Antepartum care Flashcards
Above what beta-hCG level can a gestational sac be seen on ultrasound?
2000 mlU/ml
How much does beta-hCG rise by in a normal pregnancy?
By at least 50% every 48 hours for the first 42 days
What are the treatment guidelines for Rh-negative women?
300 micrograms RhoGam (Anti-D-immunoglobulin) is administered to D-negative, non-sensitized mothers prophylactically at 28 weeks gestation (after an indirect Coombs’ test) and within 72 hours of delivering an Rh-positive baby, following spontaneous or induced abortion, following antepartum hemorrhage and following amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling. If the father is known to be Rh-negative, RhoGAM is not necessary.
What are postterm pregnancies associated with?
Placental sulfatase deficiency, fetal adrenal hypoplasia, anencephaly and inaccurate/unknown dates.
What is a bluish color of the cervix (Chadwick’s sign) an indication of?
Pregnancy - due to increased blood flow to the cervix
How is estimated due date determined using 1st trimester ultrasound vs. LMP?
If the early ultrasound and reliable LMP dating is within one week, the LMP is used; if not the ultrasound dating is used.
What fetal ultrasound measurement is the most accurate for predicting fetal weight?
Abdominal circumference
What change in the systolic/diastolic ratio of the umbilical artery reflects increased vascular resistance?
A decrease in the S/D ratio (more diastolic pressure compared to systolic)
What are contraindications to external cephalic version?
Ruptured membranes, abnormal fetal heart tracing, oligohydramnios
What is a normal non-stress test result?
It is considered normal (reactive) if there are at least 2 accelerations of the fetal heart rate.
How many centimeters of a discrepancy between a fundal height and gestational age should an ultrasound be obtained?
A discrepancy of 3 cm or more
Of the minor blood type antibodies, what should be known about anti-Lewis, anti-Kell, and anti-Duffy antibodies?
Lewis lives, Kell kills, Duffy dies
What do BPP scores indicate?
A BPP s core of 8 or 10 i s normal. A score of 0 to 2 dictates imminent delivery, because fetal asphyxia is probable. Scores of 4 to 6 require repeat testing and delivery if persistent.
At how many weeks is Rho-gam usually given?
At how many weeks is GBS screening done?