Antimicrobial Therapies 1 (Cell Wall Inhibitors) Flashcards
Cell Wall Inhibitors
These antibiotics selectively interfere with synthesis of the bacterial cell wall
The cell wall is made of polymer called peptidoglycan that consists of glycan units joined to each other by peptide
The antibiotics that inhibit cell walls require actively proliferating microorganisms
Cell Wall Inhibitor Families
ß Lactam Inhibitor + Antibiotic Combinations
Other Antibiotics
Consist of a core 4 membered ß-lactam ring—which is attached to a thiazolidine ring and an R side chain
Drugs in this family differ from each other in the R substitute attached to the 6-aminopenicillanic acid residue—this side
chain affects the drugs spectrum, stability in the stomach acid, cross-sensitivity and susceptibility to bacterial degradation
enzymes—better known as ß-lactamases
-Interfere with final stage of cell wall synthesis known as transpeptidation
-PCNs compete for & bind to enzymes called penicillin binding proteins [PBPs] which catalyze transpeptidase and facilitate
cross-linking of the cell wall
-Downstream effect is a weak cell wall and cell death
-PCNs are bactericidal and work in a time-dependent mode
Antibacterial Spectrum
-Gram + microbes have a cell wall easily transversed by PCNs—so unless resistance is present, they are susceptible
-Gram – microbes have an outer lipopolysaccharide membrane surrounding their cell wall that acts as a barrier to PCNs
-However, gram – pathogens do have proteins inserted into this barrier membrane that behave as a water lined channel
[porins] that allow some PCNs to enter via this transmembrane canal
Natural Penicillins
Penicillin G and Penicillin V are obtained from fermented fungus of PCN
PCN G [benzyl penicillin] has activity against many gram +, gram – and spirochetes; it is 5-10 times more potent than PCN V against Neisseria spp. and anaerobes
Most streptococci are sensitive to PCN G, BUT PCN-resistant viridians streptococci and Streptococcus pneumoniae isolates are emerging
More than 90% of Staphylococcus aureus are now penicillinase producing and resistant to PCN G
PCN is DOC for gas gangrene [Clostridium perfringens] and syphilis [Treponema pallidum]
PCN V is only available oral, with a spectrum similar to that of PCN G—not used for severe infections due to limited oral absorption
PCN V more acid stable than PCN G and is oral agent used in less severe infections
Semisynthetic Penicillins
Ampicillin and Amoxicillin
Aminopenicillins or extended spectrum penicillins
Created by chemically attaching different R groups to the 6-aminopenicillanic acid nucleus—this extends the gram –
coverage to include Haemophilus influenzae, E. coli and Proteus mirabilis
Ampicillin [+/-Gentamicin]—DOC for Listeria
monocytogenes and some enterococcal species
Extended spectrum agents used in URIs
Ampicillin used by dentists to prevent bacterial endocarditis in high risk patients
These drugs are combined with ß-lactamase inhibitors such as clavulanic acid or sulbactam to treat infections
from ß-lactamase producing pathogens
Without B-lactamase inhibitor, RSSA is resistant to Ampicillin and Amoxicillin
Resistance from plasmid-mediated penicillinases are a problem—this limits the use of these agents with gram - bugs
Antistaphylococcal Penicillins
Methicillin [only used in lab testing in US]
ß-lactamase [penicillinase]-resistant penicillins
They are used for infections caused by penicillinase-producing staphylococci, including MRSA
MRSA—source of serious community acquired and nosocomial infections and is resistant to most commercially available ß-lactam antibiotics
Penicillinase-resistant penicillins have minimal to no activity against gram - infections
Antipseudomonal Penicillins
-Active against Pseudomonas aeruginosa
-When combined with Tazobactam [Zosyn] extends the antimicrobial spectrum to cover penicillinase-producing organisms [Enterobacteriaceae and
Bacteroides spp.]
Survival in spite of a ß-lactam antibiotic
can occur by one of three ways—ß-
lactamase production, decreased
permeability of the drug or altered
penicillin binding proteins [PBPs]
This family of enzymes breaks down the amide bond of the ß-lactam ring, which causes loss of bactericidal activity—they are the MAJOR cause of resistance to PCNs and are becoming more and more of an issue
Some ß-lactam antibiotics are poor
substrates for ß-lactamases and resist hydrolysis, thus keeping their power over ß-lactamase producing bugs
Gram + organisms secret ß-lactamases
Gram – organisms inactivate ß-lactam drugs in the periplasmic space
Decreased Permeability of the Drug
Decreased penetration of the antibiotic through the outer cell membrane of the pathogen prevents the drug from reaching target PBPs
In gram + bugs, peptidoglycan layer is close to surface of bacterium—few barriers for the drug to reach its target
Reduced penetration of the drug into gram – bugs is more of a problem—they have a complex cell wall that includes aqueous channels [porins]
Pseudomonas aeruginosa lacks high permeability porins
Presence of an efflux pump, actively removes the drug from the site of action can also reduce amount of intracellular drug [Klebsiella pneumoniae]
Altered Penicillin Binding Proteins [PBPs]
Antibiotic exposure can prevent cell wall synthesis and lead to changes or lysis of susceptible bacteria
Modified PBPs have lower affinity for ß-lactam antibiotics—requiring unobtainable levels of the drug to be present to kill the bug—this mechanism explains MRSA resistance to most available ß-lactams
Determined by stability of the drug in gastric
acid and severity of infection
• Ampicillin + sulbactam [Unasyn]; Piperacillin + tazobactam [Zosyn]; Nafcillin and Oxacillin given IV or IM
• PCN V, Amoxicillin, Dicloxacillin are given PO
• All others are available PO, IV or IM
• Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid is only oral in the US
Depot Forms
• Procaine PCN G and Benzathine PCN G are
given IM as depot injections—they are
slowly absorbed and persist at low levels over long periods
• Acidity of the GI tract interferes with absorption of PCNs
• Only 1/3 of PCN V is absorbed orally
• Food decreases absorption of
penicillinase-resistant penicillin
Dicloxacillin—as gastric emptying time increases, the drug is destroyed by HCl, so should be taken on empty stomach
• Amoxicillin is stable in acid environment
• ß-lactam antibiotics distribute throughout body
• All PCNs cross the blood-brain barrier—none are teratogenic
• Penetration into bone and CSF not enough for therapy unless these sites are inflamed—
inflamed meninges more permeable to PCNs—resulting in higher levels in CSF than in
• PCN levels in prostate too low to use for treatment
• Host metabolism of the ß-lactam antibiotics usually insignificant; metabolism of PCN G may occur in those with CKD
• Exceptions—Nafcillin and Oxacillin metabolized by liver
Primary route is organic acid [tubular]
secretory system in the kidney and GFR
• Those with CKD must have dosages reduced
• Nafcillin and oxacillin metabolized in liver
and do not require dose reductions in CKD
• Probenecid [gout prevention drug] inhibits
secretion of PCNs by competing for active
tubular secretion via the organic acid
transporter and can increase blood levels of
• PCNs excreted in breast milk
• 10% will report allergy
• Rashes—angioedema or anaphylaxis have been reported, but are rare
• Cross allergy among the ß-lactams does
Occurs from disruption of normal balance of intestinal flora
• More common with drugs that are incompletely absorbed and have extended spectrum
• Pseudomembranous colitis from C. difficile
can occur
• PCNs—especially Methicillin [no longer available in US because of this] have the
potential to cause acute interstitial nephritis
• Irritating to neuronal tissue and can provoke seizures if injected intrathecally or if
very high dose blood levels are reached—
epileptics at risk as PCNs can cause GABAergic inhibition
Hematologic Effects
• Decreased coagulation can be seen with high doses of Piperacillin and Nafcillin and perhaps with PCN G
• Cytopenias with therapy longer than 2
weeks—check CBCs weekly in these patients
ß-lactam drugs related structurally and functionally to PCNs
Most Cephalosporins are semisynthetic by attaching side chains to 7-aminocephalosporanic acid
Changes on the acyl side chain at the 7 position effects the antibacterial power; variations at the 3-position change the pharmacokinetic profile
Same MOA as PCNs and affected by same resistance mechanisms
Tend to be more resistant than PCNs to certain ß-lactams
Antibacterial Spectrum
Regardless of generation—Cephalosporins are ineffective for Listeria, C. difficile and Enterococcus
1st Generation
• Like PCN G substitute except they cover MSSA; isolates of Strep pneumonia resistant to PCN G will be resistant to these drugs
• Modest activity against:
• Proteus mirabilis
• E. coli
• Klebsiella pneumoniae
• Oral cavity anaerobes, such as Peptostreptococcus
• Bacteroides fragilis is resistant to these drugs
2nd Generation
• More activity against gram – bugs:
• H. influenzae
• Klebsiella spp.
• Proteus spp.
• E. coli
• M. catarrhalis
• Gram + coverage is less than 1st generation drugs
• Cefotetan [Cefotan] and Cefoxitin [Mefoxin] covers
anaerobes [Bacteroides fragilis]—only cephalosporins with good activity against gram – anaerobes; however neither is 1st line for B. fragilis—currently, a lot of resistance
3rd Generation
• Important players in treating ID
• Yet, they are less potent against 1st generation drugs when treating MSSA
• Enhanced coverage of gram – bacilli, including ß-lactamase producing H. influenzae and Neisseria gonorrhea
• Covers Serratia marcescens and Providencia spp.
• Ceftriaxone [Rocephin] and Cefotaxime [Claforan] are DOC in meningitis
• Ceftazidime [Fortaz] covers Pseudomonas aeruginosa [resistance is increasing]
• Use these drugs cautiously—they can foster bacterial resistance and cause C. difficile infection
4th Generation
• Cefepime [Maxipime]
• Must be given parenterally
• Wide spectrum with coverage of Staph and
Strep [that are methicillin sensitive]
• Also covers aerobic gram negative bugs—
Enterobacter spp., E. coli, K. pneumoniae, P.
mirabilis and Pseudomonas [refer to local
antibiograms to assess coverage of
Advanced Generation
• Broad spectrum—only ß-lactam in the US that covers MRSA
• Indicated to treat complicated skin and skin structure infections and CAP
• It binds to PBPs in MRSA and Penicillin resistant
Streptococcus pneumoniae
• Covers gram + pathogens and gram – coverage similar to
3rd generation Ceftriaxone
• Does not cover— P. aeruginosa, certain strains of
Enterobacteriaceae and Acinetobacter baumannii
• Ceftaroline [Teflaro]
• Twice day dosing limits its use outside
of a hospital setting
Pearls for Practice for
Sanford Guide is your bible to assist in
learning what drugs cover what bugs—and
it is updated yearly based on resistance
patterns and CDC recommendations…
1st generation drugs—gram + bugs
2nd generation drugs—gram – bugs
3rd generation drugs—covers both but you
lose some gram + coverage
4th generation—broader coverage and
covers some aerobes and Pseudomonas