Antepartum Flashcards
Pregnancy Trimesters
1st: 1-12 weeks
2nd: 13-27 weeks
3rd: 28-40 weeks
Diagnosing Signs of Pregnancy (3)
- presumptive (general)
- probable
- positive
Presumptive signs of pregnancy
cessation of menses, N/V, Breast changes, urinary frequency, fatigue, elevation of body temp, leakage of colostrum(breast milk), increased saliva
“Quickening”- mother’s perception of fetal movement
Probable signs of Pregnancy
Piskaceks sign, Goodells sign, Chadwicks sign, Hegars sign, McDonalds sign, uterine souffle, ballotment
Positive signs of pregnancy
auscultation of feta heart tones, visualization of fetus, fetal movement felt by mother
Piskacek’s sign
asymmetry of uterus, one side is rough
Goodell’s sign
softening of the cervix
Chadwick’s sign
blue color or cervix and other lady parts
Hegar’s sign
softening and compressing of uterine isthmus (inferior/posterior)- lower portion of uterus
McDonald’s sign
flexing of the uterus against cervix
Uterine Souffle
blowing sound from increased blood flow, palpation of fetal outline
fetal movement witnessed by palpation
Naegele’s Rule
To date pregnancy: first day of last period +7 days, -3 months
Uterine Size
8 weeks= egg, 10 weeks=orange, 12 weeks= grapefruit
top of uterus, farthest fro cervix