ANS/Adaptation Flashcards
Acute Adaptation:
- 3 acute responses of heart?
- Effects of B adrenergic signalling?
- Effects of isotonic exercise? (4)
- Effects of isometric exercise? (4)
- Length dependent activation; inotropic; increase HR
- Increase cAMP and PKA
- Decrease afterload; increase preload; increase adrenergics (HR and inotropy); same EDV but greater ESV
- Increase afterload; increase HR; No change in CO; volumes don’t change but greater point where aortic valve opens
Chronic Adaptation:
- Altered sizes and shapes? (3) Relation to width and length?
- Myosin isoforms with physio hypertrophy? ATPase activity? With patho hypertrophy?
- Changes in structure are quantitative? qualitative? Meaning?
- LVH molecular mechanism?
- LV function in relation to 30% MI?
- ) Dilation: Big increase in length comapred to width
- ) Patho hypertrophy: Greater width than length
- ) Physio hyper: Greater length than width
- More aa with greater ATPase activity; more BB with less ATPase activity
- Yes; yes; geno/pheno plascicty
- Ca dependent phosphatase (calcneurin) removes phosphate from NFAT which acts as TF for cardiac growth and remodeling
- More than 30% related insult to EF
ANS innervates? (3) How many synapses?
- Nuclei vs ganglia?
- Nuclei of solitary tract do what?
- Ratio of pre and post ganglia in SNS vs. PNS?
- Ach works on? (2) Non GCPR? NE works on? (2)
- Role of SNS? (4)
- Role of PNS? (3)
- Drug that mimics SNS? PNS?
- What tells hypo/Post. Pit to release vasopressin?
- Role of adrenal medulla? Innervated by?
- Baro reflex? (2) Overall effect? Also acts on?
- SM/cardiac/glands; multiple compared to SM
- Nuclei = cluster of cell bodies in CNS; “ “ in PNS
- In medulla convey visceral sensory input
- SNS = 1:10; PNS = 1:3
- nicotinic (non GCPR) and muscarinic; a and B adrenergic
- Increase BP, HR, Ino, BV via constriction
- Decrease BP, HR, Ino, NOT BV dilation
- Atropine; Propranolol
- Renin
- Release NE, E, Dopa; pre gang sympathetics
- Baro –> Solitary tract –> Release GABA (inh) or Glutamate (exc) –> Gaba = less NE; Gluta = more Ach; decrease BP; medulla