Anticoagulants and antiplatelets Flashcards
What dental procedures is unlikely to cause bleeding
Local anaesthesia by
infiltration, intraligamentary
or mental nerve blocka
Local anaesthesia by inferior dental block or other regional
nerve blocks
Basic periodontal
examination (BPE)
Supragingival removal of
plaque, calculus and stain
Direct or indirect restorations with supragingival margins
Endodontics - orthograde
Impressions and other
prosthetics procedures
Fitting and adjustment of
orthodontic appliances
What dental procedures have a low risk of post op bleeding complications
Simple extractionsd
(1-3 teeth, with restricted wound size)
Incision and drainage of intraoral swellings
Detailed six-point full
periodontal examination
Root surface debridement
Direct or indirect restorations with subgingival margins
What dental procedues have a higher risk of post op bleeding complications
Complex extractions, adjacent extractions that will cause a large wound or more than 3 extractions at once
Flap raising proceduresf
-Elective surgical extractions
-Periodontal surgery
-Preprosthetic surgery
-Periradicular surgery
-Crown lengthening
-Dental implant surgery
Gingival recontouring
What medical conditions are associated with an increased bleeding risk
Liver disese
Chronic renal failure
Haematological malignancy
Recent chemo
Advanced heart failure
Inherited coag. disorders
Accquired/inherited platelet disorders
Connective tissue disorders
What main drug groups are associated with increase bleeding risk
Cytotoxic drugs or drugs associated with bone marrow suppression
Biologic immunosuppression therapies
Drugs affecting the nervous system
What would you do if the pt is taking anticoags or antiplatelets and requires Tx that is unlikely to cause bleeding
Treat the patient following standard procedures, taking care to avoid causing bleeding
What would you do for a pt that is on a time-limited course of anticoagulant or antiplatelet medication and requires Tx that is likely to cause bleeding
delay non-urgent, invasive dental procedures where possible until the medication has been
If emergency Tx required interrupt the drug treatment in liaison with the surgical consultant
What would you do for a pt that is taking anticoags or antiplatelets and requires Tx that is likely to cause bleeding
Plan treatment for early in the day and week
Provide the patient with pre-treatment instructions e.g. INR
Perfrom Tx as atraumatically as possible with appropriate local measures and only discharge when haemostasis achieved
Advise the patient to take paracetamol, unless contraindicated, for pain relief rather than
NSAIDs such as aspirin, ibuprofen, diclofenac or naproxen
Provide the patient with post-treatment advice and emergency contact details
What conditions would you not, unless told you can, interrupt anticoagulant or antiplatelet therapy
Pt with prosthetic metal heart valves or coronary stents
Pt with pulmonary ebolsim or DVT in past 3 months
Pt on anticoag therapy for cardioversion
If a Pt is taking a DOAC and requires a dental procedure with a low risk of bleeding complications what do you do
treat without interrupting
If a pt is taking a DOAC and requres a dental procedure with a higher risk of bleeding what do you do
Advise them to miss or delay their morning dose on day of dental Tx
What DOAC’s can the pt not take there dose for on the day of dental procedure with a higher risk of bleeding complications
What DOAC’s can the pt delay there morning dose for on the day of a dental procedure with a higher risk of bleeding complications
If a pt is taking a DOAC and requires Tx that is likely to cause bleeding with a low risk of bleeding complications what do you do
Treat the patient according to the general advice for managing bleeding risk without advising the patient to miss or delay a dose of their medication
Plan Tx early in day
Limit Tx area e.g. single XLA
Use local haemostatic measures and consider sutures
What DOAC’s can be taken in the evening that the pt doesn’t need to modify
rivaroxaban or edoxaban in the evening