ANS Flashcards
M1, 3, 5 : Result of ligand Binding
Gq + PLC
Formation of IP3( increaes intracellular calcium) and DAG (increases PKC)
M2,4: Result of Ligand Binding
Opening of Potassium channels and inhibition of adenylyl cyclase
M1 location
CNS NEURONS, sympathetic postganglionic neurons, some presynaptic sites;
Gastric parietal cells
M2 receptor locations
myocardium, smooth muschle, some presynaptic sites; CNS neurons
M3 receptor sites
Exocrine glands, vessels (sm. muscle and endothelium); CNS neurons
Pupillary sphincter muscle contraction (miosis) and ciliary contraction (accomodation)
M4 receptor sites
CNS neurons; possibly vagal nerve endings
M5 receptor locations
Vascular endothelium, especially cerebral vessels; CNS neurons
Nn locations
Autonomic System
Postganglionic neurons, some presynaptic cholinergic terminals
Adrenal gland (Chromaffin cell)
Nm locations
Somatic System
skeletal muscle neuromuscular end plates
Alpha receptors (1&2) locations
Vascular smooth muscle, presynaptic nerve terminals and platelets and in the brain
Beta receptor locations (1-3)
most types of smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, some presynaptic nerve terminals and in the brain
alpha 1 Receptor ligand binding effect
Gq activates PLC leading to increased DAG and IP3/Ca
alpha2 Receptor ligand binding effect
Gi inhibits AC leading to decreased cAMP
Gi activates K+ channel leading to hyperpolarization
Beta 1-3 receptor ligand binding effect
Gs activates AC and increases cAMP. Beta 2 activates Gi under some conditions
alpha 1 location
Postsynaptic effector cells, especially smooth muscles
Effector Organs: Arterioles in skin, mucosa, viscera, kidney (Resistance Vessels)
Veins, Uterus and Spleen
alpha 2 location
Presynaptic Adrenergic Nerve Terminals (endings), platelets, lipocytes, smooth muscle
Postsynaptic in CNS
beta 1 location
postsynaptic effector cells, especially Heart, lipocytes, Brain, Kidney
Presynaptic aderenergic cholineergic nerve terminals
Juxtaglomreular apparaguts of renal tubules
Ciliary body epithelium
Beta 2 location
postsynaptic effector cells, esp. smooth muscle and cardiac muscle
Prominent Effector Organs: arterioles (& arteries in skeletal muscle, coronary)
Bronchial Muscle
Pregnant Uterus
beta 3 location
postsynaptic effector cells, esp. Adipoe tissue: lipocytes, heart
D1 location
Renal, mesenteric, and cerebral arterioles
alpha 1 selective agonist and antagonist
Agonist: Phenylephrine
Antagonist: Prazosin
Alpha 2 Selective Agonist and Antagonist
Agonist: Clonidine
Antagonist: Yohimbine
D1 Selective Agonist
Beta 1 selective Agonist and Antagonist
Agonist: Dobutamine
Antagonist: Atenolol
Beta 2 selective agonist and antagonist
Agonist: Albuterol
Antagonist: Butoxamine
Nonselective beta 1 and beta 2 agoonists and antaganist
Agonist: Isoproterenol
Antagonist: Propranolol