Anterior neck Flashcards
What makes up the cervical plexus?
The anterior rami of C1-C5
What are the sensory branches of the cervical plexus and there origin?
Lesser occipital nerve (C2)
Greater auricular nerve (C2 and C3)
Transverse cervical nerve (C2 and C3)
Supraclavicular nerves (C3 and C4)
What is the arterial supply of the anterior neck?
Facial artery occipital artery Posterior auricular artery all of the above arise from ECA subclavian artery
What is the venous drainage of the anterior neck?
Anterior jugular veins
Tributaries of facial, occipital and post auricular
What are the boundaries of the anterior triangle of the neck?
Lower border of the body of mandible
Anterior border of SCM
How many head does SCM have and what are they and where do they insert?
Sternal and clavicular
insert on mastoid proccess of temporal bone
What nerve innervates SCM?
CNXI - accessory nerves
Action of SCM?
Flex the neck anteriorly and laterally
rotate the head to opposite side
Name the suprahyoid muscles
ant and pos bellies of digastric
mylohyoid muscle
geniohyoid muscle
stylohyoid muscle
What supra hyoid muscles are attached to the hyoid bone?
mylohyoid muscle
geniohyoid muscle
stylohyoid muscle
How are the ant and pos bellies of digastric connectd?
Intermediate tendon
What is the role of the suprahyoid muscles?
Elevation of the hyoid bone during swallowing
What nerve innervates the ant belly of gastric muscle
mylohyoid nerve
Innervation of post belly of digastric
facial nerve
innervation of mylohyoid muscle
mylohyoid nerve
innervation of geniohyoid muscle
Innervation of stylohyoid muscle
Facial nerve
What are the infrahyoid muslces
Role of infrahyoid muscles
Depression of hyoid bone
Innervation of sternohyoid
Ansa cervicalis
Innervation of sternothyroid
Ansa cervicalis
innervation of Thyrohyoid
C1 via hypoglossal
Innervation of omohyoid
Ansa cervicalis