Anthropology Flashcards
What is the cortical bone?
An outer layer of hard, smooth compact bone which is very dense
What is the trabecular bone?
The inner layer is sponge-like bone which is made up of a fine web of thin boney spines
What is the medullary cavity?
The centre contains marrow (a fatty material that houses blood-generating tissues where blood is made)
What are the three main types of cells in bone?
Osteoblasts, osteons and osteoclasts
What are Osteoblasts?
Specialised growth cells which produce bone and deposit it in layers which become encapsulated in a self-made chamber known as lacuna
What is an Osteon?
When an osteoblast becomes fully encapsulated it is referred to as an osteon
What is an Osteoclast?
Cells that actively breaks down and remodels bone as required for growth
How can sex be determined in skeletal remains?
The pelvis is the most accurate followed by the skull
How can the pelvis determine the sex of remains?
- The skeletal anatomy differs significantly in the pelvic region between males and females
- The male pelvis is larger and more robust
- The female pelvis is broader and can exhibit pregnancy-specific traits
- The sciatic notch is wide in females (60 degrees) and narrow in males (30 degrees)
- Ventral arc: present in females but absent in males
- Subpubic cavity: wider and deeper in females and is only slight if at all present in males
- Ischiopubic ramus: flatter and thinner in males and in females is wide and may have a ridge on it
How can the skull determine sex?
Males tend to have larger muscle attachment than females, specifically the brow ridges, mastoid processes, occipital area at the rear of the skull
How can age be determined?
- Main areas are pelvic bones and ribs
- Pubic symphysis: slowly changes over the years from a rough rugged surface to a smooth well defined area -> based on identifying ridges that disappear over time (age)
- Left rib: sternal end of the 4th left rib -> as cartilage between the sternum and ribs age it begins to ossify at a known predictable rate
- Clavicle medial epiphysis