Antenatal care + Antenatal screening Flashcards
Outline the antenatal screening process
Before 10 weeks = Folic acid 400mcg + Vitamins + Food safety advice + Stop smoking/alcohol/drugs
At 10 weeks = Blood test > FBC, HIV/Syphilis/Hep B, G&S + DAT, Haemoglobinopathy screen (Thalassaemia + Sickle cell)
At 12 weeks = Dating USS scan + Nuchal translucency + Combined blood test
At 20 weeks = Anomaly scan
What risks does alcohol pose to the fetus
Risk of:
- Low birth weight
- Pre-term birth
- Small for gestational age
- Fetal alcohol syndrome??
Which prophylactic antibiotic should be given to Group B streptococci positive mothers?
Prophylactic Benzylpenicillin 3mg IV initially followed by 1.5mg every 4 hours during labour
(note, if expected to have Group B strep - swabs are performed at 35-37 weeks [3-5 weeks prior to expected delivery])
Which risks are an indicator for Oral Glucose Tolerance Screening of gestational diabetes mellitus (name 3)
BMI >30
Previous macrosomic baby (>4.5kg)
Previous gestational diabetes
FHx of diabetes in first-degree relative
Ethnicity with high prevalence of diabetes (eg South asia, Caribbean, Middle eastern)
How is gestational diabetes mellitus screened?
If risks of GDM is present then Screen with 2 hour 75g Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT)
NOT > Fasting plasma glucose, HbA1C, Presence of glycosuria
How is Gestational Diabetes Mellitus managed?
Stop any pre-existing oral hypoglycaemics (don’t stop Metformin)
- Refer to joint diabetes-antenatal clinic + Dietician + 30 minutes exercise daily
- If above unsuccessful after 1-2 weeks = Metformin (Gilbenclamide if cant tolerate)
- If targets still not met with steps 1+2 = Add-on additional insulin
– Ensure GlucoGel + Glucagon kit provided + partner knows how to use if on insulin
What additional medications are provided for Gestational diabetes mellitus?
In addition to the Metformin/Insulin requirements:
Folic acid 5mg + Aspirin in 1st trimester»_space; reduce risk of hypertension (esp Pre-eclampsia)
What additional imaging requirements are used for Gestational diabetes mellitus?
Fetal growth scans (every 4 weeks) from 28-36 weeks
What are the changes to the delivery process in Gestational diabetes mellitus?
o Pre-existing Diabetes = ELECTIVE DELIVERY from 37-38+6 weeks
o Uncomplicated GDM = by 40+6 weeks delivery
o If Macrosomia = discussion regarding risks + benefits of induction of labour, vaginal birth and caesarean section (2-4x higher risk of shoulder dystocia)
Pre-term labour = give Corticosteroids (use sliding scale for 24h after last dose of steroid)
What monitoring is required during labour in Gestational diabetes mellitus?
Continuous fetal monitoring
Avoid hypERglycaemia (causes neonatal hypoglycaemia) – use sliding scale if DM on insulin or GDM >7mmol/L»_space; Aim = 4-7mmol/L
» Halve insulin infusion on delivery of placenta in T1DM.
» Stop infusions at delivery in GDM and T2DM if not on insulin pre-pregnancy (return to pre-pregnancy regimen again).
What pre-conception counseling is given to women with pre-existing diabetes?
Use contraception until good blood glucose control (HbA1C <=48mmol/L)
Take Folic acid 5mg daily until 12 weeks gestation
Aim = BMI<27 (only lose weight prior to pregnancy; don’t attempt weight-loss during pregnancy)
Stop oral hypoglycaemics (except metformin), Statins, ACEi + ARBs
Treat retinopathy pre-pregnancy (retinopathy screen; <=20% develop proliferative retinopathy in pregnancy)
o Nephropathy may worsen antenatally; if severe; avoid pregnancy.
Give 5 risk factors for pre-eclampsia
o Age >=40
o Nulliparity
o Pregnancy interval >10 years
o FHx of pre-eclampsia
o PMHx of pre-eclampsia
o BMI >=30kg/m2 (Obesity)
o Pre-existing vascular disease such as Hypertension
o Pre-existing renal disease
o Multiple pregnancy
What are the criteria for admission with pre-eclampsia?
sBP >=160mmHg = Admit + treat
dBP >=110mmHg = Admit + treat
BP >140/90 + Significant proteinuria = Admit + treat
Significant symptoms = Admit + treat
What are the symptoms of pre-eclampsia patients should look out for?
Severe headache
Visual problems (blurring or flashing before the eyes)
Severe epigastric or RUQ pain
Sudden swelling of the face, hands or feet.
What are the components of the combined test?
Pregnancy associated plasma peptide A (PAPP-A)
Maternal age
Nuchal translucency
Assesses for Patau syndrome (13), Edwards syndrome (18), Down’s syndrome (21)
What are the conditions assessed for on the 20 week anomaly scan?
Serious cardiac abnormalities
Spina bifida (open)
Omphalocele + Gastroschisis
Bilateral renal agenesis
Lethal skeletal dysplasia
Cleft lip
What are the components of the in-person antenatal appointments?
Blood pressure + Urine dip
From 24 weeks = Symphysis-Fundal height
From 36 weeks = SFH + Check fetal presentation (USS if uncertain)
NO routine auscultation (unless required)
NO routine “Formal” fetal movement counting
NO routine antenatal CTG in uncomplicated pregnancy (no benefit)
How many antenatal appointments should a nulliparous and parous woman have
Uncomplicated + Nulliparous = 10 appointments
Uncomplicated + Parous = 7 appointments
Give 2 indications for further scans in pregnancy
Low lying placenta at 20 weeks [= Rescan at 32 weeks]
Suspected Small for Dates on clinical examination / customised growth charts
Suspected Malpresentation on clinical examination
From 42 weeks, women who decline induction of labour should be offered ultrasound estimation of maximum amniotic pool depth
What management is offered in pregnancy after 41 weeks?
Pregnancy after 41 weeks:
o Offer Membrane sweep
o Induction of labour beyond 41 weeks
If Induction of labour declined >=42 weeks»_space; increase surveillance = CTG + USS
When should External Cephalic Version be offered?
Breech presentation at term»_space; Offer External Cephalic Version after 36 weeks in uncomplicated singleton
- Give anti-D to Rh-ve mothers
Give 3 indications for Chorionic villus sampling // Amniocentesis
Maternal age,
High risk for aneuploidy screening,
Abnormal ultrasound findings,
Parental translocation,
Maternal request
Give 3 risks of Amniocentesis
Rhesus sensitisation,