Antenatal Care Flashcards
What are the aims of antenatal care?
- Detect and manage pre-existing maternal disorders
- Prevent or detect and manage maternal complications of pregnancy
- Prevent or detect and manage fetal complications of pregnancy
- Plan pregnancy care to ensure maximum safety
- Provide education and advice regarding lifestyle and minor conditions of pregnancy
List the aspects of preconceptual care and counselling
- Previous pregnancies
- Traumatic
- Discuss implications of another pregnancy - Health check - better if before conception
- Rubella status - checked so can be immunised before pregnancy if needed
- Optimise health in chronic disease (e.g. DM)
- Medication - optimised for pregnancy
- Folic acid - 0.4mg/day
What is the purpose of the booking visit?
To screen for possible complications that may arise in pregnancy, labour and the puerperium
What considerations are there in relation to age?
- Increased risk of obstetric and medical complications if <17 or >35
- Chromosomal trisomies increased with maternal age
How is the pregnancy dated?
- US used to date all pregnancies except IVF
- Can use Nagles rule to get EDD
What considerations are there in relation to past obstetric history?
- Obstetric disorders have a significant recurrence rate
What considerations are there in relation to past gynaecological history?
- Previous gynae surgery may influence delivery recommendations are increase pre-term labour risk
What is important in the past medical history?
- DM
- Autoimmune disease
- Haemoglobinopathy
- Thromboembolic disease
- Cardiac or renal disease
- Past mental illness (increased suicide risk)
What considerations are there in relation to medications?
- Contraindicated drugs should be changed
What considerations are there in relation to family history?
- GDM risk increased if first degree relative diabetic
- HTN, thromboembolic and autoimmune disease, pre-eclampsia = all familial
What considerations are there in relation to personal/social history?
- Domestic violence
List the appropriate examination steps done on the booking visit
- General health and nutritional status
- BMI - >30 = increased complications
- Baseline BP - pre-existing HTN is a risk factor for pre-eclampsia
- Abdominal exam - this is limited before 3rd trimester
List the booking investigations
- Ultrasound scan
- Booking bloods
- Urine microscopy and culture
- Urinalysis
- Other tests depending on risk factors
List the routine booking bloods and explain why they are done
- FBC - pre-existing anaemia
- Blood group and antibody screen - to see if possibility of intrauterine isoimmunisation
- Syphilis - routine due to implications for the fetus
- Rubella immunity - if not immune vaccination offered postnatally
- HIV - counselling offered if positive
- Hep B - counselling offered if positive
List the other tests that can be done during antenatal care and give indications for them
- Oral glucose tolerance test - at risk women but done later in pregnancy
- Haemoglobinelectrophoresis - done in at risk women for sickle cell and thalassaemia
- Screening for infections implicated in preterm labour (not routine)
- Urine microscopy and culture - for asymptomatic bacteriuria
- Urinalysis - glucose, protein, nitrites