Antenatal Flashcards
Name some of the complications of venepunture
Pain Bleeding/bruising Infection Thrombosis Arterial puncture Needle stick injury Contamination with bodily fluids
Site of venepuncture
Median cubital vein
What is the purpose of sodium citrate in a blood collection bottle ?
Anti- coagulant
Prevents clotting
How can the vein be made more prominent?
Stroke vein
Clench/unclench fist
What is group and save?
When you take the sample and the lab defines the blood group and saves these results
What is cross match?
After group and save they then cross match some blood and prepare it for use for that patient
What are the aims of an abdominal palpation?
Check fetal size and growth
Listen to fetal heart
Locate areas of the fetus
Reassure of normality / look for deviations from normality
Preparation steps for abdominal palpation
Empty Bladder Semi- recumbent position Flat hard surface Explain procedure, gain consent Wash hands Maintain privacy
What are you looking for during inspection of the abdomen
Shape Size Fetal movement Skin changes (scars/bruising) Stretch marks Dark line
What is the pregnancy term for stretch marks?
Striae gravidarum
What is the pregnancy term for the dark line running down the abdomen?
Linea Nigra
What are the 5 steps to an abdominal palpation?
Estimate gestation Fundal palpation Lateral palpation Pelvic palpation Auscultation
Why do you measure the fundal height?
To assess gestation/ growth
What is the term “presentation” used to describe and what are the 3 options of presentation
This determines the direction the fetus is facing (presented)
Unstable lie
What is the term “lie” used to describe and what are the 3 options of lie?
Why is a paper tape measure used in fundal height measurement?
It is non-elastic
It is disposable
What does the “lie” describe the relationship between?
The long axis of the fetus and the long axis of the uterus
What is the “position” of the fetus and what are the 6 fetal positions?
What do the three letters in fetal position stand for?
R- fetal back towards the mothers right
L- fetal back towards the mothers left
O- occipitus (back of fetal head)
A- occipitus faces anterior end of pelvis (occipitus faces up, face down)
P- occipitus faces the posterior end of pelvis ( back of head faces down, face up)
L-occipitus is lateral (facing side of pelvis)
What does the fetal attitude describe?
The relationship of the fetal head and limbs to its body
The part of the presentation used to indicate the position
What are 2 devices used to auscultate the fetal heart at home and what are the 2 methods in hospital?
Name 3 indications to give abdominal palpation
On admission to hospital
Prior to auscultation of fetal heart
Each antenatal assessment
In which 3 situations should an abdominal palpation not be performed?
Placental abruption
Preterm labour
If mother refuses consent
What are 5 presentations of the fetus?
Vertex Breech Brow Face Shoulder
Define the term engagement
The extent to which the transverse diameter of the fetal head has passed through the pelvic brim
What is flexion?
When the fetus tilts it’s head, chin into its chest
What is crowning?
When the baby’s head starts to emerge with every contraction
What happens during internal rotation?
The head rotates so that the occiput faces the anterior side of the pelvis/ to oblique position
What happens during external rotation?
The shoulders rotate into an oblique or anterior- posterior orientation encouraging the fetal head to return to a transverse position
Where is the median cubital vein located?
In the antecubital fossa
What does oligohydramnious mean?
Not enough fluid around the baby