Anterior Triangle of the Neck Flashcards
What are the boundaries of the submandibular triangle?
mandible (superior), posterior belly of the gastric muscle (posterior) & the anterior belly of the gastric muscle (anterior)
What regions do the lymph nodes surrounding the submandibular gland drain?
They drain lymph from the oral cavity and the neck
What blood vessels crosses over the submandibular gland superficially?
- Facial artery; branch from the external carotid artery
2. Facial vein; tributary to the internal jugular vein
Where is the facial vein collecting blood from?
the face and the gland tissue
Describe the course of the facial artery as it relates to the submandibular gland?
The facial artery branches off of the external carotid artery and courses deep to the submandibular gland. When it reaches the submandibular gland it crosses on top of it superficially to course diagonally over the face.
What nerve will you find in the submandibular triangle (HINT: This nerve is going to the tongue.)
Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
What is the relationship between CN XII and the posterior belly of the digastric muscle?
The hypoglossal nerve courses just inferior to the posterior belly of the gastric muscle.
What is the relationship between the hypoglossal nerve and both the mylohyoid and the hyoglossus muscles?
The hypoglossal muscle travels in between a small space in between these two muscles.
What ganglion contains the fibers to and from the submandibular gland? (HINT: This one of the four pairs of parasympathetic ganglia.)
submandibular ganglion
What is the main feature of the submandibular triangle?
the submandibular gland
What are the boundaries of the muscular triangle?
the midline, superior belly of the omohyoid muscle & the sternocleidomastoid muscle
List the 4 strap or infrahyoid muscles.
- omohyoid muscle
- sternohyoid muscle
- sternothyroid muscle
- thyrohyoid muscle
Which of the infrahyoid muscles (strap muscles) are the most superficial?
- omohyoid muscle
2. sternohyoid muscle
Which of the infrahyoid muscles (strap muscles) are deep?
- sternothyroid
- thyrohyoid
(Notice these two muscles have the word “thyro” in them)
In the names of the deep infrahyoid muscles, what does the root “thyro-“ refer too?
It refers to the thyroid cartilage.
What nervous structures innervate the majority of the strap muscles?
the ansa cervicalis
Note the ansa cervicalis does not innervate the thyrohyoid muscle
Which muscle is innervated by C1 only?
thyrohyoid muscle
Which spinal nerves have ventral rami that contribute to the ansa cervicalis?
C1, C2 & C3
What is the general function of the strap muscles?
The infrahyoid or strap muscles function to depress the hyoid bone during swallowing.
If you cut and reflect all of the strap muscles, what gland would you be viewing?
thyroid gland
What arteries serve the thyroid gland?
- superior thyroid artery
2. inferior thyroid artery
What veins drain the thyroid gland?
superior, middle and inferior thyroid gland
What is the sympathetic innervation of the thyroid gland?
sympathetic postganglionic fibers
Where are the cell bodies of the postganglionic neurons to the thyroid gland located?
Middle and inferior sympathetic cervical ganglion
Where are the parathyroid glands located?
The parathyroid glands are located on the posterior aspect of each thyroid lobe.
The recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN) is a branch of the ___________ nerve.
vagus nerve (CN X)
Where does the branching of the recurrent laryngeal nerve occur on the left side of the body?
at the aortic arch
Where does the branching of the recurrent laryngeal nerve occur on the right side of the body?
at the right subclavian artery
What is the relationship of the RLN to the trachea and the esophagus?
The recurrent laryngeal nerve ascends superiorly towards the larynx in a groove formed between the trachea and the esophagus.
What three nerves comprise the “nerve triad”?
- Recurrent laryngeal nerve
- Vagus nerve
- Phrenic nerve
What is the most medial nerve in the “nerve triad”?
Recurrent laryngeal nerve
NOTE: medial means closest to the midline of the body
What nerve is in the middle of the “nerve triad”?
the Vagus nerve
What nerve is most lateral in the nerve triad?
The phrenic nerve is most lateral.
NOTE: Lateral means closest sides of the body, or farthest from the center.
What 3 structures are the main feature of the carotid triangle?
The 3 structures of the carotid sheath:
- common carotid artery
- internal jugular vein
- vagus nerve
What are the boundaries of the carotid triangle?
- posterior belly of the digastric muscle
- midline
Describe the location of the 3 structure in the carotid sheath from medial to lateral.
Medial to lateral
- common carotid artery
- vagus nerve
- jugular vein
When the sheath of the carotid sheath is intact, what structures do you find embedded?
ansa cervicalis; supplies innervation to the infrahyoid muscles (strap muscles).
What fasciae of the neck form the carotid sheath?
All three!
- prevertebral fascia
- investing fascia
- pretracheal fascia
How many branches of the external carotid artery will you find in the carotid triangle?
2 Terminal: superficial temporal artery, maxillary artery
6 Branching: Posterior auricular, occipital, facial, lingual, ascending pharyngeal artery, superior thyroid artery
Describe the location of the 3 structure in the carotid sheath from medial to lateral.
Medial to lateral
- common carotid artery
- vagus nerve
- jugular vein
When the sheath of the carotid sheath is intact, what structures do you find embedded?
ansa cervicalis; supplies innervation to the infrahyoid muscles (strap muscles).
What fasciae of the neck form the carotid sheath?
All three!
- prevertebral fascia
- investing fascia
- pretracheal fascia
How many branches of the external carotid artery will you find in the carotid triangle?
2 Terminal: superficial temporal artery, maxillary artery
6 Branching: Posterior auricular, occipital, facial, lingual, ascending pharyngeal artery, superior thyroid artery
What does the name of each branch of the external carotid artery tell you?
The targeted organ or area
What two cranial nerves will you see in the carotid triangle?
Accessory Nerve (CN XI) and the Hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)
What is the target for the accessory nerve (CN XI), that can be found running in the carotid triangle?
2. Trapezius muscle
What is the target for the hypoglossal nerve (CN XII), that can be found running in the carotid triangle?
Innervates the intrinsic and extrinsic nerves of the tongue. Note, it DOES NOT innervate the submandibular gland, despite being very close in proximity.
Name the two important arterial relationships of CN XII (hypoglossal nerve) at the very superior portion of this carotid triangle.
- ???
What is the relationship of the accessory nerve to the SCM?
CN XI is deep to the SCM; it is also the nervous structure responsible for the innervation of the SCM.
What is the relationship of the hypoglossal nerve (CN XII) to the posterior belly of the digastric muscle?
The hypoglossal nerve runs just inferior to the posterior belly of the digastric muscle.
What structure(s) are innervated by the hypoglossal nerve (CN XII)?
The hypoglossal nerve innervates the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the tongue with the exception of one extrinisic muscle, the palatoglossal muscle which is innervated by the palatoglossal nerve via CN X, the vagus nerve.
What type of fibers does the hypoglossal nerve contain?
motor fibers???
The fibers of which nerve hitchhike a ride along the hypoglossal and then leave to innervate the thyrohyoid muscle?
C1 fibers
What is the ansa cervicalis?
The ansa cervicalis is a nerve plexus formed by the ventral rami of spinal nerves C1, C2, and C3.
The ansa cervicalis is a component of which plexus?
The fibers that comprise the ansa cervicalis come from which spinal cord levels?
C1, C2 and C3
Which muscles are innervated by the ansa cervicalis?
All of the strap muscles, EXCEPT the thyrohyoid.
- omohyoid
- sternohyoid
- sternothyroid
What is the carotid sinus?
The carotid sinus is a baroreceptor that monitors changes in arterial blood pressure.
What is the carotid body?
The carotid body is a chemoreceptor that monitors the blood pO2 and pCO2 levels.
What nerves innervate the carotid sinus? What kind of fibers are involved?
Visceral sensory fibers from CN IX
What nerves innervate the carotid body? What kind of fibers are involved?
Visceral sensory fibers from CN X
What muscles form the floor of the submental triangle?
- Both anterior bellies of the R and L digastric muscles
2. Mylohyoid muscle
What are the general contents of the submental triangle?
- R and L anterior bellies of the digastric muscle
- Mylohyoid muscle
- Stylohyoid muscle
Which lymph nodes are found in the submental triangle?