Antimycobacterials Med Chem Flashcards
Which of the following bacteria cause Tuberculosis?
B. Legionella
C. S. Aureus
D. Mycobacteriaceae
Which of the following statements regarding Mycobacteriaceae are true? (Select All)
A. Anaerobic bacteria, not requiring oxygen to multiply
B. Aerobic bacteria, requires an aerobic, oxygen-rich environment to multiply.
C. Require acid fast staining (Zeil-Neelsen Stain)
D. Does not have a cell wall
E. Cell wall consists of fatty acids known as mycolic acid
B, C, E
Which of the follwing bacteria:disease statements is incorrect?
A. M. tuberculosis: Tuberculosis
B. M. leprae: Leprosy
C. M. avium-M. Intracllular complex (MAC):Opportunistic AIDs infection: lung infection like TB
D. M. kansasii: Opportunistic AIDs infection: lung infection like TB
M. Kansasii is only an opportunistic lung infection.
Why are the lungs a perfect environment for mycobacteria to multiply?
A. The lungs provid an anaerobic environment that allows the bacteria to multiply
B. The lungs contain an essential substance known as surfactant that the bacteria require for growth and reproduction
C. The lungs provide an aerobic environment that allows the bacteria to multiply
D. The lungs allow for large amounts of CO2 exchange and thus promotes an acidic environment for the bacteria to grow.
Tuberculosis infections are commonly present in the lungs. When the infection spreads beyond the lungs (such as the kidneys) it will be known as an ____ infection.
A. Interpulmonary
B. Intrapulmonary
C. Pulmonary
D. Transpulmonary
E. Extrapulmonary
Regarding the pathophysiology of Tuberculosis: Where do the bacteria multiply within the lungs?
A. On the surface of the lunbs
B. Within the surfactant
C. Within the neutrophils that have engulfed the bacteria
D. Within the macrophages that have engulfed the bacteria
E. Within the dendritic cells that have engulfed the bacteria
When the bacteria enters the lungs the pulmonary marophages will engulf the bacteria in order to destroy it. However, if the bacteria survives the proces then it will stay within the macrophage and multiply itself.
Once an infected macrohpage dies it releases the bacteria and the bacteria will then form the:
A. Caseous center
B. Viral center
C. Viral load
D. Bacterial center
E. Bactericeace Mediae
The Mycobacterium cell wall consists of high molecular weight faty acids known as:
A. Arabino-galactam
B. Lipoarabinomannan
C. Porins
D. Mycolic Acids
Mycobacterium cell walls contain Arabino galactam that is a polymer of ___ and ___.
A. Mannose, Arabinose
B. Arabinose, Galactose
C. Mannose, Glucose
D. Arabinose, Glucose
The Mycobacterium cell wall consists of a molecule known as Lipoarabinomannan that consists is made from polymers of ___ and ___.
A. Arabinose, Mannose
B. Arabinose, Lipose
C. Mannose, Lipose
D. Arabinose, Glucose
Which of the following medications are Rifamycin medications? (select all)
A. Rifampin
B. Isoniazid
C. Rifabutin
D. Pyrazinamide
E. Rifapentin
A, C, E
Which of these medications are First-line agents used to treat tuberculosis? (select all)
A. Ethionamide
B. Isoniazid
C. Fluoroquinolones
D. Rifamycins (rifampin, rifabutin, rifapentin
E. Pyrazinamide
F. Ethambutol
B, D, E, F
Which of these medications are second-line agents? (Select All)
A. Ethionamide
B. Fluoroquinolones
C. Pyrazinamide
D. Ethambutol
E. Macrolides
A, B, E
If the bacteria M. tuberculosis exhibits MDR resistance, which of the following drugs will have decreased efectiveness towards the bacteria? (select all)
A. Ethionamide
B. Rifampin
C. Ethambutol
D. Isoniazid
E. Moxifloxacin
B, C, D
MDR (Multi Drug Resitant) M.tuberculosis will be resistant towards any first-line agents but NOT second-line agents.
If the bacteria Mycobacterium. Tuberculosis exhibits XDR (Extensive Drug Reistant) resistance which of the following agents will have decreased effectiveness?
A. Isoniazid
B. Ethambutol
C. Ethionamide
D. Moxifloxacin
E. Rifamycins
F. All of the above
XDR (extensive drug resistance) is a type of resistance with m.tuberculosis that makes the bacteria resistant to first line AND second line medications
What are the general PK properties of first-line antimycobacterial agents? (select all)
A. Poor oral absorption
B. Low volume of distribution, stays in the blood for activity
C. High oral absorption
D. Typically given IV
E. Widely distributed throughout the body tissue and fluid
C, E
E especially makes sense since TB can spread to other organs and cause extrapulmonary infections in other tissues. As a result you need the drug to be able to distribute itself widely throughout the body
What is the other name for Isoniazid?
A. Isonprozole
B. Isonitrate
C. Isonicotinic acid hydrazide (INH)
D. Isonicotinic anhydrate (INA)