Answering questions (what to include, format etc.) Flashcards
25 markers - How fair is…?
Summary of interpretation
Why is it fair?
Why is it unfair?
Final decision
20 markers (+5) - Explain why…
P1 Explain the arguments in the interpretation
P2 Disagree / agree
P3 Disagree / agree
P4 Conclusion and judgement.
18 markers
2 explained points for each side of the argument (4 points total)
Conclusion - judgement
10 markers
2 paragraphs, each outlining a different reason / factor
5 markers
2x brief point / development + links to the question
Source questions
2 markers
Describe the thing and explain what it was
4 markers
2x point for choice of thing, point for description
14 markers - How significant was…
Explanation and analysis with a focus on what has changed
7-8 examples and brief explanation of each
conclusion on how significant these things were.