Antimicrobial Therapies 2 (Protein Synthesis Inhibitors Quinolones / Folic Acid Antagonists / Urinary Tract Antiseptics) Flashcards
Protein Synthesis Inhibitors
▪ Many antibiotic families work by targeting bacterial ribosomes and inhibiting
bacterial protein synthesis—these drugs are bacteriostatic
▪ Bacterial ribosomes are composed of 30S and 50S subunits [mammals have 40S and 60S subunits]
▪ Being selective for bacterial ribosomes decreases potential AEs from disrupting
protein synthesis in the host
▪ However high doses of some of these agents can be toxic effects—as a result of an
interaction with the mitochondria ribosomes in the human—because the
mitochondrial ribosomes closely resemble those of the bacteria
▪ Tetracycline—prototype drug
▪ Minocycline
• Enter susceptible bugs via passive diffusion & energy-dependent transport protein mechanism unique to bacterial inner cytoplasmic membrane
• Concentrate intracellularly in susceptible pathogens
• Binds reversibly to 30S subunit—this prevents binding of tRNA to the
mRNA-ribosome complex & inhibiting protein synthesis
Antibacterial Spectrum
• Bacteriostatic
• Cover:
• Gram +
• Gram –
• Protozoa
• Spirochetes
• Mycobacteria
• Atypical species
• Commonly used to treat
• Most common naturally occurring
resistance is from an efflux pump that
expels the drug out of the cell—preventing
intracellular accumulation
• Other mechanisms:
• Enzyme inactivation of the drug
• Production of bacterial proteins that
prevent tetracyclines from binding to the ribosome
• Resistance to one tetracycline does not
mean resistance to all in the class
• Adequately absorbed when taken orally
• Giving with dairy, Magnesium, Calcium,
aluminum antacids or iron decreases
absorption—as a nonabsorbable chelate is
formed [worse with tetracycline]
• Doxycycline and Minocycline available in
PO and IV forms
• Concentrate well in bile, liver, kidney, gingival fluid and skin
• Bind to tissues undergoing calcification
[teeth/bones] and tumors high in Ca++
• Penetration into most body fluids is
• Only Minocycline and Doxycycline get to
therapeutic levels in the CSF
• Minocycline obtains high levels in saliva and
tears—can be used to treat meningococcal
carrier states
• ALL tetracyclines cross placental barrier and concentrate in fetal bones and teeth
• Tetracycline mainly in the urine
• Minocycline is metabolized in the mainly in the liver, to a lesser degree in the kidney
• Doxycycline is preferred in the patient with renal disease—as it is eliminated via the bile
into the feces
GI Discomfort
• Epigastric distress from irritation of gastric mucosa
• Esophagitis—can be decreased by giving with food [except dairy] or fluids and by prescribing tablets
• Tetracycline should always be given on empty stomach
Effects on Calcified Tissues
• In children, deposition in bones and teeth occurs during calcification process—leading to discoloration, hypoplasia of teeth and a temporary stunning of growth
• Do not use tetracyclines in pediatric care
Liver Toxicity
• Rarely, liver toxicity can occur with high doses, especially in pregnant women, those with preexisting liver or kidney disease
Sun Sensitivity
• Severe sunburn can occur with all
tetracyclines—most frequently seen with
Tetracycline and Demeclocycline
Vestibular Dysfunction
• Dizziness, vertigo and tinnitus can be
seen with Minocycline—which concentrates in endolymph of the ear and affects the
function of the 8th CN
Pseudotumor Cerebri
• Benign intracranial hypertension [HA,
blurred vision] can occur rarely in adults
• Stopping the drug reverses this condition,
but permanent sequelae may occur—worse with Tetracycline
• Should not be used in pregnancy, breast
feeding or in children younger than age 8
Newest Tetracycline—Sarecycline [Saysera]
▪ Approved for limited course [12 weeks] of therapy for acne vulgaris
▪ Weight based dosing
▪ Drug with very long ½ life—21 – 22 hours
▪ Bacteriostatic, exact MOA unknown
▪ Need baseline ophthalmologic exam—can cause blurred vision, and a change in green/blue color perception
▪ Main SE with this tetracycline is Pseudotumor Cerebri
▪ Tigecycline [Tygacil]—prototype drug
▪Derivative of Minocycline—1st member of this new antibiotic class
▪Indicated for treatment of complicated soft tissue infections, complicated intra-abdominal infections and CAP
Bacteriostatic by reversibly binding to the 30S ribosome subunit and inhibiting
bacterial protein synthesis
Antibacterial Spectrum
Broad Spectrum
• Multi-drug resistant streptococci
• Extended spectrum ß-lactamase-producing Gram – pathogens
• Acinetobacter baumanni
• Many anaerobes
Does NOT cover:
• Morganella
• Proteus
• Providencia
• Pseudomonas species
• Drug developed to overcome emergence of tetracycline-resistant bugs that utilize efflux pumps and ribosomal protection to cause
• Resistance has been seen to this
agent—mainly due to overexpression of efflux pumps
• Given IV, large volume of distribution
• Penetrates tissues well but gets low plasma levels
• Poor option for bloodstream infections
• Eliminated via bile and feces
• No dose reduction for renal disease, but dose reduction is needed in those with liver disease
• Nausea and vomiting
• Acute pancreatitis [including death]
• Increased LFTs and creatinine can occur
• All cause mortality in those getting this agent is higher than with other agents
• BB warning—this agent should be used for situations where other treatments are not an option
• Other ADEs—similar to tetracyclines—photosensitivity, pseudotumor cerebri, discolored teeth [if used during tooth
development], fetal harm if given during pregnancy
• Tigecycline decreases the clearance of Warfarin
▪ Amikacin
▪ Gentamicin—prototype drug
▪ Neomycin
▪ Streptomycin
▪ Tobramycin
▪ Used for the treatment of serious infections from aerobic Gram – bacilli, but utility is limited by serious toxicities
• Diffuse through porin channels in outer membrane of susceptible pathogens
• Also have an O2-dependent system that transports the drug across the cytoplasmic
• In the cell, they bind the 30S ribosomal subunit where they interfere with assembly
of the functioning ribosome and/or cause the 30S subunit of the complete ribosome
to misread genetic code
• They are concentration-dependent bactericidal agents—their efficacy is dependent on
the Maximum Concentration [Cmax] of the drug above the MIC of the pathogen
• For this family, the target Cmax is 8 to 10 times the MIC
• They have a postantibiotic effect [PAE]—continued bacterial suppression after the
drug concentrations fall below the MIC [the larger the dose, the longer the PAE]
• Because of this PAE, high-dose extended interval dosing is often used—and this
prescribing strategy reduces renal damage
Antibacterial Spectrum
▪ Majority of aerobic gram negative bugs, including [many drug-resistance species]:
▪ Pseudomonas aeruginosa
▪ Klebsiella pneumonia
▪ Enterobacter species
▪ Often given with a ß-lactam antibiotic to get a synergistic effect, when treating:
▪ Enterococcus faecalis
▪ Enterococcus faecium infective endocarditis
Occurs from:
▪ Efflux pumps
▪ Decreased uptake
▪ Modification and inactivation by plasmid-associated synthesis of enzymes [each of these enzymes is specific to one aminoglycoside]—so cross-resistance is NOT the rule
• Polar, polycation structure prevents adequate oral absorption
• All [except Neomycin] must be given IM or IV [neomycin causes renal damage if given
parenterally—it is given topically for skin infections** or orally as a prep to
decontaminate the bowel before GI surgery]
• Tissue concentration may be subtherapeutic and penetration is variable due to hydrophilicity
• Levels in CSF no adequate, even when meninges are inflamed
• To treat CNS infections, intrathecal or intraventricular routes needed
• All of these agents cross the placental barrier and can accumulate in fetal plasma and in amniotic fluid
• Neomycin excreted unchanged in feces
• Other drugs in the family—90% of the agent is excreted unchanged in the urine after parenteral dosing—accumulation
occurs in those with kidney disease—so these drugs must be renal dosed
** at least 1/3 of people are sensitive to the neomycin topically and will develop a dermatitis, that takes the appearance of cellulitis, so not suggested 1st line as topical therapy
Drug monitoring of Gentamicin, Tobramycin and Amikacin is a MUST to get
appropriate dose and to avoid toxicity
▪ Older adults most susceptible to nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity
Ototoxicity—vestibular and auditory—related to high peak levels and duration
of therapy
▪ The drugs accumulate in the endolymph and perilymph of inner ear
▪ Deafness is usually irreversible and can affect a fetus
▪ Those getting other ototoxic drugs, such as Cisplatin or loop diuretics are especially
• Retention of the agent by the proximal renal tubular cells disrupts Ca++ mediated
transport processes
• This retention causes kidney damage ranging from mild, reversible renal impairment to severe, potentially irreversible
ATN at risk
Vertigo may occur also occur in those receiving Streptomycin
Neuromuscular Paralysis
• Associated with a rapid increase in concentration OR concurrent administration with neuromuscular blockers
• Those with MG are especially at risk
• Prompt administration of Ca++ gluconate or Neostigmine can reverse the block that causes neuromuscular paralysis
Allergic Reactions
• Contact dermatitis is a common reaction to
topically applied Neomycin—so avoid triple
antibiotic ointments [TAO]
Macrolides and Ketolides
Erythromycin—prototype drug
▪ Antimicrobials with a macrocyclic lactone structure to which one or more deoxy sugars are attached
▪ Erythromycin—1st drug in the class
▪ Alternative to PCN in those with allergies to ß-lactam antibiotics
▪ Clarithromycin—methylated form of Erythromycin
▪ Azithromycin—has a larger lactone ring, has some features with other macrolides, while improving upon Erythromycin
▪ Telithromycin—semisynthetic derivative of Erythromycin is a “ketolide” agent [not currently used in US]—because of liver issues
▪ Bind irreversibly to a site on the 50S ribosome subunit of the bacterial ribosome and inhibiting translocation steps of protein synthesis
▪ These agents are bacteriostatic, and may be bacteriocidal at higher doses
▪ Their binding site is either identical to or near to that for Clindamycin and Chloramphenicol
Antibacterial Spectrum
• Same coverage as PCN G
• Considered alternative for those with PCN
• Coverage is similar to Erythromycin, and also covers:
• H. influenzae
Has greater activity
against intracellular
pathogens, such as:
• Chlamydia
• Legionella
• Moraxella
• Ureaplasma species
• H. pylori
Less active than Erythromycin against
Streptococci and Staphylococci, YET
Much more active against
respiratory bugs:
• H. influenzae
• Moraxella catarrhalis
Excess use of this agent has caused growing Streptococcus pneumoniae resistance
• Spectrum is much like that of Azithromycin
• Structural change with ketolides neutralizes
the most common resistance mechanisms
that cause macrolide resistance
• Ketolides are suspected to become important antimicrobials in the future, as new drugs are in development
▪ Inability of the organism to take up the antibiotic
▪ Presence of efflux pumps
▪ Decreased affinity of the 50S ribosomal subunit for the due to methylation
of an adenine in the 23S bacterial ribosomal RNA in Gram + pathogens
▪ Presence of plasmid-associated Erythromycin esterases in Gram –pathogens
▪ Ketolides thought to be effective against macrolide-resistant organisms
Macrolides and Ketolides—Pharmacokinetics
• Erythromycin base is destroyed by HCl- acid, so EC or esterified pills are given
• All forms are stable in stomach acid and are
easily absorbed PO
• Food interferes with absorption of Erythromycin and Azithromycin, but
increases absorption of Clarithromycin
• Erythromycin/Azithromycin are available IV
• Erythromycin well distributed in all tissues except CSF—one of few antimicrobials that gets into prostate and it accumulates in
• All drugs concentrate in the liver
• Clarithromycin, Azithromycin and Telithromycin widely distributed in tissues
• Azithromycin concentrates in neutrophils, macrophages and fibroblasts, but serum levels are LOW—it has the highest volume
of distribution of all macrolides
• Erythromycin and Telithromycin are
metabolized in liver—they inhibit oxidation of many drugs through their interaction with CYP 450
• Clarithromycin interferes with metabolism of theophylline, statins and many AEDs
• Azithromycin concentrated and excreted in bile as active drug
• Erythromycin and metabolites are excreted in bile
• Clarithromycin metabolized in liver
as an active drug and metabolites excreted
in urine—dose adjust this drug in renal
Macrolides and Ketolides—ADEs
• GI upset is most common SE [especially Erythromycin]
• High doses of Erythromycin can cause smooth muscle contractions that cause
gastric contents to move into the duodenum—and the ADE used to treat gastroparesis and post-operative ileus
Cholestatic Jaundice
• Occurs most commonly with estolate form of Erythromycin [no longer available in the US]
• Has been reported with other formulations in this family
• Transient deafness has been seen with
high dose Erythromycin
• Azithromycin has been associated with
irreversible sensorineural hearing loss
QTc Prolongation
• May prolong QTc interval and should
be used with caution in patients with
proarrhythmic conditions or taking
proarrhythmic drugs
• Patients with liver disease should be treated cautiously if prescribing Erythromycin, Telithromycin and Azithromycin as these agents accumulate in
the liver
• Severe liver toxicity has occurred with Telithromycin and is the reason it is not currently used in the US
Drug Interactions
• Erythromycin, Telithromycin and
Clarithromycin can interfere with liver metabolism of many drugs which can result in toxic levels of these agents—Alfuzosin [Uroxatrol], Atorvastatin [Lipitor];
Carbamazepine [Tegretol], PIs, Sildenafil [Viagra], Simvastatin [Zocor], Valproate [Depakote], Warfarin
• Change in gut flora from these antibiotics can lead to digoxin toxicity
Fidaxomicin [Dificid]
▪ Macrocyclic drug similar to a macrolide, with a unique MOA
▪ Acts on sigma subunit of the RNA polymerase, disrupting bacterial
transcription, terminating protein synthesis and causing cell death
▪ Very narrow spectrum of coverage—Gram + aerobes and anaerobes
▪ Is covers Staphylococcus and Streptococcus, mainly used for bactericidal
activity against Clostridium difficile
▪ Because of unique target site, cross-resistance has NOT been seen
▪ Given orally—minimal systemic absorption and remains in GI tract
▪ Making it ideal to treat Clostridium difficile
▪ ADEs—nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain
▪ Anemia and neutropenia have been seen, but not common
▪ Hypersensitivity, angioedema, SOB and itching have occurred
▪ Use with caution in those allergy to a macrolide
▪ Seems ideal—BUT… AWP for 10 day course is $3100 [cost to patient or
insurance is 100 to 200% of AWP—so $6200-9300 for a course of therapy], in
spite of this, in 2019, this is the first line agent in severe C. diff infections
Chloramphenicol [Chloromycetin]
▪ Broad spectrum antibiotic restricted to life-threatening infections for which no
alternatives exist
▪ Considered salvage therapy here in the US
▪ Used more often in other parts of the world, than it is used here
• Binds reversibly to the bacterial 50S
ribosomal subunit and inhibits protein
synthesis at the peptidyl transferase reaction
• Some of the host mitochondrial ribosomes
closely resemble those of the pathogen,
protein and ATP production in the host’s
organelles may be impaired at high
circulating Chloramphenicol levels—causing
bone marrow toxicity
• The oral form of Chloramphenicol was
removed from the market in the US [1992]
because of this toxicity
Antibacterial Spectrum
Active against many many pathogens, including:
• Chlamydia
• Rickettsia
• Spirochetes
• Anaerobes
Bacteriostatic, but can be
bactericidal—depending on dose
and organism
• Takes place by the presence of enzymes
that inactivate Chloramphenicol