Antidepressants Flashcards
6 anti-depressant categories
- Cyclic Antidepressants2. MOAI’s 3. SSRI’s4. Serotonin and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors5. Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors6. Atypical antidepressants
MAOI’s Action
- inhibits monamine oxidase (MAO)- an enzyme used to break down catecholamines (norepinephrine, dopamine, serotonin) in neurons- bond cannot be broken, function only returns when new enzymes are made
Tricyclic Antidepressants
- metabolized in the liver- highly bound to plasma protein- can easily become toxic if another drug is admin. that is also highly protein bound, very difficult to remove drug from body
First Generation
Tricyclic and MAOI’s
Second Generation
imipramine- Tricyclic- powerful sedation and anticholinergic effects
amitriptyline- Tricyclic- powerful sedation and anticholinergic effects
clomipramine- Tricyclic- powerful sedation and anticholinergic effects- originally for depression, has anti-obsessional effects- now primarily used for OCD (also depression, anxiety, panic, ADHD)- can also be administered through injection
doxepin- Tricyclic- powerful sedation and anticholinergic effects
nortriptylineTricyclic antidepressant and nerve pain medication- lower sedation and aniticholinergic effects- metabolite of Elavil- NE and Seretonin reuptake inhibitor- metabolized in liver- excreted in urine and feces- highly protein bound- long half life (28-31 hrs)- SE: nausea, drowsiness, sedation, worsening of symptoms, dry mouth, blurred vision- slow onset, leads to elevated mood, better sleep
Tricyclic Uses
- depressive symptoms (especially for resistant or long term depression)- chronic pain- anxiolytic effects- analgesic effects
desipramine- metabolite of Tofranil
Tricyclic Mechanism of Action
- block presynaptic reuptake transporter for NE and/pr seretonin (aka NET nd SERT)- block postsynaptic receptors for histamine, acetylcholine, and norepinephrine (why you get mroe side effects- not specific)
Tricyclic Pharmocokinetics
- given orally, easily absorbed- long half life, in body longer - taking at bedtime relieves sedation SE- metabolized in liver- clinical effects are longer in elderly- crosses placenta
Tricylcic Therapeutic Effects
- no dependence potential- slow onset of action- wide array of effects on CNS- elevate mood- increase physical activity- improve appetite and sleep
Tri. Side Effects
-Dirty- reacts with many receptor side- dry mouth ,blurred vision, dilated pupils- confusion, disorientation, agitation- sedation- most side effects subside over time