Antibiotics Flashcards
Describe the use of antibiotics
- Widely used and MISUSED drugs
- 20-50% questionable (1/4 to 1/2 of prescriptions are given incorrectly)
- In HOSPITALS → 30% of drug budget
- 25% of patients have recieved antibiotics within the previous 24hr
- In ITU, 50% are on antibiotics
- 50 million prescriptions per year
- 80% of human use is in the community
- 50% respiratory infecitons
- 15% UTI
What is an antibiotic?
Natural product recovered from fungi and bacteria living in the soil (soil dwellers)
- This is because these organisms have to survive and compete against eachother.
- Their natural antagonism gives a selective advantage over other competitors in the soil. This will kill or inhibit the growth of other organisms
What are most antibiotics derived from?
They are derived from natural products by fermentation then modified chemically.
This is carried out to → Increase pharmacological properties + increase antimicrobial effect
What is the definition of selective toxicity?
When a drug has a selective action against one component and not another
List some principles of selective toxicity for antibiotics as therapeutic agents q
- Based on the differences in the structure and metabolic pathways between the host and pathogen
- It harms the microorganism and not the host
- We want the target to be in the microbe (not host)
- Selective toxicity is difficult for fungi, parasites and viruses as they are obligate intracellular organisms
- It is important to note there is variation between microbes, strains within the same species
What is the therapeutic margin?
We need to make sure that the dose is high enough to kill the infection without producing too much toxicity
The dose between the therapeutic/active dose and the toxic dose is called the therapuetic margin
What is the MIC?
MINIMUM INHIBITORY CONCENTRATION = The concentration at which you have to give a drug in order for it to be effective microbiologically
Describe therapeutic indexes
Narrow Therapeutic Index = A small range of doses at which medication provides benefits without causing severe and fatal complications
- e.g vancomycin and aminoglycosides
- Will have to measure blood levels to make sure antibiotic levels are enough to maintain the MIC but not cause toxicity
- e.g vancomycin and aminoglycosides
- Wide Therapeutic Index = A large range of doses at which the medication will provide benefits without causing severe and potentially fatal complications
What is microbial antagonism
- Concept where one microorganism is producing a substance that inhibits the growth of another
- This will maintain flora as they have complex interactions between themselves that maintain them at a certain level
- They limit growth of competitors + flora
Give an example where microbiota can become disrupted
- Antibiotic use can provide a competitive advantage to spore forming anaerobes compared to non-spore forming anaerobes
- They can also mess up the balance of bacteria in your gut
- e.g clindamycin, broad spectrum lactams and fluoroquinolones
- These can lead to antibiotic associated colitis, psuedomembranous colitis caused by the bacteria Clostridium difficile
What are symptoms of C.difficle?
- Ulcerations - inflammation
- Severe diarrhoea
- Serious hospital cross-infection risks
- See lots of pseudomembranes filled with leucocytes, fibrin, mucous and cell debris
- This means colonocytes can no longer absorb water leading to acute watery diarrhoea
Explain the interaction of antibiotics with the immune system
- Antibiotics will not work alone (ANTIBIOTICS + IMMUNITY → BACTERIAL CLEARANCE)
- The antibiotics in an immunocompetent patient will partly rely on immune system to clear infection
- Seen as in patients who are immunocompromised (difficult to treat their infections with purely ABs)
- E.g. Cancer, chemotherapy, transplantation, myeloma, leukaemia, HIV with low CD4, neutropenic, asplenic, renal disease, diabetics, alcoholics
What are the three ways antibiotics can be classfied?
- Type of activity (bactericidal vs bacteriostatic + spectrum of activity)
- Structure
- Target site of activity
Describe the difference between bactericidal and bacteriostatic antibiotics
- Kill bacteria
- Used when the host defense mechanisms are impaired
- Required in more serios infections → Endocarditis and kidney infections
- Inhibit bacteria
- Used when the host defense mechanisms are intact
Describe the spectrum of activity in antibiotics
- Effective against many different types of bacteria
- For example, à CEFOTAXIME
- Effective against many different types of bacteria
- Effective against very few types of bacteria
- For example, à Penicillin G
- Effective against very few types of bacteria
Describe cephalosporins
- Cephalosporins are modified penicillins
- This illustrates the idea that as we modify antibiotics they change their efficiency against different organisms. It is a balance
- We now use different generation cephalosporins to treat different microorganisms based on their efficacy
Describe how antibiotics can be classified depending on their molecular structure
- Antibiotics can be put into famillies of drugs depending on their molecular structure
- For example tetracyclines and beta lactams
Describe the beta lactam ring
- Both penicillins and cephalosporins contain a beta lactam ring
- Hence why penicillin or cephalosporins are reffered to as beta lactams
- They act as natural competitor substrates for enzymes involved in bacterial cell wall
- Some bacteria have acquired resistance to beta lactams by acquiring beta-lactamases which degrade the beta lactam structure
- Once it has been destroyed the antibiotics will have no antimicrobial properties whatsoever
Remind yourself on the structure of a bacterium
How do antibiotics target cell wall synthesis?
- These bacteria will inhibit cell wall synthesis. If it cant make its cell wall it will die and be cleared
- Examples
- Vancomycin, Cephalosporins and penicillins
Give an example of a cephalosporin
- Good activity against gram + and gram - bacteria
Describe the antibiotic target against protein synthesis in bacteria?
- Erythromycin, Clindamycin (50S), Tetracyclin (30S) , Gentamycin
- Different antibiotics will bind to different ribosomal subunits dependant on the antibiotic
- These exhibit a good selective toxicity because they can inhibit bacterial ribosomes without affecting our eukaryotic ribosomes
Explain how antibiotics can target DNA and RNA processing in bacteria?
- Inhibit the way DNA replicates or transcription of mRNA
- Enzymes in these processes are slightly different to those in eukaryotes and hence display a good selective toxicity
- Quinolones will target and inhibit DNA gyrase
- Rifampicin target enzyme that makes bacterial mRNA (DNA dependant RNA polymerase)
How are antibiotics a target in folic acid metabolism?
- Trimethoprim and sulfonamide
- These inhibit the folic acid metabolism
- Humans cannot synthesise folic acid we get it through our diet
- If bacteria cant make folic acid it will lose its cofactors for multiple enzymes in its metabolism and die
- Good selective target as the enzymes which make folic acid in bacteria are not present in humans (we lack the abillity to synthesise folic acid)