in folic acid
High resistance
Antimalarial - atovaqoune (mitochondrial toxic) & proguanil (inhibits dihydrofolate thymidylate synthase)
Use: effective against blood asexual forms and liver forms in falciparum but not vivax
Antimalarial - effective against P falciparum and erythrocytic stages of vivax
Use: combo with other drugs for severe P falciparum, not used for prophylaxis or in pregnancy
Most prevelant enteric parasite in the US
Treatment: Metronidazole 250mg TID x 5-7 days, or Tinidazole, Nitazoxanide in children
Amebicidic - nitro group serves as electron acceptor forming cytotoxic agent
Use: anaerobic bacteria, entamoeba histolytica, E. palecki, Girardia lamblia, trichamonas vaginalis
Adverse: metallic taste, alcohol intolerance
Amebicidic - luminal activity for cyst elimination
Adverse: seizures, encepalopathy, high iodine content can interfere w/ TFTs
Amebicidic - aminoglycoside
Adverse: nephrotoxic, ototoxic
Drug of choice: antmonial agents
1. Sodium stiboglucanate
Alternatives: Amphoteracin B, Pentamidine
South american (chagas) drug of choice: Nifurtimox
African (Sleeping sickness) drug of choice: Eflornithine, suramin
Alt: Pentamidine
Drug of choice: pyrimethamine + sulfadiazine
Alt: pyrimethamine + clindamycin
Anthelmintic - selectively binds to helminthe tubulin causing immobilization and blocks glucose uptake
Adverse: Abdominal pain, low side effects at normal dose
Antihelmintic - GABA receptor agonist
Drug of choice for Strongyloidiasis
Adverse: minimal, GI complaints, drowsiness
Pyrantel Pamoate
Antihelmntic - depolarizing neuromuscular blocker
Alt to albendazole or mebendazole in Ascariasis, hookworm, and pinworm
Adverse: GI, headache, drowsiness
Antihelmintic - inhibits fumurate reductase
Alt. for Strongyloidiasis
Mx: increases trematodes cell permeability to calcium leading to paralysis
Use: all forms of Schistosomiasis, trematodes and cestatodes
Mx: decreased ATP production in tapeworm mitochondria
Use: Alt. to Praziquantel for cestodes