Antenatal care Flashcards
what are the determinants of gestational age
- SFH up to 18 weeks
- ultrasound < 24 weeks
- LNMP with sure dates
(cycle needs to be regular and not on hormonal contraceptives)
how is EDD calculated
Naegeles rule (1st date of LNMP + 7 DAYS + 9 MONTHS)
name 9 screening indications for a OGTT
- previous GDM
- BMI >25
- Age > 35
- 1st degree relative with diabetes
- previous big baby
- previous unexplained still birth
- previous RDS at term
- 2 episodes of glycosuria
- macrosomnia and polyhydromnions
how does a OGTT work
you need a fasting blood test
<5,5 is normal
5,5 to 7 is IGT
>7 is GDM
give 75g of glucose –> test in 2 hours
- Test glucose in 2hrs
- <7.8 mmol/L normal
- 7.8-11 mmol/L IGT
- >11 mmol/LGDM
what is a Gravidogram for and how does it work
- Monitors foetal growth
- Should stay on same centile line throughout
- If SFH crosses a line investigate and refer
- Note:
- Make sure you write the date for each plot
- Plot on the 50th centile for patients who don’t know how far they are.
- Write your name above the date where you recorded
- Tick/circle if it’s by dates or U/S
causes of enlarged SFH for dates:
- Incorrect dates
- Multiple pregnancy
- Macrosomia
- Polyhydramnios (fetal abnormality, maternal diabetes, multiple pregnancy, infection
- Uterine pathology
- Full bladder
causes of Smaller SFH:
- Incorrect dates
- Oligohydramnios
what is the management of enlarged SFH
- Ensure empty bladder
- Recheck gestational age by reviewing initial method use and comparing it to others.
- If more than 2 weeks difference between SFH and dates, use SFH - Ultrasound to exclude multiple pregnancy, EFW and fetal biometry, uterine pathology
- Amniotic fluid index to exclude polyhydramnio
what is the management for smaller SFH
- Recheck gestational age by reviewing initial method use and comparing it to others.
- If more than 3 weeks difference between SFH and dates, use SFH - Ultrasound to exclude IUGR, EFW and fetal biometry
- Amniotic fluid index (5-20 N) to exclude oligohydramnios, may indicate ROM
- Auscultate FHR to exclude IUD
- Count FM
- Doppler studies
- Biophysical profile
- Sterile speculum to exclude ROM, red litmus paper turning blue, Ferning, amniosure
What are the risk factors for IUGR
- Malnutrition
- Smoking
- Substance abuse
- Previous IUGR baby
- Multiple pregnancy
What are the clinical findings of IUGR
- SFH small for GA
- Small hard head
- Oligohydramnios
- Irritable uterus
What is the management of IUGR
- Identify cause and find reversible factors
- Monitor fetal growth
- Ultrasound biometry (BPD, HC, AC, FL), AFI - Monitor fetal well-being
- Doppler, CTG, fetal movements - Decide when is best time to deliver fetus
What are the uses of U/S
- Diagnose pregnancy
- Determine GA < 24 weeks
- Diagnose multiple pregnancies
- Identify placenta site
- Diagnose severe congenital anomalies
- Assess fetal growth by biometry (BPD, HC, AC, FL)
- Assess amniotic fluid (AFI)
- Assess fetal heart movement when decreased FM and suspected IUD
- Difficult abdominal palpation
What are the causes of decreased fetal movement
- Fetus sleep (40mins)
- Fetal growth restriction
- Small for gestational age
- Placental insufficiency
- Oligohydramnios
- Intrauterine infections
what is the fetal kick/movement chart for and how does it work
- Chart that mother’s take home to document fetal movements when there is concern
of decreased fetal movements and it is confirmed that the fetus is not in immediate
risk by measuring SFH, u/s, auscultate FHR and if needed CTG - Mom must sit down in quiet area at home 4 times a day for half an hour and tick
every time baby kicks. Add up ticks for each half hour. Then add total of half hours. - If less than 10 a day or more than 3 periods pass without kicking report to
hospital for CTG
what are the maternal indications for a CTG
- Severe HPT, pre-eclampsia
- Induction/augmentation of labour
- Previous C/S in labour
- Suspected growth restriction
- Chorioamnionitis, sepsis, or pyrexia
- Previous stillbirth or HIE
- Prolonged pregnancy
- Pelvic bleeding